
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

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Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


"cultivators have unique connections with their energy, many don't even need to try and master control of their power, like you former shinobi. absorbing energy, and refining it within the body needs its unique form of energy control. due to this deeper connection, it comes with the drawbacks of backlashes. most of you don't even know the concept of a backlash from controlling your energy or misusing a mistake. but cultivators have such a deep connection with their energy that causing the slightest mistake with it, could injure them." Sora said calmly while a role of people sitting before him crossed legged

"you all need this deep sense of connection with your energy, it could take years to build since you are all passed your golden age of cultivation. So, you would all have to build this connection through battle, you are all now at least at the Six Paths tier, and although not strong enough to match the true experts within the Ōtsutsuki clan, it's enough when you all are working together." Sora said calmly,

"I will split you all into teams of two. Hashirama and Madara, Tobirama and Izuna..." Sora listed everyone and their teammates, but he felt out a few people who would stay behind,

"all of you would be spread out to different parts of the galaxy to hit different parts of the Ōtsutsuki clan or other clans within this galaxy. you would all have an army of the white Zetsu following behind you, any questions?" Sora asked calmly, to which the 3rd hokage raised his hands with some resistance

"I have 2 questions, are we at risk of having our mind affected by Order? and are we going to fight without trying to find a peaceful means?" He asked calmly, to which Sora pointed down below, leading the 3rd hokage to look under the mat he was sitting on, there he saw a paper which he opened and began reading out loud.

"I will take care of Order, so only Naruto would have any effect on your mind. I saw the future and it's useless to try and find a peaceful way with these clans, most of the clans which exist now are fully supporting the Ōtsutsuki clan, or are even joining them. to some degree, the Ōtsutsuki clan keeps them in check from going overboard and keeping balance... now, any question?" the 3rd hokage said making every lip twitch slightly,

"then, if you look under your mats, you would see your targets. I saw the future, but in the end, it's up to you all how you deal with this. the white Zetsu are easily farmed, but that doesn't mean you all shouldn't build up your clans and powers, so it's best you all at least take a few talents from your clans to help in this battle. the white Zetsu would not be enough for our future battles, this would bring to my next order for all of you." Sora said while everyone took out the latter under them, which shocked them even more as they picked the place to seat randomly, yet their name was on this latter and their partner,

"I want you to start building academies, after we conquer these galaxies I will take the step into making one. but I want you all to do this, my academy would pay attention to the most talented, yours can take care of the rest or those who don't want to join mine, or build yours to rival mine. either way, they are a place for teaching, and it would be up to you all to teach them. Of course, you all would not be like me, and be all-rounded, so build your academy around the subject you're skilled in. Of course, you can also work together to build an academy, and do whatever you want, but in the end, Itachi would have to approve each academy... any questions" Sora said calmly, to which no one raised their hands

"then set off and get ready," Sora said calmly, to which everyone bowed before walking off, leaving the time chamber where space moved far greater than the outside world. a day in the outside world was a year within this chamber, allowing Sora clone to teach them all countless amounts of stuff within,

So, they returned home and quickly found talents to follow them, but not all of them wanted someone to follow them. they instead wanted to work with their partner and the white zetsu, so they set off, a few bothered to get information on their enemy, and others just attack without warning.

Sora didn't bother to pay attention to them, of course, the target they were facing was no normal low-grade planets that members of Ōtsutsuki sent to farm on. instead, they were mid-grade planets that had chakra on them, of course, such planets had to have at least a Star God on them.

Star God tier existences had enough respect from the Ōtsutsuki clan to be seen as something above resources, so they were allowed to have their planet, which they could look after.

Sora had seen the future, of course, he could now see further and see more possibilities than before, so he was sure they could win. but just to make sure, he had destroyed their chances of failing their task of conquest.

"Your male is ready, you need not worry. I thought about the fact you reached the first level of the dragon heart, so you must get more hungry than normally right?" Mei asked with a smile while hugging Sora's arm, and placing them in between her breast.

"what are you saying?" Sora said calmly, although he could see the future, it didn't mean he looked into the future to see every last detail.

"I started a farm, which a leg bits of the chakra fruits I got from Orochimaru. He was more than happy to give me parts of the fruit hearing its use was to help you. so now, the animals all are being strengthened just for you. you should see the chicken, I'm sure it could fight a Jonin or give a Kage a good right." She said with a smile, making Sora look at her for a moment before nodding.

