
You Are Just Full Of Information

I glare at the man sitting in his throne-like chair opposite of me. He is too deep in his thoughts to even acknowledge my presence.

Not that I am complaining.

No. I am cheering in my chair.

I mean, not really. But maybe I would be if I was not bound to it and did not value my sanity – what is left of it, anyway.

I slump in my seat and daydream about a future where I can be truly free. Currently, I still have most of my freedom. I just need permission from my Dad, and once I have that, a horde of brutal guards guiding me, if I stroll through the castle. On every outpost, there is a guard guarding me. I even have my personal guardian angel. The only thing I am absolutely forbidden from is going outside.

So, I am kind of free... Kind of. But not truly. I dream of a day when I can stand with my bare feet in the green grass like I loved to do when I was still a small child.

Maybe I can find a nice place far away from here and settle down. Maybe there will be a day when I can really be free. Even if it is just for a little while.

Maybe, with Dagon, I finally have a chance. I can almost taste it. The crisp air, the sour but at the same time sweet berries. I can feel the soft and gentle current of the stream tickle my bare legs. The sound of the wildlife harmonizes with the soft hum underneath my skin.

Yes. That is when I will truly be free. That is when I will truly be alive.

Rudly, I awaken from my daydream. Because that is exactly what it is. A Daydream. A wish my heart makes.

A dream is nothing more than a lie.

I am still stuck in this cruel reality. Strapped to my chair.

Not that that dream will ever come true. I am the Dark Princess. Daughter of the Dark King, conquer of Kingdoms, God of fear. Ruler of Darkness.

Thank the Mother and the Nine Gods she birthed that no one outside these walls knows about my existence. That would mean I have a target on my back the second I set a foot outside.

If I ever step a foot outside again.

I shake my head and start tracing figures with my fingers on the wood of the dining table. The growing, heavy darkness inside my gut once again a humming afterthought.

The sound of a throat getting cleared pulls me back into the now. I stop tracing figures and lift my gaze to meet my Father's eyes. He is staring right at me with his arms crossed in front of his chest. I roll my eyes, seeing he had loosened the few top buttons of his shirt – exposing a huge part of his chest – and the long necklace with an ash-colored crystal he never ever takes off. Most likely with the excuse that he was feeling hot. But knowing him, just so he can show off his 'sexy' chest hairs.

Once again, I roll my eyes.

Why is he like this? It is embarrassing.

"Are you done sulking, Buttercup?" he asks with a raised brow. I sigh deeply and glare at him. "Great! Now that I have your attention, I want to inform you I am going away for a while."

"How long is a while?" I dare to ask.

"As long as it takes." Okay...

"And where will you be going?"

"Somewhere away from here." Right. Once again, I roll my eyes.

"What will you be doing?" I continue my questioning.


"By the Mother and the Nine Gods, you are full of information!" I grumble.

Father's laugh echoes through the space. Until it dies out. The only sound is from the high-pitched whine of electricity and the thumping of my heart – knowing what is to come.

Any moment now, I will be face-to-face with my Mother. And see her die.

To be completely honest, I do not know what happened that day. What I do know is that it was my fault.

My mother is dead because of me.

I killed her.