
A Cure For The World

A man who dies of brain cancer is reborn in a new world filled super humans. Feelin cute might change everything.

some_rando · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter 5-Super human

As Howard left the apartment Linda took the boy into main room of the apartment if his father's apartment was messy this apartment was the opposite. The room was spotless a couch was in the middle of the room facing toward one tv's that James had seen in the hospital, bookshelves lined the wall filled with countless amounts of books, paintings where sprinkled through out the rest of the room many of them showed peaceful forests and streams. While James was busy look around the room the elderly women turned on the TV which caused James to shift his focus his attention from the room to the TV on it the lady slowly flipped through the channels in till she found a news channel.

On the TV a man was speaking about the whether for about a hour. "And now to Rachel with the news on the bank stand off" "Thanks Jim, This is Rachel reporting live from the bank robbery where a man reportly who is calling him self "The Wall". We are getting information that the man's real name is Howard Winslow and that his power is to become harder then steel." "What the hell did she just say...." Was James only thought when she said power "What the hell did she mean by power because if it means what I think it means that this may be my chance to deal with somebody." The women continued saying "I am also hearing that a superhuman named Inferno is heading towards to deal with the rouge superhuman."

   On cue a man fell from the sky landing in front of the news crew. "It's like something out of a dream." was James only thought. The man walked towards the bank and with an a couple of minutes the man came out dragging a burnt corpse, several cops came towards the corpse after a couple of seconds the cops had bagged the corpse. As soon as the cops bagged the body the news reporter spoke again "As you can ladies and gentlemen the suspect has been apprehended by a superhuman and is now being transported by the authorities.