

I blushed on his statement when he mentioned MY LADY I know it was stupid of me to think that,cause he already like some one else but what can I do that stupid heart didn't listen to me I looked down to my lap to hide my face and took the glass from Sathit's hand and gulped it in one go Sathit was making another one when some of our common friends came including Zara and Bao from the drinking counter Zara sat beside Sathit and Bao sat beside me . When they came and sat beside us and all the others sat on the rest empty space I could feel me and Sathit literally squeezed between both Zara and Bao Sathit handed me my drink

"Here your drink "

"Thanks" Sathit put his arm around my shoulder so we could get a little more space and shifted towards me I was nervously drinking little sipp and looked down on my laps I could fell some stairs on us I looked at Sathit who completely looked unbothered with those stairs and said

"What's up guys " Sathit asked in a calm yet cheerful voice

"Nothing much.... I think we interrupted something" One of them said

"I think we should return and give some people some space haa!" Another guy said in a teasing way

"Stop it guys" Zara said in her usual tone ordering everyone to sit

"Hey are you both officially dating now " Bao wishpered to me

"Stop your shitty thoughts "I again wishpered to her Rest of them were talking We didn't here what they were talking about cause me and Bao was busy in our stupid talks I really wanted to cry at that time; I wanted to tell Bao that Sathit like someone else but there were so many people she took another drink and also gave me another one we both were drinking . Sathit's hand was still on my shoulder. Bao asked me still whispering "Hey are you all right "

"I am perfectly all right . I guess the alcohol effecting you know na how much bad drinker I am " she chuckled and replied

"Yup bro concentrate on your drinking ability orelse who knows what can happen....you know" she said giggling

"Shut up " I said as I put my head on her shoulder that time I heard one of our friend asking Sathit and Zara

"By the way what about that trip which you guys promised huuuuuu!!!! Don't tell me you guys don't remember about that"

"Of course we remember and couch said next week "Zara said she sounded a little excited

"Yup we will go to Koh Si Chang on next Friday and we will departure to come on Sunday afternoon and you all can bring anyone person if you want "

"Oooooooo..."some of them exclaimed . I was hearing everything with my eyes close Bao's head above mine

"Hey let's go to the dance floor guys"

"Yupp" everyone exclaimed and left from there . Bao said "Jee can I go to the dancefloor "

"Oh okey" I said an lifted my head from her shoulder . I saw Bao telling something to Zara through her eyes

"Guys I am also heading towards them . Let's go Bao "

"Sure.... Sathit take care of Jee please"

"HeY I'm nOt a kId " I said being tipsy

"Sure Bao and Jee we know your are not a kid " he said while laughing

"Mean bunny "

"Ok " by saying this both of them headed towards the dancefloor

"What did you said Jee"


"Hey I am a human not bunny" he said while glaring at me but it was a cute glare

"No you are a bunny tall bunny"

"Hey nooooooo I am an human and what even makes me a bunny hu"

"Your bunny teeth and bunny smile your doe eyes . Makes you completely look like a bunny . But muscular bunny hehehe"

"Hmmmmmnnnmnnnmmn first Mæ̀,Ph̀x ,nôong-chaai, pîi-sǎao and that insect now you too whyyyy everyone say I am a bunny" he said whining like a child I can't help but giggle at his cuteness

"By the way do you remember something about yesterday"

"About what ??? I am sleepy let me sleep" I placed my head on his shoulder and fell asleep

"Heyyyy Jee wake up its time to leave, it's already too late" I opened my eyes Zara was standing in front of me, I was lying on Sathit's lap

" It's too late how you guys are gonna go??? Let us give you a ride? Bao do you have any problem regarding it, Sathit it's okay for you right??" Zara asked Bao while looking at Sathit

"Yup we'll be happy to give you guys a ride"

" Thanks, but first we need to make this bitch stand on her feets" Bao said while staring down at me

" Heyyyyy I am already awake and I am a lot more sober"

"Afcourse you are, you were sleeping this whole time like a dead person , on Sathit's lap" she continued winning about it while I got myself together and sat up straight, Sathit gave me smile

"Sorry about that Sathit"

" No it's fine, let's leave now it's already late"

" What's the time?"

"1 o'clock"

"I am been sleeping all this time, why didn't you wake me up Sathit?????"

"You were deep asleep and I didn't want to wake you" I kept on staring at his and didn't even say a word

" Heyyy guys sorry to disturb you, but please continue your romance in the car and get your ass up" that bitch Bao keep on making fun of me, and Zara kept on laughing while Sathit kept himself calm and helped me get up

"Whoes gonna drive??? If it's this bitch I would like to walk cause I love my one and only precious life " I asked in the way out of the club Bao just glared at me

"Oiii don't look at me like that you also know very well what happened last time you wanted to dive ;the car ended up at repairing centre and we both landed on hospital and my mom just kept nagging and she didn't even let me drive after that" I said in one breadth almost rapping

"Oooooo Jee You can rap "

"Hey bunny I was not rapping I was just making this bitch remind what happend last time"

" Yup Sathit never make Ms. Park Jeerawat angry orelse you have to bear her rapping and flying things " Bao said in a warning tone to Sathit

"Okey I will keep that in mind ...by the way don't worry Zara is driving she's the best driver in our family"

Sathit and I sat in the back seat while Bao and Zara sat in the front seat

"Hey why don't you guys spend the night at our house?? It's already pretty late and you guys look tired" Bao took the initiative to invite them over to her place and crash, it wasn't a new thing and I had got accustomed to it, I looked at Sathit and he also seemed pretty comfortably with the idea

"Sathit is it gonna be okay???" Bao turned around to ask Sathit

"Yeah I have no problem!!! Zara is it gonna be okay ???"

"Yeah no problem!!"

"So you guys are gonna go on a picnic???" I started the conversation to break the silence

"Yeahhh next week.....are you free next week ???"

" Yeah I guess, right Bao??"

"Yeah I guess" she replied while texting someone

"Wanna come with us....we are allowed to bring a person along with us....so I was thinking if you wanna come with me" Sathit gave me a huge smile while asking, how could I rejected such an huge opportunity

" Let me think about it, I'll let you know"

"Bao you can also come with us!!!" Zara asked Bao while driving

"Ohhhhhhhhh I will be joining you guys Fuke invite me" I feel a certain change in the atmosphere

"Fuke????? Your senior??? The guy from yesterday???"


The way to the Bao house was super awkward Zara focused on driving while I and Sathit continued to chit chat and Bao was busy chatting with that guy I guess...it was already around one thirty when we reached Bao house I was super exhausted

"You live alone????" Zara asked Bao

"Yuppp all by myself.....guys make yourself at home feel free....by the way anyone wants some booze???"

"Sure!!!" Sathit and Zara spoke at the same time

"How come you guys have the energy to drink???" Everybody started laughing at me including Sathit which made me more ashamed

"You too Sathit???!!...Aaaaaa I am going to take a shower" Without even saying another word I left the room stomping my feet while they drank their beer