
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

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Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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Megami had 2 abilities that made her the power to be considered the strongest female within the Ōtsutsuki clan, and have the power to rival the strongest person there. the first ability she was Fukusei, this ability allowed her to copy the ability of anyone she sees, this ability was only limited to what type of ability it was. if she could use and knew how the ability was used, then she could copy.

Sadly, she couldn't copy abilities like Itachi's rejections, which had no shape or form, but she could copy his Susanoo, and create the same weapon Itachi had, just weaker and without the chaos power. she had coped with many abilities, giving her the power to do anything she wishes to some degree

her second ability was called lock. a simple name for a simple technique that allowed her to lock the effect of an ability, this means after she copies an ability she could make sure that ability would ever remain hers. but this was not limited to simply her ability she copied, if she were to create fire, then she could lock the flames, making the flames burn for all of the time.

for a time, Sora wanted to make her the sin of envy. but in the end, he wanted to have a sin be picked from a different verse unless the person within said verse perfectly suited the sin, she didn't fit the sin of envy that well. instead, she grew up having everything she wanted, so her rinnegan took the form to give the suit to her. a woman who gets whatever she wants.

if she could copy any ability without limit, then Sora would have made her Envy or Greed. her character and ability made Sora not what her to take that position of a sin but she wasn't so she instead became the leader of the combat maids. With all that said and done, an item that best suited her was complex,

Glasses? eye contacts? the item she gained had to enhance her current ability and boost her capability, and give her the power boost her power to a great degree. So, he had her pick what type of item she wanted, it could be anything from clothing to a weapon,

"If I may, I believe we should all have our items be unique," Megami said while kneeling before Sora, who looked at the maid outfit for a moment before nodding. a portal opened next to all of them, and a maid outfit appeared, which they took.

Megami's maid uniform would give her the ability to copy anything, be it seen or unseen, she shall also master everything she sees, and even boost her understanding of said thing by more than 100%. the less overpowered the ability she copies, the greater the amount. of course, there were some limitations to this, abilities that were infused or boosted with Chaos's power couldn't be perfectly mastered

so she might be able to copy Itachi, but Itachi could simply reject it. even if Itachi allows it, she overpowers it and would never reach the same degree as Itachi.

Tsunade was the best healer following Sora, her maid outfit allowed her to heal anything. It enhanced her healing capability to the point she can even heal reality. this meant that even if someone is erased from reality, she could bring them back. before her, there is no such thing as death. but with so much healing capability on her fingertip, it greatly enhanced her body, increasing her already monstrous amount of strength, and increase her healing capability to the point she heals faster than she could get injured.

because of this, if one were to shoot her, even if her durability was at the level of a normal human, she could heal so fast that the bullet would barely pass her skin before it fall to the ground, out of power

Mei was a genius, she was the only one who was ever born with 2 kekkei Genkai, the first of which is Lava Release. By combining the earth and fire natures, she can spit out acidic mud that can melt almost anything in its path. A significant amount of exposure was enough to partially melt Madara's Susanoo ribcage in the anime

The second kekkei genkai, Boil Release, allows her to simultaneously use water and fire natures to release a corrosive mist that can melt almost anything it touches. It even managed to burn through Sasuke's Susanoo ribcage in the anime.

She had the power to burn away or melt away chakra, so what was the best way to enhance her power? Sora gave her the power to use every Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Tōta. what did this mean? It means that in every jutsu, be it a combination of 2 elements or 3 elements, she could use it. and of course, they would not be simple as they would be enhanced with the power of chaos.

She could use dust release which could disintegrate anything down to the molecular level, but now it shall be enhanced with chaos power, meaning that this dust release shall disintegrate things out of existence, even concepts.

Wood release, Swift Release, Storm release, Ice, and so on. She shall be able to use them all, and even combine all elements to use something called the truth-seeking orbs, which she would be able to create as she wishes

Konan used a unique type of Jutsu called Paper Ninjutsu, it sounded simple, but under Sora's training, she was able to bring out the full potential of this unique jutsu. this went from her being able to create anything out of paper, form a sword, lifeforms, etc. She pictures it, and her papers shall be able to do so.

now with the maid outfit, his powers have evolved. although still the same, the range of things she could do now the huge. she was now pretty much an artist, and the paper was her story. She could make a clone of Sora, which would have Sora's powers and abilities but the clone's power would reflect her capability.

well, the rest maid outfit was not that hard to explain. Ino maid outfit made her have unmatched power with her mind, Karin's maid outfit gave her the power to create chains that could seal just about anything she wishes without limits,

Lastly Kaguya miad outfit. her ability allowed her to summon her dimensions to her. instead of how others teleport themselves to their locations, she brings her location to her, allowing her to bring forth not just herself, but her enemies with her. As her dimensions are unique, they are deadly to any normal person, this was her ability before she met Sora, but after meeting Sora and having her bloodline evolve, her ability went through some chances which was rare.

