


As the searing pain gradually subsided, diligent servants attended to me, gently wiping away the beads of sweat that adorned my skin. They then carefully adorned me in a modest, flowing white gown that concealed the remnants of my burns, a garment intended to shield me from prying eyes.

Soon after I had composed myself, two formidable guards materialized to escort me to the consultation chamber. To my astonishment, the assembly comprised only Magnus, his most trusted beta and first warrior, and the presumptive heir, Belkam.

Seated beside Magnus in accordance with customary protocol reserved for the reigning Luna, I found myself under his scrutinizing gaze. Suddenly, Castien burst into the room, seizing Belkam by the collar in a burst of fury. Despite his unkempt appearance, wrought by his frantic race back to the castle, a pang of concern struck my heart at the sight of him.

"If you ever dare to lay a hand on her, I swear I will end you! Your noxious presence is an affront to her!" Castien roared, his voice laced with menace.

"Be patient, for soon she will be mine," Belkam retorted, a malevolent smirk etched upon his countenance as his gaze bore into Castien.

"Enough! Cease this immediately!" I took all males in the room to intervene, swiftly stepping in to separate the two adversaries. An unseen force compelled me towards Castien, drawing me into his embrace as he buried his face in my neck, enfolding me in a protective cocoon. Belkam's growl reverberated through the room at the sight.

"We have convened here today to sanction Lord Castien's proposal to Lorelei, and to formalize their union through mating without delay," my father declared, catching me off guard as I had previously pledged myself to Sigurd.

"Lorelei, my mate," Castien relinquished his hold on me to meet my gaze.

"I would never impose myself upon you. I desire our bond to be a product of mutual understanding and desire, hence I shall wait for us to forge a connection before consummating our union," he declared, disregarding the others in the chamber.

His unwavering resolve and commanding presence ignited a primal response within my wolf, causing our hearts to race in unison and our limbs to quiver in anticipation. The sound of the wooden chair creaking under Belkam's grip elicited a smirk from Castien.

"Nevertheless, I cannot afford to leave you unguarded in his presence. Henceforth, you shall have protectors shadowing your every move, and I shall be by your side as frequently as possible," Castien proclaimed, fixing Belkam with a steely glare.

"Agreed," Magnus concurred, his tone brooking no dissent.

"Alpha!" Belkam retorted defiantly, but my father swiftly silenced him with a stern ultimatum.

"I have spoken, Belkam. Unless you wish for me to appoint another heir, I suggest you heed my words."

Those words pierced through the air like sharpened blades, effectively silencing him. If glares could inflict harm, both Belkam and Castien would have long been consumed by the intensity of their gazes.

His absence, contrary to my expectations, did not weigh as heavily upon my heart as I had imagined. I found myself oddly relieved that he no longer shared my bed, for deep down, I understood that our love was not fated to endure. Though I harbored affection for him, I recognized that our destinies were divergent. Yet, he was all I had ever known, and the thought of losing him was a prospect I could not bear.

Despite being barred from maintaining direct contact, we contrived to communicate through clandestine letters. Within the confines of those carefully crafted missives, we poured our hearts out, endeavoring to bridge the chasm that separated us.

One inexplicable mystery that continued to confound us was the unsettling alliance my father had forged with Castien, even as rumors swirled among the council that our pack was poised to launch an assault on their territory in the approaching season.

As a woman, I was not typically expected to involve myself in such political machinations. However, the bond that tethered Belkam and me was unbreakable, and he had placed his trust in me alone.

The enigma that enshrouded this peculiar turn of events gnawed at our minds, propelling us to seek the truth buried beneath the facade of peace.

Designated as the She-wolf and Luna, I was anticipated to embody obedience and serenity. Yet, with vigilant guards monitoring my every move, I found myself stifled, unable to heed the call of Historia coursing through my veins.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, I made my weekly visit to Dr. Moritz for a fertility examination. Castien permitted only him to scrutinize my unclaimed womb, inspecting both my human and wolf forms.

"Please shift back, Luna. I must examine that mole on your human form," he requested, his tone courteous.

"Do you believe it poses a threat? It unsettles Castien," I inquired, draping my robe around me.

"I have yet to discern why it persists, but for now, it appears benign," he reassured me with a warm smile.

"Jude... how has Castien come to trust you to such an extent? Considering your... nature," I began before checking myself.

"As a Vampire? I am a skilled physician. I have served their kind for centuries, indebted to the king's ancestors who spared my life and offered me sanctuary. It is a debt I can never fully repay," he elucidated while conducting his examination.

"I hold you in high regard as well. Your kindness does not go unnoticed," I acknowledged, feeling a sense of comfort.

"Besides the mole, you are in excellent health. You will conceive in due time," he pronounced, breaking me from my reverie.

"My mother perished in childbirth," I confessed, placing a hand protectively over my abdomen.

"Luna, you are entirely sound. Your anatomy is flawless, your pelvis and womb in perfect condition. You need not fret," he reassured me, offering a comforting squeeze.

"You may depart now, Luna, ere Lord Castien senses me through the bond and seeks retribution," he said, dismissing me with a gentle pat.

"Luna," he called after me as I made to leave. "I shall delve deeper into the matter of the mole. Rest assured." I departed, his words echoing in my mind, hopeful yet tinged with uncertainty.