

Arianna dexsion, a popular hip-pop singer and the youth beloved in California,who had lived all her life being in one show or the other, with her best friends or with her family.... Single all her life and gives no man room for long conversation due to all what she heard about heart break from many girls exspecially from her best friend eva.. What happened, when Ariana meet Greysion and fall in love with him immidately but won't give in to it?...causing error and lost of consentration in her head at all time,always wanting to be with him as he won't also give up on her ?... What will happen when Greysion fall in love with Ariana, while he is still betrothed to another lady. What will happen when Greyson discover his twin brother is also in love with her Will it be a happy ending or a sad one?. Will his twin brother let her go or fight for his love too?

Favour_Writes · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Known devil

A DANCE TO MY HEART Game of love Chapter 09 Mr johnson I was sitting in the sitting room watching a show when one of my guards came in telling me that my brother was at the door. My brother ? Hummm he visiting me means nothing but trouble... "Look who is here unnoticed, i said "The tiger himself ...he is the one who visits unnoticed and kills the owner of the kingdom in a dime" he replied. He was wheeling toward the couch  in front of me and my maid served him a drink. "It's been a long time since you visited. What do we own about this sudden visit? I asked. His face suddenly changed to dark, filled with hatred and wickedness.... He smiled at you and quickly said,"how are my sons and wife? He asked "They are fine and doing good on their own,'' I replied.. "So you see what I came for is simple and it is what I have always been asking for... I smiled, "you know too well that is not possible" I said. "We will see about that later but am giving you a grace cause it's really a grace of a week to call me so i can sign my part....he said and wheel himself forward "I guess this will be my last time you will see the brother side of me" he said standing.. "But I think you should remember who you are speaking with, not just any man but a mafia king,'' I replied.. "Oh that i didn't forget but i will like to see you in action he said and smirked... "Ok then we will see, '' I replied.. "Gosh he has the gut to confront me ? I scoffed. Then our dad married his mother due to his parent who hook them up unfortunately his mother was pregnant before their marriage for another man,my dad later discover this and he was deprived of many the properties and now he is here to claim what not his....totally nonsense we have fight on this many times that how he ended been criple anyways and he won't back off yet..he don't look like who will give up on it and am also here for him either way..... Ariana pov I yawn tiredly and open my eyes slowly. I could remember going home yesterday when….. Oh my god I was kidnapped!!! My mom,and my brother,Auston and Eva will all be sad right now,oh heaven save your daughter. 'Okay kidnapped don't give someone a bed to sleep or do they?? "Good morning princess" I heard the sweetest voice ever am not exaggerating it damn sweet  "Greyson! I called loudly looking around me I discovered I was in his Manson. I look down at myself and discover…..oh my god!!!. DO YOU BATH ME!!!!!!? Don't let it be true,don't let it be true please i think mentally.... "I didn't see anything, I swear! He said "What the hell?!!!!! God of my nakedness you? You? Really? I stammer and gulp down gently to cool down myself. "You don't see anything. How on earth do you  bathe me then ?You even touch me. I use my hand to demonstrate how he uses the sponge on me.. "It's true I touched but I didn't see anything. I use this, he raises a towel up "to blindfold myself, he explains. "Gosh i stand up walking out don't ever show me your face again! i yelled "Please hold my waist, don't leave yet, '' he said. "Am losing my control right now first remove your hand now!! I yell when he hesitates... "Please i will do anything to make it up to you please don't be angry i thought you are gonna like it, he said  "Hummm anything? I smirked at that  "Yes anything " he replied But why will I ever like guys bathing me ?Huh ?You are such a dude and idiot! To be honest who on this earth will love such when we are not couples" "First I must not hear this from anyone okay?!  I yelled sternly. "Yes, " he quickly replied. "Two you will do anything I ask for a week! "A week ?! Cause of this ?! He said. "Okay, forget about leaving! I said, smirking. "Okay okay don't leave! He said  "Wow, sounds great. Why do I feel happy about this ?. "Okay,start now here, follow me now carry this!i dump my bag on him walking away... "Today is going to be so great! I giggled. Am feeling the vibes already. Greyson pov Have been carrying a bag like a woman around her like a girl,gosh i hope any of my employees won't see me in a short and armless carrying bag for a woman… I can't believe I planned something out for her and she turned the table around. "Grey! She called  "Yes ma'am, that? she told me to answer like that... "I want to go undies shopping but as it is now i won't have time for it cause i have a show in the next ten minute...So you go do the shopping,you know what i mean by undies right? She ask not giving me a glance  "Yes ma'am" I said. "Good now real quick" she said. "But I don't know your size? I said "Ok for the bra size 30 and pants just buy the one you think will size me according to what you touch! she said glaring at me. "Okay ma'am humm your card or i scratch the back of my head not knowing what to say. "Oh I thought you were a billionaire?huh did you suddenly become poor?  Get to work now! Meet me before the show end" She said she walked away... I tried calling my guard and thank god he picked up... "Real quick, pick a simple dress from my closet with my card. I will text you the address of where I am  "okay boss, he replied I can even imagine myself buying undies for any girl. she is,gosh! * * * * * Woohoo i called rickki she should be here in a minute...because all what i'm seeing here are just freaking me out  i saw a pant there only god knows how they put that tiny thing on i even call the girl who attend to me to ask if there is remaining for the pant cause it just like a rope to me,the girl just laugh out at me...i  don't even know where to start. i have bought the bra but the panties i don't even know what to pick rickki is almost having the same hip and bom like hers.. "Am here" she annonce. "Okay,hummm i even felt amuzing cause how will i tell her i want to buy panties for someone? Okay I breathe in and out.. "Can you just pick panties that you think can size you ? I said. "Panties? She look at me like am out of my sense  "Don't worry you can go, i said "Wait, I will pick up and sit down, '' she said. After almost forever she came back with different panties in design and colours...thank Grey god, Ariana show will soon end.. I paid with my card,collected the bags from her and put them in the back seat... Thanks for coming to my rescue I bid her goodbye and my driver drove out of the plaza... I got there,where she is doing her show and i didn't meet her.i was told she had left a long time ago.. * * * * I walk into her mansion. I was allowed to enter immediately. Probably she has informed them of my arrival.. God of grey why is every god damn thing is in pink colour? Even her maids are wearing pink. The only thing they have not seen pink in is the wall which is painted sparkling white.. "You are here ? She said, She's laying on the sofa reading a novel titled:watered my heart (can never be together) by baby favour. "Okay here are the things you sent me" " ok...ay she starts unpacking it. she keep throwing all of it in different angle without checking it...Am beginning to think Rickki add something bad  "What's wrong? I asked. "Is there no pink colour ? At all? She asked "Gosh i don't think so, i said "Are you not the one who brought them? "Of course I am the one ! I said. Lastly she threw the last pair of pants on the tv. "Gosh go pack everything and take them to the maid department next time buy pink only! She said laying back on the sofa and continuing reading her novel... Did she just waste all my effort right now? I never know wasting someone's effort does hurt like this! Gosh.......i pack everything together sweating cause some hang so high.....i was about going when called... "Grey! She yelled. "go back and do a pink shop for undies for me.she said. "What!!. Now!!!!!...she yelled. Tbc...