
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

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Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


Ships after ship were sent off the planet, all had a group of white Zetsu that went to mine asteroids for more resources. With Sora and Abel, they laid the foundations for a mothership. thanks to the fact that Sora could use his chakra without worry, he was able to use will his chakra to have many effects.

From the strength of the resources they mined to giving the resources unique abilities, and even destroying the chains that stopped them from having such skills. So, a mother ship began to start being built.

But due to the size of such a ship, and the power it would have, 6 months would take the longest. of course, more and more ships would be built within this time. from ships with the sole goal of carrying passengers to ships for war, mining, or even speed, countless ships were being created.

after all, Sora had a factory be built, such thing speed up the creation of these ships by a great degree. because of this, the astroids around them were being mined at high speed, and even those outside the solar system were being mined.

Under black zetsu, the whole solar system grew to be able to hold life a month after Orochimaru. Sora of course had his clones working, on each planet, Sora built teleportations formations and runes to allow people to quickly go from planet to planet,

Although the charka needed to use these teleportation abilities were high, they only needed a Demi-God level of energy. this problem was fixed as while all of this was happening, Sora released Natural energy crystals to the world,

What were these Natural energy crystals? Sora using his runes was able to create a zoom dense with natural energy. Sora had to ensure that the ores there absorbed the natural energy, ensuring that they transform into crystals of natural energy. So did the same thing to the other planet once life could exist on them,

those who absorb these energies could cultivate faster, and use these crystals to power things like ships, and so on. Of course, with such a thing intruded on his people, they rushed for the chance to buy one, but to their disappointment, they were super expensive

So, more people had to start working if they wished to get their hands on such things. Just because this place was peaceful didn't mean that they didn't have any hunger for improvement,

So, 3 months after Mars was colonized, Sora allowed them to leave this planet to explore other planets. He used this chance to show them that only this city was heaven, that relaxed, and refreshed state of mind they were in disappeared once they left. Sora pushed them to fear that one day this peace would be stolen from them, causing them to only seek out power even more

of course, this caused them to be more chaotic once they left the city, leading to them having a higher chance of attacking each other. So, the rules they had to follow were strict, and being kicked out of the city was one such punishment, this scared them and suppressed any thoughts they could have had.

the same month Black Zetsu, Black Zetsu had many white Zetsu set out of space ships, all setting out to colonize many star systems around them. By the next month, 10 light-years around them had been colonized,

Of course, along the way, Black Zetsu had each of the white Zetsu drop small teleportation formations, on nearby asteroids. this allowed Sora to teleport to which planet, and mark them with teleportation formations

If the galaxy was split into 3 parts, then Earth was located on the outer part of the galaxy. Through Kaguya, Sora knew that the closer one gets to a galaxy, the more lifeforms one would run into. Of course, no life existed at the center of the galaxy, that place was a black hole.

Instead, the planet that is near such a place was much stronger and bigger than anywhere else. the same was for the stars that could be found there. Sora already mapped out the galaxy, and even the universe long ago. he already found life on other planets and knew that they were about to meet the member of the Ōtsutsuki.

Sora sat back, and let Itachi deal with this. Since Sora can make formations that can allow one to teleport, Sora can of course create formations that could control time. space and time, they can't exist without the other.

Sora was able to create runes that could speed up the time within one's mind, or create rooms where time moves faster. of course, such things used up a lot of chakras, and Sora only created them due to how powerful he was, with the rooms sucking him dying, he trained Itachi, enough for him to take over and no longer need him.

So, Sora was no longer needed and Itachi could deal with the rest. so, once the mother ship was finished being created, Itachi lead the planet size ship to the planet where the Ōtsutsuki member was overlooking.

The mother ship was of course powerful, being something that took 6 months to build even with Sora working on it from time to time. it was complex, many runes ran up its body, and many formations filled it. this mother ship although not fast was able to open a portal 12 light years away, and came out of the other side, only to be met by a member of the Ōtsutsuki clan

this member had a simar skin to Kaguya, instead, he had no 3rd eye as he didn't eat the Chakra fruit which seems to have an effect of evolving those who eat it. This member was a young man with two horns growing to form his forehead, he had two byakugan,

This young man of course moved to protect this planet, he could help but sneer while looking at the ship. only those weaker races would use such things to travel, meanwhile, members of the Ōtsutsuki clan could open gates, allowing them to pretty much appear anyone they want. of course, the further away, the more chakra would be needed.

"This planet is under the rule of the Ōtsutsuki clan, you have..." The young man seeing Itachi through the shipping window wanted to speak, but he froze as he fell under a genjutsu. Orochimaru who was within the ship couldn't help but lick his lips while looking at this Ōtsutsuki body, he couldn't wait and get inside it.

