
A Cultivation Story: Awakening

haven't just woke up into a fresh and new world having been frozen In time for 10,000 years. The story of a man taking his life into his own hands. This is a story of cultivation

DarkChaosMagi · Eastern
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1 Chs

The Mountain of Purification

Cultivation Sect, the Mountain of Purification

The sect was a forest in itself. The mountain grew into such a towering monolith that it seemed to be an island rising above the sea of trees and shrubs, which were all taller than those found on any other mountains around here. It was so immense that even the stars could not pierce its layers of foliage, and only moonlight illuminated the misty night sky from behind.

It was also well known for being a place where cultivators would come to train their bodies and minds by meditating endlessly and doing painstaking exercises without rest. The sect had been established more than two hundred years ago, when many cultivator sects were formed, but its very existence still remained a mystery because no one knew who founded it or how they managed to survive there. They didn't seem to need food nor water, which gave rise to myths about them living off star energy.

As far as Lin Ming was concerned, this place was nothing short of a paradise. He felt like he had touched the heavens and soared through the universe, so light-footed and free that his life force became boundless.

He looked up at the stars, and time seemed to stop. His mind whirled with thoughts of reaching those distant lights. And then, he realized something. If he wished to ascend to a higher plane of existence, his current cultivation base wasn't enough. The stars might shine down upon him, but he wouldn't be able to reach them if he couldn't grow any more.

Lin Ming calmly closed his eyes, and the pure white light began to slowly spread out over his entire body. As soon as it did, he began to feel a strange sense of clarity within his mind. The light washed away his confusion until the boundaries between himself and the world blurred; he became one with everything.

The white light covered every inch of Lin Ming's body. It felt as though he could see all the way into the depths of reality, as if he had become a god gazing down on creation. He stretched his hand out to touch the stars, but in the next moment he felt his consciousness sink into the ground.

At this point, the white light wasn't just covering his skin, it was penetrating deep into his bones. He felt the energy flow through his body, filling him with vitality and power.

"I am…"

His lips moved, but no words came out.

In fact, he didn't need to speak. Everything was perfectly clear. When he first stepped onto the stage he'd thought that he was here for the sake of the Divine Phoenix Empire, but now his goals were much simpler: he wanted to live, and he wanted to be stronger.

For the first time in his life, he felt as though his true strength had finally been revealed. He felt as if he could do anything, as though his destiny lay before him.

"This is what I can achieve through hard work!"

With these simple thoughts, Lin Ming opened his eyes.

He was standing on top of a cliff at the edge of the mountain. All around him was a vast green mountainous plain, dotted with countless small lakes and ponds. At the center of this area was a large lake, and there was a huge tree growing out of the middle of that lake.

A waterfall cascaded down from the mountain peak, so thick that it almost seemed like a wall. On top of this waterfall, surrounded by the misty air and cool breeze, was a massive tree. This was the Holy Fir Tree, the symbol of the Cultivation Sect.

As Lin Ming stood there looking at the tree, he suddenly felt a chill run through his spine. It wasn't cold, but rather that he was feeling the divine aura of the tree.

All of a sudden, a voice echoed out. "Young man, why are you here?"

Lin Ming turned to look. A young girl with silver hair was standing behind him. She wore a simple white robe that was dyed with the color of the Holy Fir Tree. There were runes carved along her arms and legs, but they were too faint to read. Even though she was young, she was clearly a disciple of the sect.

She smiled kindly at Lin Ming. Her eyes were milky white, like a fairy, and her lips were like cherry blossoms. Looking at her was like looking at the perfect image of beauty.

Lin Ming bowed deeply. "I have come to join the Cultivation Sect."

The girl laughed softly. "You wish to become a cultivator?

"I am a cultivator" Lin Meng said unflinchingly

"Oh really" the girl laughed again, this time harder. "So you're a martial artist from the mortal world?"

Lin Meng shook his head. "No, I'm not."

"Then what are you? A magician?" The girl's tone was mocking as she looked down on Lin Ming. She seemed to be making fun of him.

