
No Need To Threaten My Nose!

After an hour of quietly shuffling, I stop to catch my breath. “Okay,” I sigh. “Let me take a moment to come up with a plan to get out of here.” A droplet of sweat finds its way down my brow. More than anything, I want to press my heated face against the cold stone of the small crawling space we are currently in, but I refrain myself. I need to think.

“You mean you have no idea where we are going?” Dagon asks, disbelief dripping from his words.

“Did you have a better idea?” I sneer.

“We could’ve gone through the hole you created in the wall.”

“Yes,” I nod, “the most obvious way, which involves a lot of running, a whole legion of angry guards chasing after us, and no hiding places? What a killer idea! I cannot believe I did not go for that one.” I look over my shoulder to be able to see a glimpse of the rebel leader