
She is a brat!!



"unh.. Uh..? " Airi opened her eyes to meet the ceiling. She rose up, her head felt heavy.. 

"what...? "  she  couldn't remember the latter.

What..?... Was she dreaming?  When did she fell asleep?

"You okay..?  " A sound snapped her out of her daze.

"Wha..what..?!! " she answered/yelled back to Shizune,who almost choked.

"Are you alright..? " She asked,concerned, and Airi just noded.

"Your hands are trembling.. " she voiced,  and the girl eyed at her hands..

Indeed.. She was shaking.  Why..?

A hand gripped her shoulders.

"Did you not sleep well?  You look tired. " the medic nin asked hesistating a bit before she continued.

"If you want... You can rest some more. But, the Seventh and the others have to wait, for your arrival.."

There was a pause and neither said anything.

"Your friend ,Saruto is waiting as well.. " she added, her eyes soft..

Realisation would always hit the girl like a truck... 

"WHAT?! " she yelled.

"ITS ALREADY MORNING DATTE—?!" Shizune's eyes widened at the last word before Airi sweat dropped ["C-crap!! "]

"*fake cough*  *fake cough*... I mean D-DAMN IT!! " She said coughing more..  Shizune stared in utter confusion before chuckling "Alright... Now let me get you all cleaned up before we get more late. " she said and Airi noded with a "Yes!! ".

She ran to the door before getting dragged by the collar making her stumble back a few steps.

"What...?" she gazed back at the accused person ,and Shizune smiled back.

"Like I said.. Let me get you all cleaned up first! " She said handing her some clothes ,she didn't meant to use force on the girl, but that was about the only thing she could do to stop her.

"No!  I'll change later! " She said.

"Uh-Uh.. You're doing it now! " Shizune replied a little firmly, she was quite amazed.. this girl was completely different from last night...

Geez, this could turn out to be quite some work for her.

"I'm  going to visit Ni-eh- Saruto first!" This girl was getting better and better at arguing  with people.  Though it wasn't anything to brag about, but it was not less than a life time achievement for her.

For some ideal girl she once was,  she was now getting into the colour of the world.

Shizune grabbed her tightly removing her shoes, while the girl thrashed her legs, almost kicking her once.

How was she so... powerfull?   The girl could barely move her thighs getting grabbed tightly but she didn't gave up.

She dragged herself out the door, clutching on to the handle while the medic nin pulled her legs to the inside.

She kept yelling and thrashing but no one came to her rescue..

Aftet a while of both of them getting nowhere... Was when Shizune decided to use her brat-taming-tactic.

"Get changed!.  You sure don't wanna get smelly in those do you? " she eyed her head to toe..

Airi haulted at once..

S-smelly..?  Was she smelly?

"Heh. Worked! " The medic nin thought in delight before something caught her eyes.

"Now that I think about it.. What the hell are you even wearing? "she couldn't held in her chuckle.

Airi pouted at that "Hey! Don't mock them! They are ninja clothes!!" she said.

"heh..Se-he-riously..?  You sure need an update girl.. Ninjas don't wear such.... Clothes." she held her mouth with her hand to hold in any more giggling.

While Airi was practically stabbed by that.  What was she saying?  Wasn't she wearing a shinobi costume? What the hell?!

"Here.. These belong to a girl named Himawari.. She is sweet,you two might become even good friends. " Shizune added, but the pouting girl was too much in thought to hear the medic nin.

Airi nodded,still a little annoyed "Gimme that!! .. It would take just a few seconds anyway ,datte-er- doing it.. " she said and Shizune chuckled again.

Seconds...  So much for accuracy, the girl literally took thirty minutes... 

              THIRTY MINUTES!! to just change into a  clean set of clothes.

That too untill Shizune stepped in to help her out.

She was so in a hurry, the girl couldn't make out what to do first and what to do next.

She first torn out her... 'top' ? , Shizune doesn't even know what to call it..

Then wore Himawari's yellow hoodie upside down,  then she unwore it and wore it wrong again.

Not to mention, her hands stuck into the sleeves everytime ,took an extra 3 minutes.

Again, after that was done, (with Shizune's help)  she zipped the cute green skirt that fit her perfectly well.

Everything went well, untill she realised, that she was still wearing her 'ninja' trousers under the skirt and did it all over again...

Shizune sweatdropped,  it was just the morning and she was panting, so much for babysitting, she didn't signed up for this!!

Although it somehow felt nostalgic in some way, and she held a smile the whole time she was dealing with the noisy brat.


Sakura walked to and fro around the room, eyeing the clock with each passing minute.

Its been over 40 minutes since she sent Shizune to pick up the girl... What was taking her so long?

It wasn't just for her, the Hokage and his adviser were to arrive anytime now and the leisure time she took out to let the two kids meet was all washing away.

A knock on the door snapped her out of thoughts.

"Shizune? " She murmured before the door creaked open,  and a familiar women stepped in.

"Oh.. Tsunade-sama.. So its just you.. " she murmured, sighing.

