

"..." he sat there right next to her, cradling her in his arms, he felt torn, tortured to the fact of seeing her in this state, one bordering eternal abyss the unknown, he feared it. He felt like he could do more, he felt the urge that he should do better, but how? "Vanice-" his throat throbbed, anger and dismay consumed his soul, he lost so much, too much in fact, he wouldnt accept it, he stayed there. Pools formed upon his eyes, he was torn, torn once again as he searched her lifeless eyes. Her heart thumped, he felt it, the only way he could feel her reassuring embrace still stood, the only way he could be sure the one who offered him hospitality, that her light, the one that fueled him, will not be lost by the cruel bony hands of death. "Hang in there... Please-"

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