"why are you taking all the credits as if you came up with all of this by yourself?" Ino said while glaring at Mei, she was not alone as a few other females joined her. Among them were Tsunade, Tayuya, Fuu, Mabui, and Konon. these were a few of the females who were talented enough to be taught by Sora or followed Sora along, being Mabui who was pretty much Sora's assistances

Just as the females were about to fight amongst each other like females, Kaguya stepped forward to open a portal for Sora. Sora no longer had to walk, with Kaguya there, he teleported everywhere he needed to be. Kaguya stepped up to this role for a few reasons

one was that she was scared of Sora, but this fear quickly transformed into respect, and now became one of Sora's loyal assistants. unlike the others, she didn't act all childish and show her love towards Sora. Sora was handsome, and his charm was only growing even more thanks to him reaching the first level of the dragon heart, so even someone like Tsunade couldn't help but turn into a teenager in love.

Sora ignored all of this, instead, he entered the portal and went to go see the good which was ready for him, and upon eating the food, he had to admit these ladies knew their stuff. the stronger Sora got, the more energy he would of course need to power himself. Sora wasn't the type to allow himself to run on low before looking for food, he wanted to stay around 75% at least,

So, after eating his food, he went to go look into the chakra fruit he had. One should know that they just took down a member of the Ōtsutsuki clan, sure he was just like Kaguya and was weak, but he had two chakra fruits on him, so Sora took on and threw one to Orochimaru to have.

So, now he wanted to study these fruits. during the 3-year time skip, Sora worked with Orochimaru and got to learn many about biology. of course, in his verse, there were experts who reached into this subject

this is where cultivation art that could give a person a unique physique came from, if Sora wanted he could create a technique that could give someone the Uchiha clan bloodline, hell he could make the bloodline hundreds of times stronger than the current clan. but Sora's way of doing this wasn't perfect, this was because he told the cultivation art how to act, and didn't truly know what he was telling the cultivation art to do.

So, during those 3 years, he managed to study many bloodlines and created bloodlines to better suit the Uchiha clan and other clans. but now, he wanted to see if he could do something like gene editing,

in his past verse, Sora heard about how many experts were able to edit the bloodline of beasts to purify them or give them other beast characteristics. but this was not only limited to beasts but even planets and humans.

they were some mad men who would experiments on pregnant females to try and have them birth a child with unmatched talents. there were some who managed to create copies of other physiques, just weaker than the real things.

Sora even remembers hearing something about someone recreating his eyes, and physiques, a thing which shocked many, but Sora was too disdainful of such a thing he ignored it. but now he was wondering if he was too disdainful of this subject, what if he take one thing and make it hundreds of times betters by simply destroying a few things within their DNA?

Just imagine if he destroys all the limitations or drawbacks within a person's bloodline, and does some editing to make the said bloodline stronger. just imagine the army Sora would have at his fingertips,

Sora quickly cut apart the fruit and took out its seed, after which his eyes glowed as he saw this seed's genetic code. using his chakra, he began to make some changes to the seed, while at the same time destroying things he didn't like.

Sora of course knew how to read such things, it took him 1 month to learn everything Orochimaru knew, and the rest of that time it was him teaching Orochimaru things. in truth, Sora could have made the White Zetsu stronger, but he left all the work to Orochimaru. Sora could have even mastered everything Orochimaru knew sooner, in a few hours in fact. but they were too busy with so many things that they stretched it out to a month, and most of that was Sora simply learning from watching

Sora wasn't as overpowered as it sounded, there were some things harder to understand than others. these codes had to be translated, and mistakes done while editing something DNA could end in mutations which could be bad or bad. the more complex a person's DNA is, the harder it is to translate and understand.

to add new information onto a person's DNA was the hardest part, not only did one need to becare where they had such new information, and make sure it went along with the other information. one also had to make sure that the new formations aren't attacked by the body defense system, yet make sure that the new information would override the body.

depending on how went about editing a person's DNA would depend on many things, if one uses chakra or other forms of energy to edit DNA, then one would need a huge amount of energy depending on how powerful their information would be, and how powerful the DNA they were trying to effect

if one were using something like tools to do this, then they would need high-grade tools, depending on how powerful the DNA was. the easiest way would be with tools, after all, you can have a computer read you the information and even show you the best route. plus, unlike a human, a computer could put all its attention on this one task.

but the best and fastest way was to just have Sora do it, he barely looked at the God Tree seed, and in a few seconds, he had done who knows to it, and was now planting the seed within a box.

