
A Cure For The World

A man who dies of brain cancer is reborn in a new world filled super humans. Feelin cute might change everything.

some_rando · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter 2-Seconded Chance

Chapter 2- A second chance

  As the man who was reborn in a baby's body looked around at the world that he had just entered. He strained his eyes to look at the bright new world but he could only see so much of the new world. "What the hell kind of place have I been brought into." As the nurse rounded a corner in the hallway and entered he noticed a tv that was playing new but some thing wasn't right about it, there wasn't a screen it was being projected into the air. He was shocked by what he saw  "So this new world I have been born into appears to be more advanced!" and he wondered what else this world held for him.

  His thoughts were interrupted as the nurse entered a room that had a window that was thicker then any other other window he had ever seen it seemed as if it could be shot by gun and nothing would happen. As they entered the room it was filled with other newborns. All the children where inside containers that appeared to be made of only glass and where sealied off from the rest of the word they were also suspended in the air, all but one container was filled the nurse walked towards the empty container as the nurse got closer to the container that was empty a digital reading on it read the name James March. "So that is my name here in this place."

The nurse then places him into the container as lid closes the sound of the being expelled of the pod couldn't be heard over the sound of a man yelling coming down, the sound woke all the infants in the room the sound of crying filled the room drowning out all other sounds, all but one child cried and who else would this be besides the man now named James March.

I never thought I would get so many readers so quickly thank you all.

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