
I Still Dislike That Nickname

“It doesn’t matter what happens to my body. As long as my spirit is free, I’ll never die.”

Only for a moment, it falls completely silent in my head. Before the thundering in my mind begins, I am pulled back to that moment in time. Back to Her.

Madeline’s untamable, golden curls frame her round face. The rosy blush gives life to her otherwise creamy skin. Her chestnut eyes stare right down at me as she towers over me. “Don’t cry, honey bee,” she smiles softly. I sniff my nose and look away from her. She sighs softly and sits down on the bed right beside me.

“Am I a bad person, Mads?” I ask between sniffs.

“Of course not! That asshole had it coming for a long time.”

“I hurt him, though.”

“You protected me. See, I am okay!”

I carefully look over my shoulder to look at her. Her smile is warm and soft. “You have a black eye,” I say and look away again. Pulling my knees tighter to my chest. “So you are hurt.”