
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

I have Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Conquer The World

"... I have a question. why did my rinnegan ability overwhelm the other's ability? shouldn't our eyes counter each other eyes in some way shape or form? Like how my Amaterasu counters Obito Kamui." Itachi said calmly while following Sora who was walking through the Ōtsutsuki clan branch mansion.

Kamui sent Obito's body part which would have come into contact with a target into his Kamui space. the Amaterasu on the other hand appeared on a target, sure one could move fast enough to dodge it, but if one stand still then the flames would hit them. even if their body parts enter the Kamui space, then the flames would follow.

this was how Amateasu countered Kamui, but at the same time, a user of Kamui could just send the flames into the Kamui space, but they would need both eyes and perfect timing for such an act.

"Your ability is special. You reject this world. normally, you wouldn't be able to reject another rinnegan ability... but you have hints of Chaos flowing through you. this would allow you to break common sense, logic, and so on. now, you can do anything. reject all things placed to block you, as I destroy all things." Sora said as he stopped to look at Itachi, who nodded as he guessed this already.

"I will have 7 people of your level. my 4 limbs, head, heart, and brain. 7 seals would be placed in these locations... you shall be the heart. and with such an arrogant ability, why not... let's give the 7 of you the title of 7 sins. You would be the leader of the sins, the Sin of pride." Sora said with a smile, leaving Itachi stunned for some time he looked weirdly at Sora.

"What? how arrogant must you be to reject the world?" Sora asked with a smile, to which Itachi shook his head

"you plan to limit your search for capable people so that they could perfectly hit these titles?" He asked to which Sora nodded

"why not? the sin of wrath would have unmatched destructive power... or he would grow stronger the angrier he gets. the Sin of Gluttony could eat anything and every, and gain the ability of the side thing. I could make cultivation art that would perfectly suit such people, along with abilities to suit them... so, Do you accept or do you have a better idea?" Sora asked with a smile, to which Itachi thought for a moment

"what do you mean by creating cultivation art? I never truly understood what made them so powerful." Itachi said softly, to which Sora thought for a moment before answer

"Cultivation arts, think of them like training. you could train to make yourself physically strong, mentally strong, and so on. Cultivation arts take this to the next level, there are many ways you can train and temper yourself. Cultivation allows you to go down and affect the genes, soul, mind, and so on." Sora said calmly

"by absorbing the world's energy, you can use that energy to slowly edit yourself. change yourself, and build something unique. Of course, this sounds simple, but it's super complex. some cultivation art could come into conflict with you, this means a person's physique must meet the cultivation art, talent, and even mindset. although one could power through, they would be weaker than someone who the technique suits perfectly." Sora said to which Itachi nodded in understanding

"This is why I also want 7 sins, 7 is a magical number, and if you give each sin the ability to reflect their sin to its peak... you would have 7 unmatched elites." Sora said calmly, Itachi nodded for some time before he kneeled before Sora,

"Then I shall accept this role," Itachi said softly before his heart skipped a beat when Sora's palm rested on his head.

"then I shall make you stronger... in my past life, I of spring of many noteworthy being. my great-grandparents were being who existed before time-space was born, their blood flows through me, along with many others. I will not give you their bloodline or something like this, instead, I will evolve your bloodline... I will evolve you towards a path of being a Primoirdal Uchiha." Sora said before energy suddenly rushed into Itachi's body, making him shake from the pain, but he gritted his teeth and made no sound.

"while comprehending myself, hints of my past bloodline had already returned to me. I already studied my bloodline. although I can't make you a Primordial Uchiha just yet... I can make your bloodline far stronger, pure, and without flaws." Sora said calmly, suddenly Itachi who was shaking in pain froze as the time suddenly stopped as if it was never there.

the next moment, a warmth of pure bliss, which disappeared as the feeling of hunger swallowed him. Itachi body shook, before he fell backward, inches away from dying of hunger, all of his eat disappeared, eaten away in the blink of an eye. Itachi was too weak to even say anything, much less use chakra,

But Sora calmly took out a fruit from a ring, and he dripped the juices from the fruit into Itachi's mouth. Itachi dried up body suddenly began to regain its lost muscles and strength, Itachi quickly sat up and took the fruit and quickly eat it, before sighing in relief after feeling his hunger nowhere to be sensed.

"I'm still getting used to this genetic stuff, I didn't know suddenly making your bloodline so powerful could have such a huge effect on you so quickly," Sora said calmly, Itachi ignored him and just took a deep breath. He never felt so hungry in his life, but he was not a fool yet, so Itachi gave him more fruits until he was a fool. all of these were chakra fruits

"you lost your rinnegan..." Sora said upon seeing Itachi rinnegan had disappeared, this confused Itachi who tried to activate the sharingan, only for it not to pop up. Sora looked at him for a moment before nodding in understanding.

"they were destroyed in the evolutions, so you need to reawaken them once more," Sora said calmly, only for Itachi to be confused, his strength and eyesight didn't drop, instead he felt like he was stronger and sharper.

"I didn't control the route your bloodline would cross when evolving. think of it as me pointing towards a mountain, your blood would walk towards that mountain, but the path it took was up to it." Sora said while looking at Itachi who was feeling his strength before he called forth the Susanoo which covered his body

Once a person has the susanoo they don't lose it. in the anime, even without any eyes, Madara was able to use the Susanoo. even when Itachi was blind, he was still able to use the Susanoo.

