

It was almost 11 in the morning, he slid opened the door and entered the cafe. She was sitting at the corner seat sipping her cold coffee, suddenly she was startled by a handshake gesture from behind.

"Hey!! I'm Rahul," a voice followed.

There stood a boy with a charming smile on his face, he rushed to the adjacent chair and took a seat.

Hey!! Hi Rahul!! after such a long time," she said.

"I'm Ritika, 12C. You remember?"

Rahul was amazed over the unexpected meeting, it took him a second to react.

"Hey Ritika!! my goodness, what a surprise!!"

"How are you, where have you been? We completely lost contact after the school,"

"Ya!! I'm fine, I'm currently doing my MBA, was here for a vacation. I gradually lost contacts with all my school friends, but I missed you all badly. A few days earlier, I met Shivangi in the marketplace, she told me about the reunion and asked me to join in, so I did."

" What about you?" she asked

"Nothing much, I've started my own company here, with my college friends, life is going smooth," he said. They looked at each other and smiled.

Rahul, Ritika, Shivangi, Amit, Natasha and Ritesh were school friends, they had spent 5 years of their school life together. But, their was much more about Rahul's and Ritika's past.