
A Cure called Love

Drugs maybe able to cure our bodies, but what about the soul? One can recover from the deadliest disease, if he's a happy soul, but the damaged ones crumbles inside. There's only one cure for the broken souls, LOVE. "What's better than a warm bath---" Chen Xixi stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed a man lying on her bed, with his head on his palm. "Welcome back baby~" Jiang Sheng purred in a deep voice. "The fu*k you doing here?" Chen Xixi was so angry that she could faint. "Chill darling. I'm here to surprise you. Don't you like it?" "Yeah I loved it. Let me return the favor." Xixi pounced at Jiang Sheng and locked him in a choke hold. "How many times I have told you to get lost?" Xixi gritted her teeth while suffocating the man below her. "Let go you stupid girl. You'll leave marks on my beautiful neck" Chen Xixi wasn't able to hold him for a long time though. "Crazy woman! Are you that jealous of my appearance?." Sheng was checking in the mirror, on the opposite wall, if his neck had any marks. "Hah! Stop spouting nonsense and get your dumbass out of my room. You contaminated my bed with your germs. Ewww" "I'm trying to do my job ok? I was instructed to surprise my 'fan' who stays in this hostel room. It was by someone whom I can't refuse. Heavens must hate me that you're my fan." "Your fan? You've finally lost it. I'll gladly kiss a pig then to see your face one more time. Who told you I'm your fan?" "Your family." 'What the actual heck!' You're welcome to join this hate-love relationship journey of Chen Xixi and Jiang Sheng. Will they find together a cure called LOVE? Join my discord for a healthy exchange : https://discord.gg/vF9zNWDN

Prikkrang · Urban
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13 Chs

Chen brothers' arrival

Lt. Col Xiu's cabin

Lt. Col Xiu and Chen Lisheng were planning how to improve their campers' performance.

"Sir, I suggest that we should make them run 14 kms every Sunday and don't let them sleep the entire night on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. By this, they'll be able to walk their way back even if they're lost or can continue to walk for longer hours than others. We have to teach them how to kill snakes and deal with leopards in case situation arises."

Chen Lisheng suggested what he has observed so far. The cadets were physically fit but camping demands more than physical fitness. The most important trait is persistence. Cadets should be able to perform knuckle push ups even after camping for almost the entire day. They were no heartless demons who enjoyed their cadets' misery but these trainings were essential to make them withstand the battlefield and tortures of enemies if caught.

"I agree with you Captain Chen, but what about navigating in the dark? The monsoons will make it more challenging than it is and it may risk the cadets their lives."

" Sir, I've thought about that too. I suggested to not let them sleep the entire nights for 3 days in a week for this reason. I'll train them to navigate in the dark and teach them some life-saving tips for mountain climbing."

"As expected of you! You've planned all this so strategically. Now I feel like a huge burden has been lifted from my chest. I'll surely treat you a meal for this."

"Umm... Sir, don't embarrass me by thanking me. I respect you from the bottom of my heart. I can't take a treat from you for something I m supposed to do."

Chen Lisheng was firm on this principal of his. He can't ask a payment for something like this in any way. It was his own will that he accepted the offer, so no one owed him something. Lt. Col Xiu knew he can't convince him otherwise.

"Okay then. I respect your decision. So instead I'm inviting your whole family for dinner on Sunday. I'll personally invite Mr. and Mrs. Chen on their marriage anniversary. And won't take no as an answer." Lt. Col Xiu left no room for negotiation.

Therefore, Chen Lisheng has to agree to this arrangement. 'It isn't that bad.'

Military Guest house, Chen Lisheng's room

"...Yes, a cup of noodles and water it is. And please inform 6th termer Cadet Chen of R-squardon to come to my room in 10 mins. Thank you."

Chen Lisheng instructed the person on the other line. He then resumed unpacking his luggage when a soft knock on the door was heard. As soon as the door opened, Chen fengju threw himself on his brother causing them both to fall down.

"I've missed you soooo much. You still smell so nice, just like home.. umm ummm... so satisfying."

Chen fengju was hugging Lisheng like a koala and rubbing his face on Lisheng's chest like a cat.

"Yeah, I missed my little teddy bear a lot too. How have you been? Enjoying your time here? Hmm?"

Chen Lisheng rubbed his younger brother's head lovingly. Earlier when he saw how perfectly Fengju was leading the parade, he felt his chest swell with pride. At that time it took all his self control to not run and embrace his precious brother. But due to this brat's foolishness, he has to punish him with a heavy heart. But his hard work was fruitful since Chen fengju was indeed the best cadet in the academy right now. His little teddy bear worked really hard too.

"Have you packed your stuff? We'll leave at midnight in order to reach there at 5 am."

Chen Lisheng asked patting Fengju's back as an indication to get off the floor now.

"Where are we going so late in the night? And why do I have to pack my bags?"

Chen fengju tilted his head to the side in confusion. This look was so adorable that he still seemed like a little kid. This made Lisheng to chuckle.

" I've agreed to help the squadron in exchange with a 2 days leave for you. Tomorrow is our parents' 25th marriage anniversary. Were you not notified about the grand celebration?"

"It's already Friday? Holy cow! Time literally flew like a fighter jet. Give me 15 mins and I'll be good to go."

Chen fengju bolted out of his brother's room as he can't wait to leave this hell of a place and enter the paradise aka his home. 'Home sweet home indeed.'

Chen Mansion

Chen Mansion was in chaos. Everyone, whether it was the Chen couple, the besties or the servants, was up before 3 am and were trying to prepare anything and everything in order to welcome the Chen brothers. They were coming home after so many months after all. Since the girls arrived late the previous night, they weren't able to prepare the rooms for the arriving duo. Mrs. Chen was adamant to make the dishes her sons loved the most all by herself. But the head chef succeeded in convincing her to take the staff's help too. Mr. Chen was busy checking the arrangement for today's celebration. By 4:45 am they were almost finished. They whole family including the servants, now we're patiently waiting for the Chen brothers to arrive. After a few moments, a black Nissan rolled in the driveway of the Mansion. Everyone was overjoyed to see that the young masters of the Chen family actually drove all way from City T to City K, driving non stop to arrive early.

" Mom! Dad! My dear sisters! See I'm finally back! I thought I won't be able to see you all anytime soon. Boo hoo..."

As soon as Chen fengju entered the living room, he started whining.

" If you were missing us so much, they why didn't you reply to our letters? We were sending you tons of letters and what do we get in return? You unfilial brat!" Mrs. Chen scolded Fengju while pulling his ear.

"Owww... Mom it hurts a lot. I'll write 2 reply letters for every single ones of yours, but please let go of my poor ear."

Everyone burst out laughing at this comical scene unfolding in front of them. 'Second young master Chen is indeed the life force of this Mandion.'

I personally love Fengju. Whom did you liked the most? Comment below~

Thank you so much for reading the chapter. Keep supporting~~

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