

A dark room,

Someone wakes up,

The person begins to look around,

Suddenly, the person see's Makumi in front of him, Makumi's eyes are those of a person who is dead but she seems to be breathing. It seems like Makumi has lost her will to live.


Jack shouts and tries to get up but his body, hands and legs are tied to a chair. "WHAT?!" Jack looks around him all confused. "DAMN IT!" Jack tries to free himself but there is no way his getting out of this. The rope that's he is tied to seems to be injected with some kind of spell.

"Well, well, look at who is awake."

A woman's voice,

From the shadows, Jenny walks out and she keeps on walking towards Jack. "Mom? What are you doing?!" Jack looks to be confused. "Well, to begin with, I was the one who knocked you out." Jenny says. Jack then remembers that he was in the car with Jenny after killing Angus. He remembers that he suddenly fell unconscious in the car.

"Aunt Sally somehow drugged me...But how?" Jack looks confused. "It wasn't a drug, it was magic." Jenny says with an evil smirk. "Magic? What are you saying mom? How the hell did magic come into all of this?" Jack seems to be getting even more confused. "Too much explaining to be done and I can't go through every detail." Jenny says as she walks around Makumi. "You said that you would release big sis Makumi after killing Angus...So why is she tied up and why am I tied up?" Angus asks Makumi with a confused face. "Oh yes, we did promise to release her if you killed Angus but remember, it was Sally who killed him." Jenny points at herself. "Who killed me." Jenny says. Jack begins to realise something.

"Mom...What happened to big sis Makumi? Why is her face...So pale and dead...?" Jack asks with a scared face. "Nothing happened to her." Chris arrives in the room along with Dahiru and Sally. Then a tall man appears, he has a well built body with two huge dark blue coloured scaly horns on his head along with a trident his hand. He wears a black coat and has spiky black coloured hair which slick back. "She is just tired of dying." The huge man says. "You speak too much, Ouroboros." Chris says. "Yeah, we don't want to give away all the juicy details to this young man here or he may begin to cry." Sally says with an evil smirk while looking closely towards Jack. "I don't know what you guys are doing but I won't forgive you if you do anything to big sis Makumi!" Jack says angrily. "You won't forgive us? Sorry, I didn't hear that right because if your saying that then you must know that your not only going up against us but that demon behind you too." Sally says with an evil smile. "Tsch!" In Jack's mind the demon behind him is kind of a metaphor where he is thinking that Ouroboros is a demon in a way that his too big and ready to kill type of guy but little does he know about the demons and their work.

Outside the mansion,

Outside the gate of that leads inside the courtyard of the mansion stands Angus holding his guitar case on his left shoulder. "Don't worry little brother, I am on my way in." Angus says with looking straight at the gate. Inside he sees a lot of eyeless wandering. "I didn't expect your own family to go down the path to contacting a demon...Tsch! They used a demon to kill that old man too..." Angus clenches onto his guitar case's strips.

"You should be at least sneaky and careful if your going in."

A cute female voice,

Orvia sits on the wall behind Angus,

"What are you doing here big tits demon?" Angus asks Orvia without turning towards her. "Yeah...The name is Orvia and I would appreciate if you not call me big tits please." Orvia says with a sigh. "As for why I am here, I don't know...I just felt like I didn't want to leave you alone or else you may do something reckless." Orvia says. "So even a big tits demon like you can have feelings huh?" Angus asks Orvia. "Of course, we demons also have feelings and again...It's not big tits, it's Orvia." Orvia says to Angus. Angus smiles. "You want to help me?" Angus asks. "Not really but I can give you advice if you want me to." Orvia says. "No thanks...I am all good." Angus says with a smile.

Angus begins walking straight towards the gate in front of him. "Hey...Whatever your name is, what are you doing?" Orvia asks Angus. "Can't you see?" Angus asks turning his neck towards Orvia. "I am...INFILTRATING!" Angus says as he kicks open the gates. Both the gates fly towards the mansion crashing into the mansion. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Chris reacts with a surprise. "Seems like we have a guest." Ouroboros says with a serious cold face. "A guest? But who would break down our entrance and enter the mansion?!" Sally questions Ouroboros. "I will go and check." Ouroboros says in his cold voice and leaves the room.

As soon as Angus enters, all the eyeless demons outside in the yard run towards him. "Gimme a break, your telling me I am fighting you weaklings?" Angus looks uninspired and then sighs. Angus throws his guitar case in the air. "I won't be needing my sword to take you all down." Angus says as he throws his guitar case up in the air and rushes his enemies at maximum speed.

Angus punches the first enemy right in the chest, the enemy disintegrates in mid-air as it was travelling back from Angus's punch. Another eyeless demon attacks from behind him, Angus uses his knee to kick the eyeless in it's face. The demon disintegrates. "Who's next?!" Angus asks with a smirk. Angus's guitar case falls on the ground. Angus begins making his way towards the guitar case.

