
A Cure called Love

Drugs maybe able to cure our bodies, but what about the soul? One can recover from the deadliest disease, if he's a happy soul, but the damaged ones crumbles inside. There's only one cure for the broken souls, LOVE. "What's better than a warm bath---" Chen Xixi stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed a man lying on her bed, with his head on his palm. "Welcome back baby~" Jiang Sheng purred in a deep voice. "The fu*k you doing here?" Chen Xixi was so angry that she could faint. "Chill darling. I'm here to surprise you. Don't you like it?" "Yeah I loved it. Let me return the favor." Xixi pounced at Jiang Sheng and locked him in a choke hold. "How many times I have told you to get lost?" Xixi gritted her teeth while suffocating the man below her. "Let go you stupid girl. You'll leave marks on my beautiful neck" Chen Xixi wasn't able to hold him for a long time though. "Crazy woman! Are you that jealous of my appearance?." Sheng was checking in the mirror, on the opposite wall, if his neck had any marks. "Hah! Stop spouting nonsense and get your dumbass out of my room. You contaminated my bed with your germs. Ewww" "I'm trying to do my job ok? I was instructed to surprise my 'fan' who stays in this hostel room. It was by someone whom I can't refuse. Heavens must hate me that you're my fan." "Your fan? You've finally lost it. I'll gladly kiss a pig then to see your face one more time. Who told you I'm your fan?" "Your family." 'What the actual heck!' You're welcome to join this hate-love relationship journey of Chen Xixi and Jiang Sheng. Will they find together a cure called LOVE? Join my discord for a healthy exchange : https://discord.gg/vF9zNWDN

Prikkrang · Urban
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13 Chs

Preparing a gift...

The Chen siblings and XiaoLi were gathered in Chen Xixi's room.

"Why have you called us here?"

Chen Lisheng asked impatiently. He still had to work on his leave. Life surely is very tough.

"Gege can't you give us one whole day of your life? Anyway, I'm planning to gift mom dad a very special gift from all of us tonight. I've some ideas, you all can suggest something else or pick out one from these. I know it's quiet late to prepare, but if we'll work together, we can get this done. It's only 6 am right now."


Other three said in unison. This reminded the Chen siblings of their childhood. XiaoLi was excited to experience something she never had a chance to. So all of them were very enthusiastic about preparing the gift.

"Number 1 is a three-tier cake baked by us. Number 2 is a collage consisting of all the beautiful memories they had till date in their marriage. Number 3 is we prepare a dance or something."

"I suck at dancing so 3 is cancelled. I'm ok with other two." XiaoLi said lazily looking at her finger nails. She appeared laid back but inside she was dying. Being in the same room as Lisheng was so suffocating.

"I'm ok with anything." Chen fengju shrugged.

"I guess making a collage would be the best. It can be kept as a souvenir too." Chen Lisheng concluded.

"So collage it is. I've planned this through. I asked mommy for our albums with some excuse and picked out some best photographs. You all can take a look and add some more too. She gave me some negatives too. I'll go and get the negatives developed. I've already contacted the studio. You guys decide what you want to do."

The rest three of them were staring at Chen Xixi with awe-stricken expressions.

"Wow. Xiaoxi when did you prepared all this?" Shen XiaoLi was really impressed.

"Huh! I'm so cool right? When you were sleeping on our way here, I came up with this." Chen Xixi was happy that other appreciated her hard work.

"Okay let's divide the work then. Shen XiaoLi, you come with me for buying all the things we need. You and Xiaoxi write down the list now. And Chen fengju, you go and help dad with today's preparations. We'll call you when we're done with shopping." Chen Lisheng instructed.

"Gege, why should I do that? I wanna come---- oww! That hurts!"

Chen Xixi was pinching her little brother for opening his stupid mouth.

"Okay gege. You guys go on. I'll head for the studio too. Chen fengju come with me. You drive me there as the driver is already busy."

Xixi pulled her brother out of the room, leaving the awkward 'couple' inside.

