
I'll Make Them Fucking Pay

The first bolt cleaves the air. Straight into the beast's shoulder. It lets out a low growl and slows down. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding and stare forward again. I spot the city walls on the horizon. Just a few more kilometers, and we will be safe.

We're almost there.

A piercing scream fills my ears. The blood drains from my face realizing who screamed in pure agony. Allen. Immediately I look back over my shoulder. "No!" I cry with a wavering voice. Nigel and Allen lie on the ground with their horse running the other way in panic. Nigel's head is bleeding badly, and it looks like he's unconscious. Allen lays beside him with his leg at an unnatural angle.

"Fuck!" Kayel curses and urges his horse to turn around towards two of his men. My breath halts and my heart thumps painfully in my throat watching the beast gain ground on them. Dread makes itself known as a heavy pit in my stomach.

The beast leaps.

I cry out watching it dive its iron forelimbs into the chests of the husbands lying on the ground. Allen lets out a scream that rattles my bones. His wide-open eyes lose their radiance as life drains from him. Until there is nothing left.

"No! No!" tears stream down my face.

"It's coming this way again!" Clarissa points out. Streaks of her blonde hair stick to her face and neck. I tighten my hold on Therion and bite the insides of my cheeks to keep from screaming and crying. There is no time for that now.

"You girls go! I'll hold him off!" Kayol orders us from behind. I pull at my reins, forcing Tara to stop running. She almost prances from the abrupt stop. But I sit firmly in the saddle and my hold on Therion is solid.

"Nives, what are you doing?!" Kayol stares at me sternly.

"Your Majesty, we need to go!" Clarissa urges me from a few meters in the distance where she stopped as well. I ignore her and lock eyes with the Captain of the Royal Guard – my best friend.

"I can't lose you too," I say.

Kayol's expression softens. "You won't lose me. Now, go! I'll hold it off!" His intense labradorite eyes stare right into mine. "Go!" He yells when I still make no move to leave. I can't leave him. He can't sacrifice himself. It isn't right!

Therion groans in pain even though he is still unconscious in my embrace. My gaze is drawn like a magnet to his bandaged torso. One turning red once more. I grumble some curses and force Tarabuja to start running again.

I glance over my shoulder to see Kayol standing beside his horse. Waiting for the beast.

"Just don't fucking die!" I order him. He gives me a quick smirk. I look forward again, this time not looking back.

Clarissa and I let our horses gallop through the gates that close behind us. Locking Kayol and the beast out. I bite my lip as tears silently stream down my face. I can't let my thoughts drift off to the outside of the walls. I will surely fall apart if I do.

Therion groans again. Tara moves as fast as possible through the narrow side roads of Karmina. The quickest way to the castle.

Once we race through the gate, Tara reduces speed. The second we arrive at the courtyard, we're surrounded by servants. "Get a healer!" I order with a crack in my hoarse voice.

Therion gets lifted off my horse and carried inside the infirmary. I stare at the door that closes behind him. I'm finding it hard to breathe. Tears still stream down my face. My hair sticks to my wet face. My skin is covered in blood, sweat, dirt, and dust. My dress ripped and bloody.

My underlip starts trembling and not long after the first sob escapes my mouth. I completely break down.

"Your Majesty?" I turn my blurry gaze from the closed door to look at Clarissa. She is a mess, just like me. The whites from her beautiful pale brown eyes are bloodshot.

"I'm so sorry, Clarissa," I sob.

"It's okay, Your Majesty," she says, smiling through her tears. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault."

I suck in a deep breath and blink away my tears. I stare at her in determination. "I'll promise you, Clarissa. I'll make them pay. They didn't die for nothing. None of them. I'll make them fucking pay."