
Are You Sure She Isn't Your Little Sister?

"How much more do you think we can take before we are dead meat?" I ask Kayol, who is standing beside me on the city wall. His labradorite eyes are scanning the drylands separating us from the Malsonee Mountains.

The sun is just making its way onto the horizon. In a few small hours, the remaining of my people would wake. Most of my subjects had fled the city. I didn't blame them. I even encouraged them. Karmina was no longer safe. The city walls were slowly but surely starting to crumble. So, I evacuated the city. Sent them off down the Turquoise River or deep into the Dhamahanhumei Jungles.

But who knows how much longer those safe places will remain safe? I shake my head, surprising those thoughts the second they enter my mind. I don't want to think about that. I can't think about that.

Elin is safe. Siraye took her with her to her family all the way in Rosewick – the most guarded city after Karmina. A city close to the Dhamahanhumei Jungles. So, if the need to flee would arise, they could hide deep inside the jungle.

Elin is safe.

My little treasure is safe.

That is, if they even make it to Rose wick. With horse and carriage, it's a month-long journey. And they only left a week ago.

I shake my head again. Godsdamnit, Nives! Don't think like that! Oh, Mother, please boil me in a cauldron for having these horrendous thoughts!

I look up from Kayol, who's poking me in my side. I narrow my eyes at him, a scowl painting my lips, but my sour expression quickly cleared up, eying the silly faces he is making.

"So, now that you stopped looking like you can break down any second, how much did you hear from all the fucking nice things I just said?"

I roll my eyes and scan the dead landscape in front of us once more. "Not a single word," I shrug. Something that results in an offended squeal. The corner of my mouth curled into a smirk.

'Well, then. To answer your question again. I think we'll be dead met in three weeks. At most, we'll keep it up for another month. But much longer than that..." Kayol shakes his head. I nod.

"Your Majesty!"

I look over my shoulder to see Maddy, one of my remaining maids, running up to us. Her long silver hair is bound into a messy bun on top of her head. Her wild bangs hang in her eyes – the same color as her hair – almost hiding them. She looks like a complete mess. Even more so than she usually does.

"What is it, Maddy?" I ask, frowning. "Are you alright?" I continue when she reaches us. She leans against the crumbling stone pillar next to her to catch her breath.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Totally fine!" she answers, waving away my concern. Kayol and I watch as she continues to catch her breath, just to be sure she won't collapse from breathlessness. When she is good again, she rises and pulls an invisible lint from her dress.

"What is going on, Maddy?" I ask again. The seventeen-year-old maid looks at me with a puzzled look.

'Darn it! I forgot!" she groans before proceeding to smack her forehead. Kayol smirks beside me.

"It's okay, Love. Take your time," I chuckle. Maddy bites her lip and taps her temple with her finger, trying to remember what she wants to tell me. Kayol pokes me in my side with his elbow.

"Are you sure she isn't your little sister? I can see the similarity," he whispers in my ear, still smirking. I roll my eyes and was about to reply by saying that I would love to insult him, but I was afraid I wouldn't do as well as Irus, the goddess of nature, did when Maddy speaks up.

"Oh, I remember!" she squeals excitedly. "It's your husband, King Therion."

"What about him?" Kayol and I ask in sync, snapping our attention back to the young girl.

"He's awake!" she smiles.

He's awake. Therion is awake.

Without wasting even a second, I run over the wall as fast as my feet can go. I jump down the many flights of stairs and run through the deserted streets of the capital back to the castle, where I immediately make my turn to mine and Therion's bedroom.

I kick open the door. I'm completely out of breath, but I put no mind to it. My husband is sitting up in bed, munching away on a bowl of dried apricots and figs – his favorites. I fall to my knees, crying at the sight.

"Hello, My Nives Darling," he says with that sensual voice I have missed so much. His lips curl in a slight smirk. I cry even harder.

"You're awake," I sob. "You are really awake." I stumble up from the ground and launch myself in his wide-open arms. The bowl with dried fruit flies through the air, but neither of us cares. Therion pulls me closer to his chest and buries his face in my long hair. "You're really here," I sniff, pressing my face closer against his bare chest. My entire body is trembling. Therion pulls me even closer to him. Wanting to have me as close as possible. His fingers pierce my shoulders as he breathes in my scent.

"I love you, My Nives," he mumbles and starts pressing small kisses on my bare skin.

"I love you more, Therion."

"That's fucking impossible," he grins. I laugh, a laugh full of joy.