"Xixi wait.." XiaoLi tried to stop her bestie but it was too late now. 'Oh holy cow! I'm alone with him in a room again. I can't embarrass myself again. Let's flee XiaoLi.'

"Ummmm.... I think I should ask Xixi about the list. See you!" Shen XiaoLi dashed out of the room as if she was chased by the demon. Well it wasn't wrong though.

"Sis why do you do that? I don't wanna stay at home and get bored." Chen fengju was whining non-stop.

"Shut up for a moment you rascal. Can't you see I'm playing cupid? Must you ruin all my efforts? And you're not staying home. Drive me to the studio and wait for me till I'm done. Stop whinny now."

Chen Xixi really wanted to smack this stupid brother of hers. It's a good thing she acted fast, otherwise her plan was ruined for sure. 'Phew! So close.'

"Huh? Playing cupid? For whom?" Then it all struck it to Fengju and he had a light bulb moment.

"Gege and XiaoLi jiejie!?"

Chen fengju asked in astonishment. When Xixi nodded, facepalmed himself.

"How can I not notice it earlier? Oh gosh sis! You're really amazing! Find me a girlfriend too!"

Chen fengju was giving his sister the best puppy eyes look he can.

"That won't work with me. Finish your training first. Then we'll talk about your love life. Who will date a loser like you? Kid these days."

"Loser?! Me?! Hah! You're kidding right?" Xixi ignored her brother and got into the car.

"Hey sis! How can you? I'm the best cadet. Girls throw themselves on me. hahaha."

"Drive before I change my mind." Under Chen Xixi's glare, Chen fengju became the obedient child he is, and drove off to the studio.

Fang Sa's studio.

"Chen Xixi! Xiaofeng! Long time no see. How were you both, kids?"

Fang Lujin, a guy in his 50s happily welcomed the Chen siblings inside the studio. Chen family and Fang family used to stay together until Chens moved out of the neighborhood.

"We're great Uncle Fang! How are you and aunty? How's Fang Sa?"

"Your aunty went to meet Fang Sa today. They'll both come to the ceremony together from her house. You know how busy Fang Sa nowadays is. She's working on a new drama. But she'll attend the ceremony for sure."

Fang Lujin was a cheerful guy. He adored the Chen siblings as his own child. His daughter, Fang Sa, was the same age as Chen Xixi and these 4 used to play together.

"That's good to hear! I'll be looking forward to meet Fang Sa after 5 years."

Chen Xixi missed her friend very much. They were together since kindergarten to high school, but difference in career choices pulled them apart and both haven't met since then.

"Xiaoxi, this would take about two hours at least. I would suggest you to get your other things done or you can sit in the café across the street. I'll call you when I'm done."

"Okay Uncle Fang. I'll get going now. See you at the party tonight. Goodbye. Say Hello to aunty."

"Goodbye Uncle Fang."

The Chen siblings took their leave and headed towards their car.

"Sis what do we do now? Is there anything else we need to get done?"

"I don't think there is anything left. I'll call Gege and inform him about this."

Chen Xixi was about to call her Lisheng gege when she remembered her plan.

"No. I can't call them." Xixi looked like she had just avoided a disaster.

"Why sis? Is your phone dead?"

'How is he so slow?'

"Have you left your brain back at your training center? If I call them now, they'll insist us to come along. It'll ruin all the hard work I've done. Let them have some time alone. I'll just wait at the café. You can accompany me or go anywhere else if you want."

"Really? I'll go and meet my bestie then. It's been so long. I'll be back in 2 hours don't worry. Thank you so much."

Chen fengju flew towards his car cause he was afraid his sister would change her mind.

"Haha. Silly kid" Chen Xixi shook her head and entered the café.

We reached 1.5k views!? I can't believe this! ASDFGHJKL---

Thank you so much guys for your support and trust. I'll try to live up to your expectations. Keep reading~

I apologise for not uploading this chapter yesterday as I fell asleep lol. Therefore you'll be getting 3 chapters today. Enjoy~

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