Sora closed the box, before feeding it his chakra. this box was a greenhouse, and within time was speeding by many times, and the size was more than enough to hold this need God tree Sora created. if one were to enter the box, they would see a seemly normal tree growing, while absorbing Sora chakra which filled the box

in no time, a huge and healthy tree filled the greenhouse, and fruits quickly began to appear all over the tree. with that, the sky opened, revealing the huge image of Sora who pulled out the tree, as the tree was being pulled out, enlarged as it left the box.

once the whole tree was pulled out, Sora planted it in a garden and went on to pick chakra fruit. only a few days had passed on the outside world, yet to this tree, years had passed enough for it to fully grow and birth many fruits.

this new chakra fruit didn't simply grow faster, it produced fruits at a higher rate than the old God Tree, but it also made stronger and healthier fruits, at the cost of having a shorter lifespan. it was as if its 10,000+ years of lifespan was compressed into a few hundred years,

"My lord, you're finally out," Mabui said while holding a clipboard to her chest and running up to Sora, Mabui was a dark-skinned young woman with green eyes. She was a beauty, although not much of a fighter, but she possessed a unique technique that allows her to transfer matter over long distances, which lead to Sora having her become his assistant.

"what is it?" Sora asked calmly, only Itachi was allowed to come and see him within his cave unless he calls for someone, he was to be left alone.

"Everyone had finished their task... all but Itachi who was been captured by the enemy," Mabui said causing Sora's eyebrow to raise, clearly caught off guard with such news. Itachi being the strongest person under him, could even escape from the likes of Cosmic God if he was pushed to such a level.

"not much is known, but before he attacked, he reported something about an Ōtsutsuki being on the planet he was to conquer," Mabui said making Sora frown deeply, the planet Itachi was tasked to conquer was a powerful one, one of the most powerful ones, but there shouldn't have been a member of the Otsutsuki there.

it was not like Sora to go on with his mission after seeing such things, Itachi was the type who didn't rush in and fight, and would instead fall back to collect more information. then this would mean that his enemy must have been strong, enough to catch him... but Sora refused to believe that his student would fall so easily.

"Should we gather an army to go save him?" She asked nervously, without Itachi here to look after things, things have been unstable and many have been fighting to lead, thinking they were next best.

"No, if Itachi was captured, we should expect that his memory would have been read. get ready for a counter, and secondly send... Obito over there to look at things from afar. he is not to get caught, so he should use a clone or something." Sora said calmly, if Itachi was truly captured and would die, then Sora made a mistake. instead, he rather turns his attention to getting ready for a counter from the enemy,

"have the radars up and running, the moment something off happens, I want to be the first one to know of such things. Have Minato stand on the borders with Sasuke, and have Orochimaru give them the new model of White Zetsu he had been working on ever since he got the Ōtsutsuki body." Sora said calmly, Mabui nodded slightly as he quickly send this information

"last, everyone is to be on high alert for the following 10 days... by then, I will destroy this seal and slaughter my way to the Ōtsutsuki clan, I don't have time for a setback," Sora said calmly before walking off, leaving Mabui stunned as she knew what this meant. this meant that in 10 days, Itachi would most likely die, that is if he lives long enough under the enemy's hands... but she misunderstood Sora.

At the end of the day, Sora saw Itachi as his disciple, if they truly captured Itachi, and he was left helpless, that was a slap to his face. if they kill Itachi, they were stepping on his face. Sora would not take such disrespect. no one touches what belongs to him, and walks away as if nothing happened.

meanwhile, light years away. Itachi hunged in the air, chains which canceled out his chakra holding him, injuring filled his body, while a Ōtsutsuki clansman stood before him with crossed arms and a hint of a smile

"I remember seeing a life form like you... I just can't remember what you were, so it's your lucky day, I will take you to the main clan. there I will have the tools needed to look into that mind of yours, without shattering it. I want to know where a lower lifeform like yourself could have gotten so powerful, in such a short amount of time." He said with a cold smile, only for Itachi to just calmly look at him without any emotions

"Haha, I will enjoy breaking you." He said with a laugh,