"Well, with this you should only second to me," Sora said calmly, upon reaching the first level of the Dragon heart, Sora's strength was not to be looked down upon. ever since his heart grew so strong, his body had been growing stronger even with him doing nothing, his body had yet to reach a level of adaptation before he could reach the second level.

"Do I have to go through wild emotions to awaken these eyes again?" Itachi asked calmly, to which Sora shook his head.

"Although I allowed your blood to evolve as it wished, I removed a few weaknesses. so, it should awaken within due time." Sora said calmly, to which Itachi nodded slightly, before walking off to collect a few things from the mansion.

the branch family Itachi took down was large, it had a whole star system to itself. with how huge their battle was, if the other members were on the same planet, then they would have come,

Sora went to the treasury, he simply wanted to see their storage of chakra fruit, of course, he disdained such things, but he didn't mind giving his trash to others. after all, one man's trash is another man's treasure.

"Go and seal away everyone, maybe through the battle you might awaken those eyes. if you need help, you know how to call me." Sora said calmly, to which Itachi nodded before disappearing as if he was never there.

So, that day, the Ōtsutsuki faced a huge calamity. one man faced off against the whole clan, they fought this young man for 10 days straight, a battle which covered many light years, and even took place in many dimensions, but in the end, the Ōtsutsuki clan lost. when their enemy awakens his strange red eyes, the battle which was at a stalemate for so long turned around, and many of them were sealed away

Many of them flee, while many others were unwilling so they fought to the death, which was hopeless as all abilities which tried to affect Itachi, were nullified by the Chaos Mirror. In fact, even without the mirror, Itachi Totsuka's blade went through improvement thanks to Itachi chaotic power.

Itachi found out that it didn't need to pierce through someone to seal them awaken, instead, a cut could seal away parts of the cut person's capability. In other words, when Itachi's sword cuts you, even a paper cut, your strength is sealed away, the degree sealed away reflected on Itachi's strength, your strength, and how big the injury was.

this meant, even if you were far stronger than Itachi, once he cuts you enough time, your strength would drop and drop until you and him were on equal ground. what was sealed away was not simply strength, your energy, thinking speed, soul, mind, and so on, part of the concept which made you the person you were was sealed away.

the sword sealing capability wasn't the only thing that was enhanced, Itachi found out when he tried to cut through someone who couldn't be injured so long as he stayed still, that his sword was super sharp. sharp enough to cut through logic and common sense. you couldn't be injured? this sword would cut through that reasoning, and injure you. Sure some reasoning was stronger than others, so it was not all-powerful.

and since it wasn't truly a sword, this blade could become a spear, arrow, or anything Itachi could picture. Together, these two weapons made Itachi's Susanoo invincible.

Itachi didn't suffer many injuries, and even the injuries Itachi suffered were healed. although some of the power Itachi faced could turn off a person's healing capability, Itachi's shield nullified such ability. As for his energy, Itachi could fight for months without trouble.

well, Now the galaxies were empty and Sora of course had blocked out anyone from sensing the scene taking part here. So, Sora laid claim to the galaxy, and with it, he had all of the powerhouses which were under the Ōtsutsuki to come and submit.

So, Itachi took over and went on to make sure everything was running smoothly. some races had tech which was beyond Earth's current time, Itachi simply placed one of their top smartest scientists under an illusion and had him give everything he knew to Abel and Orochimaru,

It took 3 months for everything to calm down, after which Sora spent time teaching Orochimaru. 3 months after that, a pill that could help a person's bloodline evolve was born, of course, many clans and races fought for the pill,

Sora didn't care much about this pill, as he alone could evolve others far better. he went on to evolve Madara, Obito, Hashirama, and everyone, pushing their bloodline toward the path of becoming primordial,

3 months after this, Sora clone with the help of many chakra fruits, unleashed a powerful technique, which spread up time on the whole galaxy. many were already told of this, so they all entered a state of harsh training and cultivation,

the Clone used its life as the sacrifice of the technique, and with the chakra fruits, the power of time spread out, instantly wrapping around the whole galaxy. as if time was given steroids, causing time to suddenly start speeding up.

not by 2 times, 10 times, 100 times, or even 1,000 times. the boost time suddenly went through was huge, every second that passed outside the galaxy was a year within the galaxy, so 10 seconds passed, meaning 10 years passed for the likes of Sora and the others. to say the least, this was more than enough time for Itachi and the others to become powerhouses.

once those 10 years passed, many ships shot out at high speed, shooting toward many different galaxies. on these ships, one of the many elites under Sora were. Madara, Obito, and the others were all spread out.

but not only them but even members of the Ōtsutsuki clan were among the elites. Itachi had sealed them away, and not sealed them, at the end of the day, he unsealed them, and many of course would follow Sora.

So, the conquest of the universe began. 10 years was a long time, although to Sora it was a blink of an eye, to everyone else, this was a lot amount of time to cultivate, eat chakra fruits, and help the planet grow stronger so they could get more chakra fruits.

everyone's strength had gained a large boost, among Sora elites, all of them were at the comic tier. Sora was not considered the best teacher for no reason, in a little over 13 years, Sora had made these guys become some of the universe's strongest beings. which to Sora, was slow, this world working and his world working were not the same, so of course he had some trouble,