
A Constellation's Prophecy

"You are destined for greatness Lyra, your old life is what you are returning to." The woman backed away from her with agonizingly slow steps, and the storm was riled up again. Lyra closed her eyes at the ferocity of the rain, and when she opened them again, the woman was gone. ************************************** Lyra has known nothing other than the human world she's grown up in, until she bumps into a wolf larger than life, with midnight hair and eyes of crystal blue. A shy and timid girl that loves her books and herbs is thrown into a world only a crazy person could envision. Well, she might just be crazy too. Thyrius? He is a level headed, completely logical Lycan, he believes in controlling his future and leading his territories with precision. He hides his emotions behind an intimidating silhouette. What happens when a shy and timid girl meets a wounded wolf? Prophecies, apparently.

Kelly_Alice · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 13: A Complicated Interaction

Lyra (2022)

Lyra, in her bubbling fit of rage, stomped into the front yard of the pack house. When Eleni caught up to her, Eleni's worry rang through in her voice. "Lyra! Wait! What's going on, are you okay?" Lyra paused for a moment trying to conceal the rage she was feeling. She made her way over to a tree and sat underneath its comforting shade, and pulled her knees to her chest. Eleni came over to sit next to her and placed a hand on her knee. "Hey, I know everythings a bit crazy right now but what happened?" Lyra sighed and pushed some of the hair away from her face. "It's all just way too much for me, and I'm trying to calm down but I'm pissed. I am so angry, He can't decide where I should and should not go. I'm not an object and I don't belong to him. I get that we are mates, whatever that even means to him, but if me going to this coven means we have a chance of getting answers, I want to do it. Yeah, he agreed to me going in the end, but what does that say the next time we need to go somewhere?" Lyra knew she was babbling, and it probably wasn't logical to be upset about something that in the end worked out for her, but it was the principle. She was 22 years old, she wasn't a child, she could make decisions for herself. "Hey, I understand, Gus gets that way sometimes too, he annoyed me, I wanted to go too, but it makes sense for me to take over his duties while he's gone. And as for the whole mate thing, yeah, Thy isn't really going about it in a traditional way but-" Lyra didn't mean to but she cut Eleni off. "What is the traditional way? How are mates really supposed to go about this whole thing? If anything, the whole bond thing is the most confusing part of all of this." Eleni seemed taken back by being cut off, but understanding resonated on all her features. "Oh dear, I should have told you all of that in the beginning. You don't even know traditional werewolf customs."

Eleni pulled Lyra into a hug, and Lyra stiffened for a moment but let it happen. "Mates are essentially soulmates, and in our world, Mates normally get right into the puppy love stage. Pun, definitely intended. Things are pretty fast paced in that sense, but for the most part, any male in a high ranking position within a pack, such as an alpha or a beta, are extremely protective. It's instinct. Their mates are the ones that are at most risk of danger. Especially when an enemy pack gets wind of any potential weakness in the alpha. Thy is different, and you aren't his first mate, so this is even more confusing for him than he lets on. His natural instinct is to be possessive and protective of you, but he's more than likely trying to hold back in those aspects, due to, well, everything that's going on." Eleni was making perfect sense to Lyra, and that only angered her more. "Why? I mean I get like taking things slow, but he's so back and forth on this that I'm destined to get whiplash from it. If we're soulmates, wouldn't there also be an urge to support and comfort them? I swear, he was easier to read when he was a wolf!" Lyra flung her arms out in exasperation when Eleni pulled away from the hug. "I mean his wolf is definitely more joyful at times, and that says a lot, but I understand where you're coming from. Honestly, he's a tough guy to read when it comes to emotions, but Lyra, don't mistake it, he cares for you, he'll come around. Let's just take a breather, maybe you can show me how to meditate. My mind runs a mile a minute and I need to learn how to stop that." With that Lyra gave a small laugh and moved to stand up. Eleni knew what to say to make her feel better, and she appreciated that she could have someone to talk to in a time like this. "It's not difficult at all, let me show you." Eleni squealed in excitement and followed Lyra past the edges of the trees. Lyra needed to meditate, the rage hadn't succumbed to peace, and Lyra was afraid that something might happen if she didn't get it under wraps.

Lyra and Eleni finally found a clear enough spot to sit across from one another without overcrowding. As Lyra went over a few techniques, Eleni listened with an eager expression, and it brought Lyra immense happiness that she was so invested in something she held near and dear to her. Eleni took Lyra's suggestions on how to begin to heart, and closed her eyes, allowing for her mind to go to a place of peace and tranquility. When Lyra saw that Eleni had fallen into her state of meditation, Lyra began to settle into her own. It was easier than before, and her mind wasn't nearly racing as much as before. Her mind wandered into a perfect piece of serenity and Lyra held onto it for dear life. She felt completely at ease for the first time since encountering the feral wolves, and she wanted to hone in on her own power. Maybe she could train herself to control it, if it ever came out again.

The trees gave them the cover they needed from the rest of the wolves that had been on the training grounds. They were far enough away from others that any sounds came from the forest alone, and that brought comfort to Lyra. She had missed this state, clinging to it as if it were a mother coming home from a long shift at work. The steadiness of the birds chirping helped her to concentrate on her breathing, and in turn sending her into a beautiful and meditative trance. Loud growls, snarls more like it, did not help, and Lyra's concentration had been broken. When she opened her eyes she saw that Eleni's eyes were a bright gold, shimmering in the shadows of the trees. Eleni had whipped her head around to see what had made the noise, and Lyra gasped in fear as their eyes landed on two ferals. Red eyes glaring into their souls, teeth glistening with blood.

It happened all in the time it took Lyra to blink. Eleni charged at the wolves, and bounded into the air, she saw clothing rip, and heard bones crack and pop. Eleni's wolf was beyond magnificent. Lyra had absolutely no words. Shimmering gold hair feathered her wolf's body, and large paws swiped at the first feral. It was no competition, Eleni had power and force on her side, and within minutes the first feral lay on the ground, slashes across its body, and blood poured from each wound. The second, however, had the advantage, its speed was immaculate, dodging each attempt Eleni had placed on its throat. The two slashed at each other with brutal force, and Lyra's rage began to bubble up again. It wasn't enough that these things had forced her out of her home, but now they interrupted the first ounce of peace she had in a while. It didn't help that they had already set their sights on Eleni, a sweet and gentle wolf, who Lyra had come to appreciate.

Lyra had to act and act fast. The feral had gotten its paws on Eleni's throat, and it was only a matter of time. Lyra gathered the rage that had bubbled to the surface and held up her hands. Please, don't let her die. Lyra pleaded with whatever power that was within her. "HEY! RED EYES!" Lyra shouted, once again taking the attention of a feral that would potentially end her. The feral's eyes brightened with rage and let go of Eleni. Lyra was angry, and focused that anger on the energy that bubbled inside of her. And it worked. Blazing hot beams of light shot out of each of her palms. The feral didn't have time to dodge. She focused the beams onto the feral center, and within seconds, all that was left were bones, and a tuft of fur. "Lyra!" Lyra couldn't really grasp what had just happened when Eleni ran up to her. All she could focus on was the palms of her hands, burnt and blistering. "Lyra, your hands!" Eleni's worry rang clear, and she grasped Lyra's wrists, trying to get a better view of the damage. "We need to get you to the pack doctor. Now." Eleni was firm, and Lyra knew she couldn't argue with her. It was bad, but it wasn't anything she couldn't heal from. She stayed silent as Eleni led her out of the tree line and to a house on the opposite side of the training grounds. Lyra just wanted one ounce of peace, just one.