Orochimaru had yet to eat the chakra fruit, thats because although the Sora pill sped up the growth progress, it was only by 100 times. he still needed to wait a year, although now he only needed to wait for about 6 more months, maybe longer as the planet's condition would affect the chakra fruit

"Zabuza, I leave the conquest of this planet in your hands. avoid killing, this is not what we came here to do." Itachi said calmly while looking at the God Tree which could be seen from space...

Itachi felt disgust while looking at this tree, and even more disgust towards the Ōtsutsuki clan. they saw other races as nothing more the farm animals, the more he knew about them the more his goals grew stronger.

Conquer the world and bring forth true peace, not a state of peace before war, but a peace that never ends. Once Sora sent up the formations on this planet and start absorbing this planet's chaotic energy, Itachi was still sure that he alone was more than enough to keep Sora in check.

Itachi was far stronger than before, so powerful in fact that if the seal placed on Sora was not uniquely made to make sure that it only seal away the strength outside of Sora's control, Itachi alone would have been enough to seal away Sora's strength until he was Genin.

"Orochimaru, you can study his body later. focus on your task." Itachi said calmly, making Itachi who had just got his hands on the young man's body frown slightly, but Itachi was the boss so he followed Zabuza to the planet.

Orochimaru's task was simple, he was to study this planet's herbs and lifeforms, at the same time, he would be given one of the 2 charka fruits to fruit its effect. the other would be given to Sora.

Anyways, Conquering the planet was simple. the lifeforms here had no chakra, and seeing Zabuza's power, they thought he was god and began to worship him in fear.

the lifeform on this planet was humanoid, the only differences they had from humans were that they had 4 arms, and they had no ears, instead 2 long antennae which grew from the places where their eyes should be. the antennae didn't point straight up into the sky but instead cursed towards their back.

To say the least, Orochimaru was cursed with these life forms and wanted to cut them up. but he could only cut up the bad eggs, which he quickly found. of course, there was no language barrier, the Ōtsutsuki clan taught not only this planet but even Earth the same language, making it easier for them to communicate

of course, this planet was in a state of war, allowing for the chakra fruit to drink all the blood it needed from them. This only disgusted Itachi even more, but quickly the planet was taken over and chakra was spread to the lifeforms here

After doing everything needed, Itachi set up a teleportation formation and the Peace formation, which transferred all that chaos to Sora.

Due to how far it was, the amount Sora absorbed was little, but the pressure Sora felt while standing against ordering more than doubled

This was because the peace formation on that planet covered the whole planet. This made that planet avoid hatred and conflict. A perfect world one would think was heaven

Within Peaceful City, the city Sora built and named half-assay, a clock man walked through the streets while looking around. The past few months the city had improved as Sora didn't simply push for combat power to improve, he wanted the lively hood of his people to improve

Because of this, things like trains appeared in the Naruto world years ahead of its time. Tv became common for everyone to have, even on the side of buildings, one could see these TVs, some showing news, others showing ads, and so on.

"the planet is called Plant Nepo. By next month, their lifeforms would be able to come and visit this planet. Please be kind as they have been under the control of the Ōtsutsuki clan, forcing them to fight amongst each to feed the god tree blood. Thanks to Sora, they can now experience true peace." on one of the TVs, Itachi was being interviewed on the recent happening, leading a crowd to be moved

"The Otsutsuki clan are powerful, they are a huge risk to this peace, so to protect it, we lost continue to grow stronger. If not, then everything we have would disappear." Itachi said, making everyone uneasy, but their determination burned, this was heaven to them, so how can they allow such heaven to be taken from them?

"..." The Hooded figure looked around for some time, before walking off. But he froze when he saw a golden-haired man, even with this young man's looks, no one seemed to notice his existence, which he found to be weird.

"you need not worry, I have no interest in killing you... Instead, I want to know. Why do you reject me?" Sora said calmly, making the hooded figure removed his hood, revealing his two rinnegan

"... Why do I reject you?" Sasuke asked but just when he was about to speak, Sora spoke

"you makes no sense, the family you always wanted is here. Your brother is happy, everyone is happy, and a peace that could last forever is before you. Yet you hold on to one reason, put faith in someone walking in the dark that wants to destroy something that brought the whole world together." Sora said calmly making Sasuke frown

"you want to control your Fate? But so far you only live because of Itachi, you want to bring forth peace, yet you're only spreading trouble. You hide, yet ignore the fact I'm not even looking for you. With those rinnegans, why are you so blind to reality?" Sora asked calmly, making Sasuke's head hurt slightly as a headache hit him before he exploded into smoke

"Interesting, words can combat order to some degree," Sora said with a smile,

"Well, I should go and work on opening the 8 Dragon Gates," Sora said with a smile, ignoring the seal on him, Sora's full strength would be at the early Six Paths Tier.

Shockingly, this was the tier of power needed to open just the first seal. The Dragon Heart, Split into 10 levels would boost one level by a great degree

Secondly, Sora was given to spread the curse seal to others, this will allow them to gain something like auto cultivation.