
Tale of Stealing a Rose

With a broken heart, I watch her leaving and I went to my dorm. I lie down on my bed and I thought she really had or have a crush on him, so call Durek Tarhs (I hate this name!!) She had a huge smile when she told me about him.

What should I do now?

(I don't know what I feel for you but it really hurts, it hurts to see you smile when you speak or think about someone. I wish I could be that someone. Am I in love with you? or it's just periodic?)

I was unable to think what I should do? So, I decided not to be friends like we were. I decided not to see her again. A voice from inside hit my mind it's says "Hey boy! Don't mind the person who was with her or who will be. Always be yourself. Be as you are right now. Care for her and be friends forever." Then I decided to kick out all my doubts and negative thoughts and be friends like we were.

Next morning, I saw her sitting in the class, I was heading towards her and then (Durek, Durek, Durek... Ah..) His name covered my head and I could hear his name in my ears. So, I closed my eyes and I saw Salang smiling at me and then the thoughts, funny name and sound went very far away from me. As if, her smile punch his name away.

I sat near her and asked "What's my name for you?"

She surprisingly said "Jack!!"

"No, leaving my real name. A name for me by you only for me."

"I didn't understand what you're saying!"

"I'm asking you to give me a name, which is only for me."

"Oh! Okay. I remember your poem which you gave me before winter vacation, remember?"

I nodded.

"There you wrote Friends Forever!"

"Oh yeah! I remember that, but it is the name for everyone right!" I claimed.

She said "Okay then, let reversed it. 'Forever Friends'. It's fine, right?"

I nod and smile, a huge smile. (I got a personal name from her, Yesssssss!!!)

I was very happy, very very happy that I couldn't express my words. Teacher came and began to teach us. Every minute I was smiling and I secretly see her. She look so beautiful while concentrating. I saw her hairs disturbing her, I wish to hold her hairs so that they don't irritate her. I saw her eyes which was so beautiful that the brightness of her eyes makes my life sparkle with colours and light. I just wanted to kiss her.

(Wait. What! Why am I thinking this thoughts in the class? I have to concentrate, concentrate Jack, just concentrate in the class.)

After the classes over, I was just going near Salang, other girls of my class began to discuss something. I was so shy that I wasn't able to talk with her in front of all the girls. "See you again, bye!" I said with symbol.

Next day, Flower day. The day when everyone in the school give flower to anyone, flowers which represent something. So school prefect and other three students went to flower shop to buy flowers. I know that she love roses so I decided to give her a rose, a red rose (symbol for love).

I searched for red rose in our campus but I couldn't find it. So I went to other place in search for a red rose. And I found one single rose, hanging in the garden of our principal, I secretly plucked that single red rose from the plant and went back to the class. I saw her sitting alone (a good chance) I sat near her and place a red rose in her hand.

She smiled and said "Thank you, but from where did you found this?"

I said "Actually I stole from principal's garden. There was only one so I bought only one, otherwise I would bring a bouquet of rose."

She asked "Does anyone saw you?"

"No!" I said.

She said "Then it's fine! But really Thank you so much. It is so pretty." (Like you)

Assembly bell rang and we went to the assembly ground for the morning prayer. At that day, I was the speaker. I held the morning prayer, and at the time when principal of the school say some words to students I went away from the mic.

Our school principal came and said "Today is my wife death anniversary and I named this day as Flowers day. Now we'll share flowers to each other. Oh wait, Excuse me, Lernch (a peon of our school) please bring me that rose flower which bloom in my garden. I just saw in the morning it was blooming beautifully. Pluck it for me."

My eyes open widely and I move my head towards the side where Salang was standing. I saw her and she saw me both of us were very frightened. We both were in a very horrible situation. I prayed God to save us.

Few seconds later, Lernch came and said "Sorry, sir. But I couldn't find the flower."

Principal said "How is that possible? I saw that this very morning."

Art sir said "I'll search!" and he went to search. Me and Salang continuously saw each other hoping the matter to solve smoothly.

He came back and said "Sir there's no flower."

Principal sir with sigh said "Whoever took it, it's fine, he or she had plucked that flower to give someone right! And that's the only theme of the day."

We both saw each other and smiled.

After the ceremony, we took a breathe and laugh continuously.

(Seriously!!! I stole something. Only for you. I can do anything for you, Salang)


I asked "Did you really stole the flower? Unbelievable."

He smiled and said "Yes!! I was so insane."

I yawned. "Now, you go to sleep, okay Good night!" He said placing hands on my head.

"Okay good night, too" I said and went back to sleep.

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