

"I want you, and I know that you want me too."She said leaning closer to him. "Woman, you are playing with fire."He said stopping her hand from going down any further. "Playing with fire is what I do best."She said, looking deep into his deep blue eyes that spelled nothing but danger, but she didn't care, she liked taking risks. That's what she had been doing ever since that one unfortunate night that ruined her life. ------------------------------------------------ Flora Brown was a 23 year old woman, a single mother who lived with her father and spoilt sister. She was raped when she was 20 by an anonymous person and since then both her father abd sister treated her like a nobody. One day she went out looking for a job and she met a rich, powerful and dangerous man. He hired her to be his brother's fiancé so that she could take everything from him and destroy him. But things don't go as planed when she finds herself falling in love with both brothers when she was not supposed to. She struggles to figure out who to choose or what to do, because she knew that she couldn't choose both men. Things become a lot harder when she learns the truth behind both brothers' hatred towards each other, and the identity of the man that tainted her.

Daoist3zARtt · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 6

Two hours later

"I have one last question for you buddy."Louis said, while trying hard not to mess up the steak he was chopping. They were now sitting in a resturant enjoying their meal and catching up because they hadn't seen each other in months because of their busy schedules. Louis didn't even remember the last time he had to use a knife to cut his steak, his maid always did it for him but now he had to do it in front of his clean freak best friend.

"Go on."Ludwick said. Louis was jealous at how nicely Ludwick was chopping his steak, he didn't even seem to be struggling like he was. "You know you should learn to do things on your own, look at how you are struggling with that steak. I feel sorry for your maids. I still don't get how a man like you who wants to be treated like a baby still manages to make a lot of women fall at your feet."He said shaking his head.

"It's not my fault that I was born a chick magnet... Anyway back to my question, why did you choose Flora to do the job, and she already has a child. Would your brother want to be with a woman eho already has a child and doesn't even know who the father is?"He asked.

"I already have plans for that, so there is no need for you to worry."He said calmly.

"Well if you say so buddy. Oh. when this is all over will you let me have a taste of her?"Louis asked winking at Ludwick.

"If she wants to, once all this is over I won't care what she does or doesn't do with her life, but I doubt that she will let you even get close to touching her, so don't get your hopes up buddy."He said sipping his wine.

"Now that's no fun, but hey nobody can resist me. That is becausei am extremely charming, I am wealthy, and I am good in bed "Louis said smiling.

"You sure are confident, but you shouldn't be overconfident because well, you might end up crying one day. Don't come to me complaining when she rejects you."He said.

"Come on dude, I already told you, I am irresistible. You are just jealous because I am much much more handsome than you."Louis said truthfully.

"But I still managed to steal all your women's attention without even trying."Ludwick said. Louis rolled his eyes, he knew that that was true and he hated it, he just didn't understand how he did it(Even though he didn't bother giving them attention, but they still chased him).

"Enough about women, when was the last time you went to visit your old man, your mother has been calling me non stop and telling me about how ungrateful you are, and that you turned your back on your family ever since you made it to the top of the mountain."He said.Ludwick never had a good relationship with his family, he just hated how they would just turn to him when they needed money, they only loved abd adored his older brother whom he just couldn't wait to destroy.

"Can we not talk about them Louis, I have had enough of them already. Anyway I will see them in two weeks at Eleanor's birthday."He said sighing deeply.

"You mean your hot, sexy little sister that I have been tried to hit on so hard for years but you won't let me?"Louis said wiggling his eyebrows. He knew that he was not allowed to say anything like that about Ludwick's sister but he did Anyway, because he just loved messing with him.

"Say that again and I'm telling your mother that you won't stop being a playboy and trust me it won't take her long to get you married to a woman of her choosing."He said.

"Fine you win, but hey I am being honest here your little sister is..."He stopped talking the moment he noticed the look that Ludwick was giving him. "Fine, I am quiet."He said turning his attention back to his already messed up steak.