She was now a god within her dimension, where she was able to change the world as she wishes, one moment it could be a freezing hell, the next moment it could be a burning hell, or the gravity would be far greater, or have them come at once. she being the god was not affected by this, unlike before when she would have been affected.

Now with her maid outfit, she was more like a god within her world. She had the power to write the rules within, say what was possible and what was impossible. of course, a being with the power to overwhelm the world can leave Kaguya helpless.

now, with her shields being overpowered than ever before, Sora sat back and looked at what he should do. Itachi was not going to get any item, he got the most valuable thing out of the maids, and his weapons shall grow alongside him. sure the maid outfits were linked to Sora, therefore they would grow, but they were limited to the person wearing them strength.

In the end, Sora left and went on to go summon the remaining embodiment of the universe, after taking all of their powers since none of them wanted to follow Sora, Sora gained full power over the universe.

with a thought, he created a gauntlet, which went on to take all of the power of the universe, and with the universe at his fingertip, Sora didn't need to worry about his wife. this effect would not affect the time flow of the omniverse or anything like that, so his wife would still need the same amount of time to arrive.

Sora's voice entered Itachi's and the other's minds, informing them of everything, and he also created a screen manu where the 49 emperors could get the treasure they wanted after finishing conquering a universe,

with him no longer being needed to look after the universe, Sora turned his sight to outside the universe, where he saw a huge shadow looking back at him.

"So, are we like brothers?" Sora asked with a smile, to which the shadow eyes narrowed, bringing the eye closer to the ball in its palm, which was the universe in which Sora stood. It looked as if with some force, it could shatter the universe, but that was simply an illusion.

Chaos was in a weak state, Order stood above chaos at this time. but as time passed, Chaos would grow stronger, and return this world to chaos, only for Order to do the same thing after some time...

"Since you are from another verse, I believe you have considered my brother from another parent... yet I reject you. you bring shake upon all of chaos, to try and rule the omniverse instead of destroying all things. you should be trying to help your siblings," Chaos' voice entered Sora's mind, but Sora only laughed

"do you understand that in an omniverse, there would be an endless other of our siblings with the mindset to protect their verse? there might be an endless amount out there conquering nearby verses. and others going around destroying them. everything is possible." Sora said with a smile,

"Is this the reason you give to justify your actions?" Chaos asked coldly, to which Sora shook his head

"I don't need to justify my actions, even when I'm doing the wrong thing, it shall be the right thing," Sora said with a smile, making Chaos' eyes narrow. Sora's universe suddenly began to be filled with eh power of chaos, trying to destroy it,

"I see you made your choice," Sora said as the seal on his heart was removed, and his heart which normally beat 1 every few weeks suddenly had its heartbeat pick up. Sora had reached level 10 of the Dragon Heart, so one could imagine the power following through Sora's body when all of the seals were removed,

Reaching out, Sora's power shot into the void, clashing with Chaos, since Sora was forcing all of his power into the void, and had the universe's power helping him focus his power there, the universe was not at risk of being destroyed,


Chaos and Sora's power clashed, sending cripples all over the multiverse. Sora shook his head slightly, his power was too much for him to fully control. with a thought, a golden armor appeared on Sora, and suddenly increasing Sora's overall power, yet also helping him control his strength.

this time Chaos was sent backward, leaving him shocked at Sora's powers. Sora stepped forward into the void outside Order, where he calmly faced Chaos,

"How are you so powerful?" Chaos roared while looking at Sora who was taken out Kyomu, Sora felt the blade of the sword, before looking at Chaos with a smile

"the question should be, why are you so weak? I laid everything out perfectly, Naruto's world goes around the multiverse using all types of evil and dark ways to gain power, and in the end, he would have the power of chaos and Order at his fingertips. In the end, I would fight Naruto a good fight, which I would most likely win. but since in case, I would have destroyed Naruto's spirit, showing him just how far he had fallen, and how he was doing more evil than good or whatever bs." Sora said with a shake of his head

"I wanted to feel pressure, I wanted to know what it's like to struggle... I want to know what those lower life-forces feel in their everyday life, and why they feel so proud of themselves and their hard work... I never had that. I don't know what it means to work hard, I don't know what it means to lose all hope yet at the least moment you pick yourself up and crawl back up to the top. the only person who could have shown that to me is an MC and his unmatched like of plot armor. yet you had to go and try and destroy my universe, that was out of the plan." Sora said calmly,

"all of this is for such a simple thing like that? we are chaos, we always have to fight Order, what's more, worth wild than that?" Chaos roared, his rage exploding forth

"no, I don't have to do anything. Order? it alone isn't worthy of me, you or Order isn't worthy of my powers." Sora said and instantly Chaos' pupils shrink at the power which began to flow along Sora's sword,

"I'm not one to kill my siblings, but lucky I don't see you as a siblings" Sora said as the power order filled his sword, although a hint and not as much as his power of chaos, this hint gave him the upper hand against chaos,