But Lin Ming wasn't offended. He simply nodded.

"Yes, I'm a sorcerer. But my training has been long and arduous. I've been trapped in a state of suspended animation for nearly ten thousand years."

The girl frowned. "Ten thousand years… You must be quite strong if you've survived that long."

"I don't know. Maybe I'm weak. Or maybe I'm just unlucky." Lin Ming replied with a wry smile.

"That's impossible. Ten thousand years? In such a short amount of time you should already have reached the level of a True Divinity.

"Well I was frozen in suspended animation...my growth was also frozen" Said Lin Ming.

The girl's eyes widened slightly.

"But even then you can't be weaker than me. Your cultivation base is probably far lower than mine. What's your name?" asked Lin Ming, but before he could finish speaking, the girl interrupted him.

"My name is Xue'er. I am the second-generation successor of the Holy Cultivator Holyland, the most senior disciple of the Cultivation Sect. Although I have yet to attain my first stage of enlightenment, I am still a full-fledged high priestess. Why don't you kneel before me and pay your respects?"

Xue'er glanced at Lin Ming, then turned back toward the cliff and spoke to herself. After a few moments, she nodded to herself. "So you are a human. I thought you looked familiar, but I didn't recognize you at first."

"And you are the second-generation successor of the Holycultivator Holyland? That's surprising. I heard that the original disciples were all demigods, but it seems as though the second generation has all been humans. No wonder you are so confident and arrogant. Don't you think it's a little suspicious?" Lin Ming said, his tone mocking.

Xue'er laughed loudly. "Haha! You are a rude boy. But of course, since you are a human, you will die."

"How is that possible?"

"Because you lack the potential to become a true saint. Only through the power of a true godly bloodline can someone attain divinity. But you are a mere mortal, so you won't be able to break out of the cycle of reincarnation. That's why I've decided to kill you right now."

Lin Ming was taken aback. "Why would you want to do that?"

"I will let you live for three days. During this time, I hope that you will be able to make some progress in terms of your cultivation base and strength. Afterwards, when you have failed and died, then I shall kill you."

"So after I'm dead, your going to kill me?"

"Shut up"

Xue'er raised her arm, and golden light flowed forth from her palm. Within this light, the light of the Holy Fir Tree, the same color as the purest jade, emanated. It radiated a terrifying pressure that immediately made Lin Ming feel as if the entire world was crushing him.

Xue'er smiled as she watched Lin Ming. "Now, kneel and pay your respects!"

Lin Ming didn't move. His face was pale, as if he had seen a ghost.

"What are you waiting for?"

Lin Ming fell to his knees.

"Good, good. Now I shall give you a few pointers to guide your cultivation."

Lin Ming heard Xue'er say, but he couldn't move. He was petrified by the pressure emanating from the holy light.

The girl leaned forward, and Lin Ming could smell the sweet scent of flowers on her breath as she whispered in his ear. "Although you are a human, I have no reason to hold back. All I have to do is use the power of my goddess's divinity blessing to strengthen you. Just follow my instructions, and you'll be fine."

Before he knew it, Lin Ming was lying on his back, staring at the blue sky which faded to black as his consciousness slipped away


The next morning, the violet-colored sunlight filtered through the treetops and onto the ground. The air was crisp and cool, and the mountain wind rustled through the leaves.

Lin Ming sat cross-legged, silently meditating. The moment that he awoke, he had started cultivating with fervor. Soon, he had broken through the first layer of his cultivation base. He was now at the threshold of the second layer. With just a bit more effort, he would be able to enter the second stage of his cultivation.

This was all thanks to that mysterious girls power from the night before. When he awoke she was gone.

Her words played through his mind, interrupting his meditation.

"When you fail and Die, then I will kill you"

Three days..

Lin Ming had been given three days to cultivate and make an improvement. If he failed, he would die.

Lin Ming closed his eyes, and he could feel his soul returning to the world of the living. As soon as it returned, it began to fill him with a burning sensation. In the past, he hadn't cared about whether or not he would die. However, now that he had experienced the powers of a true godly bloodline, he suddenly found himself worried.

