


The moment my eyes met hers, a profound sense of destiny washed over me, as if she and the entire pack were fated to be mine. No other being could fill the void in my heart quite like this girl. A few years after my mother began nourishing her unborn child, the family doctor, Twedlis, delivered the news of her pregnancy. Yet, fate dealt a cruel hand, and the premature birth left my mother bedridden, unable to rise. It was this precarious condition that granted her solitude during childbirth, a circumstance that filled my young mind with fear of her imminent demise.

My mother had passed away while giving birth to my twin brothers, leaving my father, inconsolable as he wept and clung to her hand, refusing to leave her side.

The following day, we laid my mother to rest in a quiet funeral attended only by us - my brothers cradled by the wet nurse, my father, and me.

"This is the consequence of love, son. Guard your heart against vulnerability, and you shall ascend to be the most formidable alpha in history," my father imparted solemnly.

At the tender age of four, I wept myself to sleep that night.

Shortly thereafter, a thunderstorm ravaged our village. Rain cascaded relentlessly from the heavens, while bolts of lightning illuminated the town and deafening thunder reverberated through the earth. I remained in bed, tears flowing freely, when I heard it - the wailing cries of a baby echoing down the corridors. It was her, alone.

With haste, I navigated the halls, attempting to quell my emotions, but the infant's cries pierced my soul, causing me to stumble and fall. I reached her makeshift crib and cradled her close, our sobs intertwining in the darkness, finding solace in each other's company. As she drifted into slumber in my arms, thoughts of her consumed my mind - my mother had departed, leaving her as my beacon of hope.

The next day, Delta Drystane ascended the stairs, his disapproving gaze met mine. Despite my efforts to avert his eyes, tears continued to stream down my face uncontrollably, foreboding his impending report to my father, who was certain to mete out punishment. Though his expression softened, his disappointment remained palpable.

"You do not belong here, young Alpha," he chided gently, before retrieving little Lorelei and leading her to the nursery. Placing her to rest, he returned to address me.

"I will not discipline you," he assured me, "but you must comprehend - no matter your intentions, it is not your place to protect her."

"You abandoned her! You should have been there!" I attempted to assert with a growl, to which he offered a knowing smile.

"It was but a storm, young Alpha," he responded, enveloping me in a hug and ruffling my hair.

"Mother is gone," I murmured, "and I longed for my Lorelei, I needed to find her."

"A profound sentiment, indeed. Your alpha spirit shines through at such a tender age. However, young Alpha, Lorelei cannot be yours," he explained.

"Lorelei is mine!" a primal growl emanated from within me, prompting a smile from Delta Drystane.

"One day, the alpha will reveal all to both of you, and then you shall understand," he concluded before taking his leave.

I Iretreated to the solitude of my room, overcome by a wave of emotions that demanded release. Upon entering the nursery, I beheld a sight that instantly eased the ache within me - my precious Lorelei, slumbered peacefully in her crib.

Approaching her with utmost tenderness, I planted a gentle kiss on her delicate forehead. "Forgive me" I whispered, my voice laden with remorse. "I vow never to leave you alone again."

As the years trickled by, the tides of change swept over our lives. Meredith, a rare human presence in the esteemed lycan court, assumed roles of wet nurse and governess within our household. Despite the uncommon nature of her position, Meredith seamlessly integrated into our community, her gentle demeanor and unwavering dedication earning her the respect of all.

Her storytelling sessions became a cherished ritual for me, a respite from the world of responsibilities that awaited me. With bated breath, I listened intently as she wove tales of vampires, demons, and wolves, her voice a soothing balm to my restless soul.

Bound by an oath of service to the divine, Meredith found acceptance among our kin. Yet, fate's capricious hand would soon test the fragile harmony that had taken root in our abode.

One fateful night, a clandestine encounter unfolded before my eyes. Stealthily, I ascended the stairs, my heart pounding in anticipation. Silhouetted by the dim glow of candles, Meredith sat reading, her tranquil presence contrasting with the shadowy figure that emerged from the darkness - Drystane.

A shared smile, a whispered exchange, and then a forbidden kiss that shattered the delicate equilibrium of our world. Drys, the Luna's guardian, and Meredith, a nun, bound by duty and honor, found themselves ensnared in a web of clandestine affection that defied all reason.

The following day, amidst the clang of swords and the scent of sweat and determination, a misplaced step led me to a fall. Meredith's swift ministrations and Drys' concerned gaze bespoke a bond that transcended mere duty, a connection forged in the crucible of shared secrets and forbidden desires. As evening descended and the day's trials faded into memory, Drys, in a rare moment of vulnerability, attended to me with a fatherly care that stirred an unspoken understanding between us.

"Why did you kiss sister Meredith last night?" The words, unbidden and raw, tumbled forth from my lips, revealing a depth of perception that surprised even me.

Drys' gaze softened, a glint of melancholy flickering in his eyes. "Little alpha, Mer holds a special place in my heart," he began, his voice tinged with sorrow. "Though fate may decree otherwise, the bonds of affection we share are beyond our control."

With a silent nod, I acknowledged the weight of his confession, a silent witness to a love that dared not speak its name. In the quiet hours that followed, as the moon cast its silvery light upon our dwelling, I sensed a newfound resolve blooming within me. Drys' parting words lingered, a solemn reminder of the fragile threads that bound us together. And so, with a heavy heart and a burden of secrets to bear, I faced the dawn, knowing that some truths were meant to be sheltered from the harsh light of day - even from the innocent eyes of Lorelei, my precious daughter.