
Is She Always this Pleasant?

POV Dagon

I get pulled out of my thoughts by various sentences heavily spiced up by all kinds of curses not meant for children’s ears and the laughing of the pink-haired Past and her twin brother Sinn.

Neither the cussing nor the laughing comes as a surprise.

I roll my eyes and smirk small as I look up at the one-occupied cage dangling in the Hanging Tree. To be fair, I thought she would go all out, but Niam kept her words pretty civil for what I’ve heard from her in the time we spent together. Maybe because she knows there are children around. Or perhaps she is afraid. For all I know, she can be deathly afraid of heights.

“Fuin!” I call out. Immediately, Niam looks over to where I am standing. Her eyes glimmer as our gazes intertwine.

“Dagon!” she shouts. I frown, hearing a hint of desperation in her voice. “Finallui! Dagon, nin dad foeir hi!” {Finally! Dagon, get me down right now!}