

Taehyung: Crack her?

Seeing the utter confusion welled up on my face, Mr Kim spoke up.

Mr Kim: Simply crack her. Allow me to further explain.

Yes, please that would be very helpful!

Of course I didn't say it. He is quite difficult when explaining what he means as you can see.

Mr Kim: She is going to be in our custody, more like your custody as you will be looking after her, as part of the protection plan for the time being.

Excuse me?

Why am I... what?

Taehyung: Sir what do you mean I'm going to be taking care of her the time being? I still don't understand why and how I'm supposed to crack her?

Mr Kim: Listen carefully Taehyung, You will be supervising over her. And as you are an excellent profiler and an diligent investigator of our department, you are assigned to keep under your custody for the time being!

He addressed the last statement a bit to demanding? As if this all investigation depended on me?!

Taking it all in I replied.

Taehyung: So you want me to study her?

Mr Kim: Yes, especially her behaviour... be her friend, get to know her and gain her trust and smoothly get the answers we need.


Mr Kim: And that assignment starts now.

Taehyung: Now? Like now?

Mr Kim: Yes follow me!

And he walked passed me and opened the door before I got the chance to process... what ever that just happened.

This should be Interesting.