Orvia watches from a distance. "Not bad for him...But he is definitely not a human. I mean his speed and that healing ability...They aren't humane whatsoever." Orvia says to herself.

Just then, Orvia sees a flash go past Angus. "Hmm?"

A trident is in the middle of Angus's body and Ouroboros is in front of me. "It's over." Ouroboros says as he pulls out the trident out of Angus's body. "Man, I thought it was too. Didn't know there was another one of you demons alive or else I would have caught the my sword." Angus says with a unenthusiastic tone. Ouroboros's eyes widen, "HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!" Ouroboros looks very confused. "That was the thing I was confused with when I saw him wake up from a bullet he took in the head too." Orvia says to herself as she watches Ouroboros and Angus.

"No matter, I will kill you now!" Angus puts his palm in front of Ouroboros. "HUH?!" Both Ouroboros and Orvia look confused. Angus unzips his guitar case and pulls out his sword. Then Angus takes a distance of few feet and readies himself. "What did you just do?" Ouroboros looks confused. "I just thought we should fight on equal terms that's all." Angus says as he watches Ouroboros arrive towards him. "DON'T MOCK ME BOY!!!" Ouroboros screams as he rushes Angus with his full speed. Angus sighs. Without even looking at Ouroboros arrive Angus smacks Ouroboros's trident into the ground with his sword. Angus looks at Ouroboros with a smile. Angus picks his sword up.

Then, Ouroboros tries to attack Angus again but Angus smacks his sword into his again.

"It's unbelievable how this boy is able to keep up with 11th strongest demon lord. Even though Ouroboros is one of the weakest demon lords, his speed is immeasurable. No one, not even Lord Lucifer himself can keep up with his speed. For someone like that boy to keep up with Ouroboros's speed...Who exactly is he? Not only that...That boy doesn't even seem to be taking the fight seriously." Orvia begins to think to herself that, "Does the boy know that a demon's power is weakened by a mega amount when they arrive into the human world? Is that what he is taking advantage of?"

"Sally..." Chris who looks outside the window looks to be sweating. "Yes Chris, what is it?" Sally asks. "You said you killed that brat Angus, didn't you?" Chris questions Sally. "Of course, I shot him right in the head." Sally points the middle of her head with her first finger. "Then how the hell is he ALIVE?!" The last word had an impactful anger in Chris's voice. "WHAT?! HIS ALIVE?!" Sally looks shocked. Not only her but Jack and everyone else in the room seems to be shocked too. Makumi smiles. "Seems like..." Makumi breathes heavily. "That demon's...Energy is fading..." Makumi says as she breathes heavily. "No way...Ouroboros's spells effect is wearing off but it should last at least for 24 hours..." Darihu says with a confused face.

"There is only one explanation to it...Ouroboros is having a hard time fighting Angus..." Chris says as his face goes blank. "Does this mean that he also has a demon contract with someone?!" Jenny looks shocked and confused at the same time. "I don't know but if that's the case, his demon's effect must be wearing off too." Chris says.

Ouroboros breathes heavily from all the fighting that's going on. "Your not at your full power yet." Angus says as he holds his sword on his shoulder. "That is true...But whatever demon is helping you...Their effect will soon wear off too." Ouroboros says. "Demon helping me?" Angus looks confused. "So your helping out that family because of the demon contract huh? Interesting." Angus says.

"SHIT! If his a human that means...He can't see the stinger right behind him." Orvia says to herself. "I hate doing the saving but I have to-" Before Orvia could complete her sentence, Angus turns around and inserts the sword inside the stinger behind him. "Your the one who killed that old man, I can see it right in your bee eyes, you stinger freak." Angus says as he pulls his sword out of the stinger. Both Orvia and Ouroboros look shocked at Angus's action.

Ouroboros realises something, even though he is quite strong, in human world he doesn't have the power to beat Angus. Ouroboros decides it's in his best to retreat for now. Ouroboros creates a portal that transports him to the demon world. "Tsch! You won for today boy, but, the next time we meet, you won't be able to defeat me." Ouroboros says. "Yeah, see ya!~" Angus says as Ouroboros leaves through the portal. "Don't forget to have lunch and never come back or else I might have to kick your ass again!" Angus screams out. "Now, now, isn't he getting too cocky??" Orvia's eyes brows begin to twitch with anger.

"Now, for my true purpose of being here. I am coming for both of your, Jack, Makumi, just wait for me. I will be there as soon as possible and once I am there...I promise to free both of you and make sure that you two never get caught in such a mingle again."

Go on Angus! Show that evil family their worst nightmare!

Maskycreators' thoughts