
A Dance With The Devil

Skylar is a emergent policewoman, who accepted the most famous murder case in the entire country. She has to catch a man whose identity, facial features, and body structure are unknown. The public only knows his criminal name: "Demon", accentuating even more his spiteful remorseless nature. Demon is a malicious mafia boss who killed, tortured, and deceived thousands of victims, and Skylar moves into his supposed hideout to sneak into his life undercover. Little did she know that she soon would discover she had something in common with such a psychopath, and the more time she spends with him the more her mind softens and the barrier over her heart shatters. But will she succeed in catching him and locking him in prison forever or will she end up being one of the numerous victims sunk in his charm? Abstract: “I hate you. I fucking hate you. How many times did I tell you that you have to stop being so violent?” He pulled his hair back and scoffed, annoyed by her words so full of anger and resigned, annoyed by the whole argument itself. Was she going to cause the umpteeth scene? “And you to keep hitting people as a beast! That guy had his whole face bruised! You promised me you would try to calm down and be less violent! Why would you hit that guy now?” “You would’t understand.” was his answer, he frowned his eyebrows and grunted at the memory of what that guy did. He would have hit him again, again until the anger and the memory wouldn’t let go of him. “Stop pretending you’re evil and cruel, stop pretending you don’t have a heart and you are clueless about other people. Stop being so fucking vile because I hate you when you act like that.” “I’m like that Madisyn. I’m that. You will never change me, you will never heal me nor fix me. I am this and people fear me for this. Everyone fears me.” “I don't fear you.” She took a step forward and exhaled out a heavy breath. “Why would you hit that guy Demon?” She asked this time more patiently and gently. “Because he dared to look at you, and talk about you. He said he would do bad things to you, he commented on your appearence and all the things he would do to you and I can’t even imagine something bad happening to you. If he dared to lay a hand on you. I would have killed him with a smile on my face.” Skylar closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I can defend myself on my own Demon.” She caressed his cheek gently. “I know you can.” his eyes enlightened of a red reflection, “but that’s my job. Nobody touches you.”

_Elle · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter Two - Eyes into eyes

Until one of them spoke, a rough low voice, of a middle-aged man, probably the owner of the pub since his clothes were stained and his hands still dirty.

He had an almost unperceivable scar on his forehead and a long beard.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" His hand was placed on his hip, and his jacket was purposely lifted to reveal a sharp knife.

Yes, that was a threat, but no, it didn't scare Skylar.

Skylar was chosen right for that because unlike other policemen she wasn't tied to any bond. She wasn't close to her family, friends, or people she deeply felt linked and close to. If you don't have any of those bonds you aren't scared of dying. The only difference between her and any other policemen besides her looks and the fact she was a woman was that she didn't have fear of losing what she had. Because besides all, she had nothing but herself and her job.

"I am someone who wants to see Demon, I'll tell him my name."

At her answer, the over 50 men slippered disapproval and rubbed their noses, his hand now placed on the other pocket and placed to hold a charger. He probably had a gun too.

"I'll ask you one more time, but I advise you, I do not repeat myself twice." his voice got louder, loud enough to turn into a threat and make his army of men take a step forward.

Now they all had their hands in the right pocket.

Yet, she wasn't scared. Something about that situation told her that if she continued her uncompliant behavior she would maybe convince Demon to reveal himself.

A woman not scared of thirty men in front of her, threatening to use weapons was not something common in that cursed city of north England.

Women there survived only to satisfy the desire of men, housewives, addicts, or prostitutes.

The reason why a new woman who spoke up and could stand up to criminal men was just as suspicious and intriguing.

"I'm Charlotte Lavinston's sister and I came here to get what I deserve. Let me talk to him. Get him out there." Skylar lifted her chin a bit more, pretending to be grumpier than she truly was. Another rule she learned in her police years, pretending to be something else was always the right thing. Never reveal your true self otherwise you will reveal your weakness alongside.

"What do you want?"

A man to the side spoke, a man who seemed to look like him, his same eyes, as deep and blue as the ones she saw on the phones. He probably was younger than Demon, probably by a few years.

Did Demon have a brother?

She stared at him for a few instants until she decided to take the risk of an assumption, maybe that would prove her words and convince the men to let her in.

"You must be his brother, my sister said few things about you, " she looked at him from head to toe, trying to deduce anything from his look and turn it against him.

"You are the weak brother huh? The one who has always been shadowbanned by his powerful brother. That's why you are always arrogant and angry at the world. It's not your fault if you were born later than him. Now go call your brother or let me in. I am wasting my time here."

Men were not used to being spoken to like that in general, let alone by women. The old bearded man who spoke at first made an expression of shock and anger. How did that woman dare to speak to Demon's brother like that?

Did she think she could potentially threaten him with those known-it-all attitudes?

Did she even know where she was?

The man took a step forward and let out a snout. A click came from his gun as if he just removed the gun safety. One more step he took getting him close enough to put her a risk of a hit, stab, or even worst.

Yet she didn't take a step back, that would have meant proving she was scared of him and she wasn't willing to show any sign of fear.

He lifted his hand, slowly enough to let her deduce what was happening and give her the chance to change her mind.

She didn't move, her eyes stared blankly into his eyes, she could see herself in the mirror of those emotionless eyes, a woman who had grown up without parents, the police were her own family, her safe place, her entire world, and life. She knew how to be an agent better than she knew how to be herself. Her eyes close only when she recognized the cold material of the gun pointing against her forehead, the cold weapon against her temples dried her throat, and her heart beat against her chest. He leaned closer to her, to stare at her near, "Repeat yourself if you dare." He whispered.

Silence still eyes into eyes. Life against life.

"I. said," she emphasized each word. "I. want. To. See. Demon."

her throat was dry, but her voice didn't reveal it, the wind lightly raised her hair and she took a deep breath of the air she was risking to lose forever.

Right when she thought it was the end for her, the end of her career and her life. The end of the entire world.

A voice was heard from inside the pub. "Let her in."

Her heart skipped a beat.

Did she hear it right?