
A Contractor's Journey

A Waifu Catalog Story the Catalog is made by Swift. So FF means I don't own anything really. This is another SI. Of course I SAY SI but no SI is REALLY SI they are more SI/OC cause you know no matter what WE/I haven't actually experienced whatever so... Meh. Start is in Dark Souls 1 because have YET to find a FF that even GOES there I've read some that so Bloodbourne and/or Dark Souls 3 but NO Waifu Catalogs that do the first game so... sigh here we go again. I used the Interactive for the Build. found at: https waifu-catalog neocities org. had to space out the web address as Webnovel wouldn't take it otherwise. I BELIEVE it was Made by klassekatze but don't quote me on that as the are A LOT of names on the Credit tab. GREAT JOB GUYS/GALS THANK YOU FOR THE HARD WORK! Also posted this on QQ.

Zader · Anime & Comics
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I slowly wake up to the smell of something just plain NASTY! as I open my eyes to find WTF it is cause somethings JUST not right if I'm smelling something like this. It's like sweat, BO, and garbage ALL mixed and cracked up to 12...

Looking around I see stone? And a cell metal rushed door? I slowly sit up to see I'm in a old stone jail cell. "The Fuck?" I ask myself...

Before quickly jumping up in Joy as I call out. "HELL YES!!! I got Isekai'd. Wake up somewhere I've never been/seen. Check. Looks like maybe Fantasy/Syfi location. Check. Anndddd?" With a quick look down followed by a nod. "Wearing clothes I've never owned/seen. Check. And lastly MAYBE NOT IN MY NORMAL BODY?!. Check."

looking myself over it takes me a minute but I DO recognize what I'm wearing... It's Cloud's Outfit... Kind of? I mean I don't have his one shoulder pad, but instead have two and neither have bolts sticking out... Also I'm not blonde? But have Black/Dark Hair?...

As I'm trying to figure THAT out I hear a chime go off... "The Hell is that a Phone?" say confused, while patting pants I find it is indeed a phone, a smartphone that looks like a Samsung A32. It's a BIG Screen sucker at least.

"Okay? Let's see." I mumble out as I unlock the phone to see. "OH HELLS THE FUCK YES!!!" I shout out as I see I'm now a Contractor for The Company with THE WAIFU CATALOG.

I only takes me a few minutes to navigate through the App to find the 'Build' tab, but afterwards curse out. "SHIT! Start in DARK SOULS!?! Damnit!..."

(Okay Okay it's not THAT BAD... I mean it's got the original Fluffy-Dragon Waifu and others too...) as I finish reading my starter build I again curse a bit. (And I'm ALREADY in debt??? AND by the MAX amount too?... *Sigh* Well at least it wasn't wasted really and I have less chance of Dieing right away... AND PATRON??? HELL YESS!!! Oh hey I'm Zack Fair so THATS cool... Wait I've been yelling and nothings happened either...)

Finally looking up from my new Phone I don't see anyone or anything but the cell I'm in. With a shrug I turn back to the Phone to look through the notes to see that Time will be frozen for the first 30mins on arrival at Starter World, or until I leave the cell I'm in. (Nice!) While also making a basic plan on how I'm going to go about all this.

"Well I guess I need to get out and see where I am... I mean it LOOK like I SHOULD be in the Asylum but when?" Mumbling to myself as I head to the door.

It ONLY takes me a couple minutes to figure out how to shift to my Dragon-Mech form. (MAKES NO SENSE!! WHY A Mech??? Why not a Hybrid-Dragon Form?) It's actually SUPER easy to just break the lock part of the cell door, as it's REALLY rusty and I'm Mech-lite.

Looking left then right I do see some Hollows just standing there. As I look to the left I see AND hear a body fall into the cell at the end.

"Well then that answers THAT question I guess." I say to no one.

I walk over to the left as the door is opened by the 'Chosen Undead' who is wearing armor. (So the 'Knight Start Build' eh? alright.)

I don't waste ANY time as the step out and into the hallway I tackle them down to the ground HARD, while pining them down as my 'Shroud' wraps around them. Which is REALLY easy cause I'm still in my Mech form, and they are LITERALLY at the start of the game/their journey so they're SUPER weak...

Not even 10 mins later I hear my Phone ding with the capture. Climbing off them I look to see... "NOPE!" I snark as I hit Sell. As I have NO need or want for them...

(Especially as they're a Guy so he would be a Familiar but... A: Don't need the Chosen Undead, and B: I'll have a BETTER plan then the whole linking the flame thing, all I have to do it find the right world, or buy the right thing from the Catalog.)

*Capture + Sale of The Chosen Undead {Tier:5}: 12 + 4 [13]*

*Debt: -955 [-947]*

With a quick simple thought I try wrapping the Hollow nearby. (Nice so I'll get stuff for the first of each enemy nice.)

*Capture + Sale of Asylum/Basic Hollow {Tier:1}: 1 + 0 [13]*

*Debt: -947 [-946]*

"Always HATED MC's that cry and whine about USING the Catalog and what not. Like just DEAL with it or Fuck off. Like you want to complain about it to bitch just to bitch that's fine. But the whole "NO I don't want to use it or have anything to do with it." But then use it after a week cause 'Reasons'"

I walk along down the hallway as I shank the Hollows nearby after I had changed back to my Human Form, while grumbling about MC's in FFs, as a way to past the time while still trying to ignore the smell of the place.

(Once I get to 'Firelink' and bind the fire keeper there I'll have access to Dark Souls Leveling/Stat System, PLUS she's Tier 8 so that's a lot of points towards paying off my debt. hehe reminds me of Bioshock. "Bring us the girl and we'll wipe away the debt". And I wanna help her cause she gets shafted in the game too. Also the three Sisters in BlightTown as well. Plus 'Patron' giving me 1 point every 3 days too I should be able to clear a chunk and get the rest of the travel Perks for more world selections.)

My thought end there as I step up to the 'BonFire' just outside before the first boss.

"Yeah... I'ma definitely cheese that fight by going Dragon on it and get me that Hammer I'll never use, but hey I gotta get ALL the stoofs hehe."


AN: Yo so other story isn't "Dead" just wanted to write about this for a bit. This might turn out to just be a one shot Idk yet, but meh. Also yeah still have YET to find a WC story that starts in DARK Souls 1, Final Fantasy VII, Log Horizon, or Grimgar. Yeah I know probably just me being me but really there aren't, nor are their many Grimgar FF in general but still.