A tick mark appeared on the Elder Medic nin's forhead, not to mention, the 5th Hokage of the hidden leaf.

She scoffed making her way to the nearest chair and sat down with a thud,her thighs folded.

All these years, she trained this pinkette under her supervision, returning to the village after so long to not even deserve a little bit of respect?

"Hmph! " A sound escaped her lips and Sakura sweat dropped, lauging half heartedly.. 

"Oh..I mean Ts-Tsunade sama.. Its you!  I'm  sorry I thought that y-you were shizune.. Hehe" she reasoned which wasn't very much convincing for the 5th but anyways, there were more important matters at hand for her to worry.

"So?  Where is she? And why were you waiting for her? " She asked in a scoff as Sakura explained her everything that happened since last night.

Listening in detail, as there wasn't anything much they knew anyways,  Tsunade's mood worsened even more.. 

She sighed, her tick mark deepened as she let out a breath she didn't knew she was holding.  "Seriously..Coming back to the village after this long only to find out... this.  It really pisses me off!"

Sakura's vibe darkened at that,but she shrugged it off.  Tsunade's complaigns were genuine, a big-profound property was looted,rouges attacked and children..... were hurt.

Someone was to take the responsibility, and she knew that both of them didn't wanted mere kids to be meddled in all this mess.

"I heard about the girl.. " Tsunade said looking down ,a short silence followed as she asked "How's the boy? "

"His heart rate is normal now, and his chakra levels are stable... " Sakura replied like the 50th time today, each time to a different person, but this was going to be different, because this time she wasn't finishing just at that.. she had something more to let her mentor know.

"Hmm..So, If everything is resolved..   What's bothering you then? "

Sakura gave a slight smile to that, she really wasn't all that surprised cause her teacher knows it all.  Heh..


Shizune smiled at the outcome of what she would call,her 'hardwork'..

Himawari's clothes fit the girl just... perfectly.

Her messy blond locks were all tamed, her blue eyes sparkling under her cute bangs, a small ribbon tied to her blond hair and her cute whiskered cheek....

So cute... Shizune chuckled..

Wait a minute...

What's with that whisker?

"Isn't that a scratch? " she murmured caressing Airi's cheek before suddenly being dragged by the girl at full speed and now they were running through the corridors of the hospital.

The poor medic nin, couldn't care less about any other stuff unless she settle this mess first..

"Woaah!!  Hey stop.. Stop running! Its dangerous! YOU ARE DISTURBIN—"  she couldn't even finish before the girl cut her off.

"Why am I the one making the way anyways?!!  Just hurry up and lead me there already!!  Datte-er-Damn it!! " The girl yelled looking over her shoulders.

"Geez.. How slow are you? I bet that's why they don't give you any important works other than babysitting! " she teased as Shizune scoffed, this girl was pissing her off!

"How dare you?!!  You wanna see how slow I am?! ..  Lets see then!! " She yelled back.

"Heh.. Worked! " Airi murmured forming a thumbs up and smirking slyly.


A long silence in the room, followed by incoming thuders of footsteps alarmed both the women.

"Wha-? " Before Tsunade could do anything, the door slammed opened and crashed into the adjacent wall.

Both the 5th and Sakura stared widely at the now panting Shizune standing at the doorway,  covered in sweat..  How long has it been since she last worked out anyways?

"Sh-Shizune?! " She asked hurriedly ,sweatdropped at her actions,  a medic nin should be ready for every situation to come.

"Is everything alright?  Where's the girl Shizune?! " She asked before a small figure behind the medic nin caught her eye.

Airi was hesitant at first, she felt too comfortable to mess with just person that she almost forgot how to act in front of many.

Sakura looked at the blond, who was looking much more presentable now.

"She is so cute.. " she thought, a smile automatically making its way on her face.

"Don't get swayed away..Sakura *pant* I'm warning you.. " Shizune mumered catching her breath.

"what are you saying Shizune, just look at her.. ."Sakura chuckled, pointing at the girl with the cute ribbon. An 'aw' escaped her lips.

Airi, on her hand, was making the cutest puppy eyes she could. Tsunade joined them from behind. 

"Heh. You'll know what I'm saying...  Just don't make 'me' babysit again...  " She complained making her way out. Sakura tried to stop the medic nin but the dark aura she gave off haulted her.

Shizune wasn't in for anymore work now, she was carving for some coffee  and she was gonna get it!

Sakura chuckled before kneeling down to the girl.  "You sure are late..  " she said.

Tsunade eyed the girl, a normal instinct of a medic ninja, andjust shrugged. "Oh.. I forgot to ask yesterday.. What's your name? " she heared her student ask.

Airi simled at her sweet way of talking and puffed out her hesitance almost immediately..

"That's Airi Uzumaki for Ya!! " she said before a loud scream followed after, startling the three. ..

What was going on..??


Hey guys, so this is it for now..  Sorry for updating late but I'm half way in the next chapter and it won't take long.

Pls vote if you liked the chapter..

Love Love!

Stay Safe!