
The Darkness Is Rising

"Nives!" I shoot up straight to see Kayol standing in the doorframe of my bedroom. His hair which has grown out in the past few months is completely messed up. As if he has run all the way from the city gates toward here. His normally beautiful dark skin has taken an ashen tone, and his labradorite eyes stand wide open. Like he has seen a dead man walking around.

I quickly make my way out of Therion's firm hold – which seems to wake him up. Therion groans and follows my movements with his eyes. Once his gaze lands on Kayol standing in the doorway, he shoots up straight.

"Kayol?" I ask, unsure. "What is going on? Is it another attack?" My voice wavers. Kayol shakes his head and swallows visibly.

"No." His eyes meet mine. "It's far worse."

My palms turn sweaty, and I start trembling slightly. "What can be worse than an attack?" Therion asks while he stumbles his way out of the bed he had been lying in for the past six months. He quickly finds his balance and walks toward us. Something he was only able to do thanks to the healers who kept his muscles strong, so if he woke up, he could use his body as he could before. If they hadn't done that, Therion wouldn't be leaving his bed any time soon. Because he just wouldn't be able to use his muscles.

"Kayol, what is happening outside? What did you see?" I insist. Kayol swallows again, which causes his Adam's apple to move up and down. I stare straight into his eyes. Eyes that are still wide open from fright.

"Kayol, what did you see?" Therion urges the Captain of the Royal Guard. Kayol snaps out of his trance, hearing those words spoken by my mate. The King. The King and one of his best friends who, two days ago, had still been comatose. Kayol shifts his gaze from me toward Therion, standing to my left.

"Darkness," Kayol answered almost in a whisper. "The darkness is rising."

"Where?" Therion and I ask in sync.

Kayol sighs and runs his fingers through his messy hair. "Malsonee Mountains," he answers our question with a trembling voice. "Right where you were attacked." Kayol closes his eyes and clenches his jaw. "You should see it for yourself, but I think-" Kayol stops his ramble and shakes his head in disbelief. "I think they are finally ready to make themselves known."

"Let's go," I nod at Kayol. Because I am still wearing my leather fighting attire from yesterday, I am ready to go. Ready to face whatever creature we are up against. I am ready to face the one responsible for the darkness and chaos.

In a swift motion, I attach Heartstriker to my hip and nod at Kayol, who is staring questioningly in the direction behind me. I frown and spin myself around to see my husband changing into fighting attire.

"Uh, Therion, what do you think you're doing?" I ask, eying him up and down. Therion looks over his shoulder as he wiggles himself in the leather suit.

"Getting dressed?"

"I got that part, smartass." I roll my eyes. "What I don't get is why."

"I'm going with you to the gates," he says matter-of-factly while nodding like it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"Uh, I think the fuck not." I cross my arms in front of my chest and stare at my mate with my famous glare. A glare that usually gets all the shit that I want to be done.

"Nives Darling, listen here, Okay?" I lift my chin and look at him expectantly. "It is not just you who is responsible for the safety of everyone in Rolyra. I am too. And I am not going to fucking sit here while you guys risk your lives outside the walls to protect the ones inside. I can't do that, and I won't do that. And you fucking know it."

"Therion," I sigh and rub my brow. "Look, I know how you feel about this, but the last time you went outside the walls, you almost died. You were so severely injured that you were comatose for six fucking months. A coma you only woke up from yesterday. You need to take it easy. You're not at full strength."

Therion grits his teeth. His hands clench into fists at his sides. I know how badly he wants to help – to protect – but I just can't risk it. "Please, Therion, stray here. If not for yourself, but for Elin and me. She'll need a Dad when she comes back." Hurt flashes through my husband's face. That is my clue to leave. I spin around again and walk out of the room with Kayol following me.

"She needs her Mom, too."

A sharp pang shoots through my heart, hearing him mumble that phrase, but I push it away and continue walking.