
A Constellation's Prophecy

"You are destined for greatness Lyra, your old life is what you are returning to." The woman backed away from her with agonizingly slow steps, and the storm was riled up again. Lyra closed her eyes at the ferocity of the rain, and when she opened them again, the woman was gone. ************************************** Lyra has known nothing other than the human world she's grown up in, until she bumps into a wolf larger than life, with midnight hair and eyes of crystal blue. A shy and timid girl that loves her books and herbs is thrown into a world only a crazy person could envision. Well, she might just be crazy too. Thyrius? He is a level headed, completely logical Lycan, he believes in controlling his future and leading his territories with precision. He hides his emotions behind an intimidating silhouette. What happens when a shy and timid girl meets a wounded wolf? Prophecies, apparently.

Kelly_Alice · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 9: A Complicated Bond, and A Simple Pleasure

Thyrius (2022)

Thyrius sat in his luxurious office chair, staring at the beautiful woman before him. Her silver eyes coated in a confidence that made his wolf's heart swell with pride. She was just as determined to figure this out as he was, and it only brought frustration when he realized she had just as much information about the book in his possession as he did. There were very few who knew the oracle that had disappeared with the book, and the ones who did, weren't the easiest to find. It would take time, and resources from more than just his pack. He had seen all of Lyra's energy drain when she first used her power, and he was sure it could happen again. There was no safe way for her to go about it until they figured out where and how she got these powers. If they did drain her energy, there was a chance that the next time, she would not wake up. He had some serious favors to call in, and he was dreading it.

"How do we find whoever had the book last?" Her voice cut through the never ending thoughts in Thyrius' brain and he snapped back into their conversation with ease. "It's gonna take time to track down that information, but I'm going to get my men started on it first thing tomorrow. Tonight, however, we both need to rest. You and I are going to meet with my beta tomorrow and start your training." When he finished his statement he saw a nervous look cross over her face. Thyrius sighed and got up to stand in front of her. Her delicate fingers twirled a strand of silky white locks, and smoothed her pants out. He had grown quite fond of her nervous ticks, but he knew he would have to build her confidence, and training her in battle would be a start.

She looked so frail, and small next to him, and he wanted her to be able to defend herself when things inevitably got tough. His enemies would not hesitate to use her in their plans to get to him, and the possible outcomes made his wolf snarl with fury. He needed to sleep, "Let's go to bed shall we?" He offered her his hand, and she slipped her own in. It felt like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together, and it took all his emotional strength to refrain from spiraling into his own mind. The confliction about their mate bond ran deep within his soul.

He had no explanation for how this could have happened, and he prayed to Leto that this wasn't a mistake. He had a mate previous to Lyra, and in the 1000 years he had spent without her, it never occurred to him that the goddess would bless him with a second chance. He felt undeserving of that. For various reasons, and it only stirred up emotional warfare within himself. He let go of her hand and led them up the stairs into the long hallway. They made their way to the main staircase, and he saw Alana wave to Eleni as she made her way down to them. "Hey Thy, Lyra, I'll see you guys tomorrow" He looked at Lyra and raised his brow. Her cheeks tinted a beautiful blush and mumbled something to Eleni, who in turn laughed and walked out of view into the kitchen. Most likely to discuss the menu for the week ahead. "You've met Eleni then?" His voice was amused, he knew the two would get along, Eleni had a knack for making friends no matter who they were. Sociable and kind, perfect for his beta, she did her job well. Organizing meals and daily schedules for hundreds of wolves was not easy and she made it look effortless. "Yes, she's lovely. We had a nice conversation, I hope to see her around more often." With that they made their way into Thyrius' room. Lyra's nervousness became more prominent when he began to undress. He smirked, she was definitely as affected by him as he was by her. That thought made his wolf howl with glee. "Do you want me to sleep in another room tonight?" If he wasn't a lycan, he would have never heard her question. Did she think he wanted to be away from her? If anything he wanted her closer.

The mate bond had been messing with his head all day, constantly worrying if she was okay, and how she was doing. It caused him to be distant in his meetings, and his focus to be thrown out the window. She had no idea what she was doing to him. He needed her next to him tonight, otherwise he would not be sleeping. "No, no, you can sleep here tonight, if it makes you feel more comfortable, I can sleep on the floor." He didn't want to sleep on the floor, but he also didn't want her to be uncomfortable. If it meant she was going to stay in this room he'd sleep on nails if he had to. "Oh, no that's okay, it's your bed, and it's humongous. We can fit, but I'm gonna make a wall of pillows between us." The corners of her mouth tilted up in a sarcastic smile and she let out a giggle that infected his heart. His laugh echoed the room, and Lyra had to cover her mouth to keep from doing the same. "It's 2022, not 1920, just get in, I'm tired." He was dumbfounded by her response, but goddess knew she didn't have to tell him twice. He sauntered over to his side of the bed, and pulled the covers over him as she got clothes out of her bag, shorts and a large t-shirt dusted in pink and purple tie dye. She looked over at him and smiled softly before going into the bathroom and changing. When she came back out, she had her pale white hair swept into a messy bun, and he had to refrain himself from looking at her bare, and utterly captivating legs. Sleep, Thyrius needed sleep