


"To celebrate, ale and women for all our warriors," Vastos's voice rang out, carried by the wind like a solemn decree. In that moment, as I beheld my brother and father, burdened by the oppressive weight of a haunting silence, their eyes spoke volumes. They implored me to flee, to seek shelter from the encroaching darkness.

As the moon hung low in the sky, casting its ethereal silver glow, I plunged into the depths of the ancient forest. The gnarled trees loomed over me, their contorted branches reaching towards the heavens in a twisted dance. My footsteps echoed through the undergrowth, my breaths coming in ragged gasps, my heart beating like a caged bird. The wolves, shadows of sleek darkness with eyes that shone like obsidian, pursued me with a hunger that transcended mere flesh.

These were no ordinary beasts. Their intelligence gleamed in their gaze, their hunger driven by a primal desire for the magic that thrummed within me, drawing them like moths to a flame. Among them strode their leader, a massive wolf with eyes ablaze like molten gold, bearing scars from battles fought and won.

Tripping over roots and stumbling on moss-covered stones, I sought refuge behind protective wards, but my magic was still raw and untamed. The wolves closed in, their breath hot on my heels, their hunger palpable. Desperation fueled me, the will to survive, to prove that the magic coursing through my veins was not a curse but a blessing.

Collapsed against a tree, snowflakes drifting down like silent specters, I clutched a scrap of paper bearing the word "Varg" and a sprig of wolfbane. With trembling hands, I invoked the elements, calling upon fire to guard me from the encroaching darkness. The flames licked at the air, a barrier between me and the wolves, and I chanted a prayer to the God of Fire, a plea to the Goddess of Protection.

Their growls and yelps echoed in the night as I ran, heart pounding with the rhythm of survival. With each step, I summoned the elements, crafting illusions to confound my pursuers, a forest of mirrors and shifting shadows. They collided with phantoms, disoriented and snarling.

I felt trapped in an endless cycle of flight, the need to escape overwhelming all other thoughts. A clearing loomed ahead, a sanctuary from the wolves' relentless pursuit. If I could just reach it, I could find respite from the relentless chase.

But the first wolf, undeterred, circled around me, his eyes unrelenting. My magic faltered, exhaustion creeping through my limbs. I gazed up at the moon, a silver sentinel in the night sky, and whispered an ancient spell, a plea to the guardian of all magic. Yet, as the shadows closed in, the moon's light seemed to wane, and I was left to face the darkness alone.

"The forest echoes with the chilling sound of my name being called out in desperation, freezing me in place amidst the dense undergrowth. The ominous realization dawns upon me that these hunters are not merely seeking any female prey, but me specifically. Suddenly, a forceful grip seizes my ankle, wrenching me backwards into the clutches of the creatures pursuing me.

Dangling helplessly in the air, I gaze up at my captors, my heart pounding fiercely in my chest. "What have we here?" a deep, menacing voice reverberates through the shadows. The leader's gaze pierces mine, his teeth gleaming white and his eyes a predatory shade of yellow. Another figure steps forward, his gaze lecherous and predatory, sending shivers down my spine.

Trapped and cornered by these feral beasts, a primal snarl escapes my lips as I struggle with all my might, kicking and thrashing against their hold. With each passing moment, their grasp tightens, inflicting pain upon my wrists and arms as they drag me towards their ominous leader. Ignoring my pleas for release, they revel in my resistance, relishing in the challenge I present.

As the leader draws closer, his icy breath caresses my neck, chilling me to the bone. Trembling with fear and defiance, I find myself face-to-face with him, his towering form silhouetted against the moonlit sky. The moonlight reveals the unfamiliar features, my former love turned leader of these savage creatures. With a heavy thud, I collapse to the forest floor as they release their grip, chuckling amongst themselves. Desperation fuels my voice as I demand to know their intentions, only to be met with a chilling chorus of "You." Their voices resonate with a menacing undertone that sends shivers down my spine.

Bloodied and battered, I rise to my feet, determined to defy their cruel intentions. But my defiance falters as one of the wolves advances, backing me against a tree, his feral grin sending a chill down my spine. Surrounded on all sides, I push back against their encroaching circle, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and rage.

"Please, let me go," I plead softly, knowing my words will fall on deaf ears. Yet, as the leader draws closer, who now stands before me, claiming me as his own.

His lips arched into a grin that sent an icy shiver down my spine, a smile that exuded sinister intent. "Greetings, fortune has smiled upon you - for I have just spared your existence. Regard it as a providential chance, a second lease on life. My station forbids me to get another mate, yet for you, exceptions may be entertained," his voice oozed with an unsettling intimacy as he drew near. "And behold, you shall endure even after bearing my offspring after all!"

A wave of dread washed over me as his razor-sharp nails pierced my skin, his hand seizing my face with an iron grip. "Moreover, I have harbored a fondness for you, and my wolf thrills at your sight" he whispered. I struggled against his hold, but his grasp only constricted, leaving me breathless and helpless.

"Envision the joys we shall share - my affection, our progeny, and, ah, the ceaseless nights of...pleasure," he growled, planting a kiss upon my neck. Tears streaked down my cheeks as I implored him to consider our escape plan, but he seemed lost in his own delusions.

"Why did I tarry? For deep within, you still pine for me, yearning for the ideal existence we could have shared," he muttered, his breath searing against my skin. Fear and confusion gripped my heart as he painted a distorted vision of our future united.

"You are akin to a potent elixir to me, irresistible. The mornings entwined, the evenings of fervor, the scent of your skin igniting my senses..." he trailed off, consumed by desire. It was evident that he dwelt within a fantasy realm, disassociated from our harsh reality. And as he inched closer, his words dripping with lust, I braced myself for the inevitable.

He swiftly signaled his underlings to secure my limbs as he clasped my throat with one hand, while the other slithered beneath my gown, ascending to my thigh. I thrashed against his touch, but to no avail, for he enveloped me in his vice-like grip, his hold unwavering. The henchmen yanked me backward, the agony of their clasp searing through my shoulders, his lupine fangs sinking into my flesh as I cried out.

He had marked me as his...

Yet his onslaught persisted, his bites branding me relentlessly, heedless of any witnesses to his territorial claim. Regardless of my struggles, they maintained a steely hold on my limbs, compelling me to endure the torment as my blood pooled beneath us.

Another growl reverberated through the air, commanding, "Release her now, or face obliteration!" Neith relinquished my neck, whirling around to confront the looming figure behind him. His countenance contorted into a snarl, his body tensed as he beheld the approaching threat.

Hope flickered as I strained to discern the savior amidst the chaos, only to be met with a blurred visage. A towering figure advanced, exuding a lethal aura, his sinewy form rippling as he raised his axe.

A surge of relief coursed through me as the enigmatic figure lunged forth, his weapon cleaving through Neith's accomplices. The cruel grip on my extremities slackened, gravity pulling me down as the world spun in disarray.

The impact of the axe echoed, and the dark silhouette enfolded me in his embrace. A scorching warmth emanated from his touch, suffusing me with a sense of sanctuary as he hoisted me into his arms. His eyes, resplendent azure orbs brimming with resolve and a hint of darkness, met mine, conveying a wordless communion.

Lips met in a profound kiss, tender yet imbued with urgency, his fingertips brushing my nape. Upon breaking the kiss, a bittersweet smile graced his features, his gaze softening as he sought solace in my eyes, a depth of emotion underscored by an unspoken message. And then, as my vision wavered once more, he bore me away from the tumult, his pace swift and resolute.