
I Just Left Him

I am sobbing uncontrollably in my sister's arms. She keeps on tightening her grip on me. I am positive I can speak for both of us when I say that we have dreamed of this moment. But none of us believed the moment would ever come.

"I- I thought you died in the fire," Aloïsia cries in my hair. Her tears fall on my shoulder. "I missed you so much," she continues.

My throat is painfully raw. So raw that even breathing pains me. So I do the only thing I can to let her know I missed her just as much, maybe even more. I press myself deeper into her embrace and bury my face in her hair's various braids, knots, and locks.

After a while, we pull apart again. Aloïsia's skin is more freckled and scarred than I remember, but besides that, she is still the same. Her features are sharp, her gaze icy and distant unless she looks at me.

"So, you are a rebel in high rank?" I finally speak, smirking slightly. Aloïsia chuckles and wipes the stranded tears off her face.