"Hey when are you going to start making dinner for us?!"Emily shouted snatching the book that Flira was reading from her hands.Flira rolled her eyes and she took out her phone, she unlocked it and she went to the page where she reads the book from whenever she is not home abd she continued reading not listening to Emily's loud and annoying voice that she couldn't wait to leave. "Hey I am talking to you!"She shouted stomping her foot on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum for no reason.

"You know you should really start acting like an adult instead of acting like a child, no wonder your boyfriend is going to get married to someone else, like seriously who on earth can stand an annoying mosquito like you?"She said leaning comfortably on the couch. Flora could feel that Emily was fuming, the only thing that was left was for fire to come out of her ears.

"Stop spewing nonsense, my baby would not do that to me, stop lying you are just trying to hide the fact that nobody wants to be with a woman like you."She said, smiling at herself.

"Are you sure?"Flora asked remembering that if all goes well then she would be Ludwick's brother's girlfriend or even fiancé.

"Yes I am hundred percent sure."She said putting her hands over her waist.

"We will see."She said standing up and making her way upstairs. She wasn't going to cook for them this time.

She opened the door to her bedroom and she threw herself on her bed burying her head abd screaming in frustration.

Her phone rang."Oh come on!"She shouted,she was already in a bad mood and now someone was calling her. She took the phone out of her pocket, she checked the caller ID and she didn't seem to recognize the number but she answered it anyway. "Hello?"She said. She didn't even bother hiding the fact that she was annoyed, the caller could tell that she was not in a good mood.

"Wow. someone us in a bad mood, anyway I called to tell you that you should pack your stuff I am coming to pick you up I'll be there in about two hours, I don't want to wait so you better be ready when I get there."Ludwick said.

"Really? Alright, alright I'll go and start packing now."She said and Ludwick hung up the phone. "Yes! Well at least I no longer have to put up with their nonsense."She said standing up from her bed and making her way to her father's study, she knew that she had to tell him that she was leaving even though she knew that he couldn't care less about her staying or leaving because to him she was just invisible abd the only one that mattered in his life was Emily.

She knocked on the office door lightly. "Come in."She heard her father said. He sounded like he was exhausted. He had been overworking himself because he just couldn't afford to disappoint his boss, whoever that was.

She opened the brown wooden door and she entered. She spotted her father seating on the leather chair with his eyes buried in his laptop and there was a stack of paoer on hus table that was waiting to be redone and bring it to his boss by the end of the week. Flora sat down on the chair that was right across her father. "What is it Flora I am busy."He said seething. Flora wondered why he was in a bad mood today, maybe it was because of all the work that he had to do.

"I see that you are busy abd that you don't have time so I am just going to get straight to the point... Dad I am moving out."She said.

"Where are you going to live? And with who?"He asked. Since Flora didn't have a job so he thought that she was probably going to move in with some man she found.

"Dad, I am going to live with my daughter, and we are leaving today, someone is going to come and pick us up."She said.

"Your sugar daddy?"He asked. Flora gave him a questioning look.

"What?"She asked, she did not understand what he meant by his words.

"You don't have a job, and you don't have a good enough friend who would let you move in with them, so the answer is obvious. You found yourself a sugar daddy. Tell me, is he rich because there is no way that you would have sex with him for free. Isn't that how you git Aurora but then your plans backfired."He said.

"Father! How could you say that to me, you know what happened, you know that I was raped. Is this what you've always thought of me?Thank goodness I am moving out, goodbye."She said. shaking her head.

"Fine leave, don't come crawling back to me when your little sugar daddy is fed up with you."He said. Flira stood up from the chair and sge walked put of her father's study abd she went back to her room to start packing. She couldn't believe that her own father would say such things to her, she knew that ever since that incident their relationship was not the same anymore but for him to say such things to her. wasn't something that she was expecting. She was relieved that she was finally leaving this place and she was going to start a new life. away from them.