
Do You Really Have To Be Such A Pain In My Ass?

I gasp for air as I reach the surface of the icy cold water. I sputter; my limps feel heavy from the massive workout from hours of pulling myself forward through the crawling space. The cold water does not help either. I cough and look around to see if Dagon is submerged yet. He does so three seconds later. He gasps loudly and hits his hair out of his eyes.

Frantically he looks around until his eyes land on me. His smile is the biggest I have ever seen.

“We made it,” he says before coughing from the cold water he probably breathed in.

Yes. We made it. We are out of the castle. We are really outside. We made it.

I look in de direction of where we came from. The Castle is a decent distance away. We really made it. I lift my gaze further to look at the dark sky. The clouds block out most of the light from the moon. Yes, we really made it.

I look up from the sound of water spatting away and see Dagon swimming to the shore. I swim after him, laughing in pure untamed joy.