

Why,just why can't I be happy for once why can't just one of my dreams come true,God am tired. This is the story of Mitchell Thompson,a girl who is only after 2 things her family's love and her dreams. There is this saying never let your mistakes define who you will be. This is my story This story is mine

tingtan · Teen
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Mitchell's pov

Omgggggg,a mafia king is in front of me,like his he really asking for my number, he his just so cute.

Mitchell,Mitchell, immediately I felt something wet on my body and I woke up realizing I was only dreaming.

Good morning mom,yes it is my mom that poured water on me, well met my stepmother the she devil 😈Clarita Thompson, she hates me to the core,at least even though she hates me it doesn't affect me because even my birth mother does not like me,so am use to this life already.

Why are you still on the bed by this time of the day,won't we eat,you useless girl,am expecting the breakfast to be ready in the next 20min or else you will hate yourself,useless girl, I just can't hold the tears any more,this is my life everyday,when will this end,God what have I done to deserve this punishment,why me,God why me.

What do you guys think?this is my first time writing novel I prefer reading to writing though 😄 but I don't know this story just came to my head and I thought I should just publish it.