For the first time in his life, he wanted to live. Now that he was alive again he decided that he would live for himself. Already so soon after making this decision his live was already on peril..

The sweet, hot smell of her breath from the night before lingered in his mind.

Alright he thought to himself "Bring it on priestess"

He continued meditating, but it wasn't long until his thoughts drifted of the night before..

He could imagine her standing above him, looking down at him with those eyes. Her beautiful features were flawless, her eyes as milky white as the moon. Her lips were like pink cherry blossoms, and her long silvery hair seemed like it belonged to a goddess.

Suddenly Lin Ming felt as though he was being suffocated. The sensations of her hands holding him down were still fresh in his memory. His heart pounded violently, and sweat poured from his forehead.

He opened his eyes and forced himself to calm down. He wouldn't be able to cultivate if he lost control of his emotions.

Without any hesitation he took a deep breath. Then he reached out his hand and touched the soil beneath him.

"I'll go for a walk, I need to clear my head"

Lin Ming was sitting on the shore of a lake, surrounded by mountains. On one side was a dense forest, while on the other was a large mouintain of trees. From here he could see the magnificent Holy Fir Tree soaring into the sky at the top of the mountain.

In front of the lake was a platform made of stone. There was a circle of stones engraved with symbols. Lin Ming noticed these two things as he walked over to the platform.

There was a wooden door set into this platform, and within that door was the statue of a woman.

"Is this the entrance of the hidden mountain sect?" asked Lin Ming.

He was surprised. He had never expected that there would be a building here at the edge of the lake.

At that moment, a voice rang out. "It is you?"

Lin Ming turned around, but no one was there. There were only the statues of the woman on the platform. Lin Ming realized that he had been talking aloud.

"Are you here to join us?"

Lin Ming turned around again. This time he saw a girl standing at the edge of the lake. She was wearing a white robe, and she had a long silver ponytail. Her eyes were milky white, and her lips were like cherry blossom petals.

"Come inside. We have much to discuss."

Lin Ming followed the girl's instructions and stepped through the doorway. The moment he entered the room, he could feel his skin tingle.

"Who are you? Where did you come from? What are you doing here?" A cold voice sounded behind him.

Lin Ming turned around and saw a girl glaring at him. She was dressed in a simple dress, embroidered with various designs. She had fair skin and long, shining red hair, like cherries. Her eyes were as pale as the moon.

Lin Ming said nothing for a moment, but then he smiled faintly. "I am Lin Ming.

"Be nice" said the silver haired girl to the red haired girl "You know who he is, you've seen the visions too"

"Nonsense!" Shouted the red haired girl.

She glared at Lin Ming, but then sighed and turned away. "Alright, I suppose you're a friend of hers... Do whatever you want"

And with a good and a puff she turned around and vanished into the dark.

"We have much to Discuss" said the silver haired girl eagerly. " Don't mind her" she added quietly.

"Okay, where are we? And what are you?" Lin Ming asked.

The silver haired girl smiled. "I am called Li Yaoyao. I am one of the disciples of the Holy Cultivator Holyland, and you are…"

She paused and cocked her head to the side. "Do you really wish to know your identity?"

"Yes, I do."

"All right then, let me tell you something. Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a man in the south of the South Sea Continent. He was a true saint, and he had a divine bloodline, the Blood Essence of the Golden Phoenix. His descendants were scattered across the entire continent, and they became known as the True Saints. They came to be feared as the most powerful martial artists in all of Creation."

"Then what happened?" Asked Lin Ming.

"That man eventually died of unknown reasons. His body was buried on an island off the coast of the Holy Continent, and then there was a great battle between the two realms. The war raged for ten thousand years, ending in utter annihilation for both sides – the Blessed Realm and the Holy Cultivator Holy Land. For the last five hundred years, the two realms have been in a state of mutual hostility."

"And that's where I come in?" Lin Ming asked.

Li Yaoyao nodded.