
A cliché gamer Fic about a dude traveling worlds as a dog

A dude that has no vivid memories about his past gets the gamer system but is reincarnated as a dog as a result of a gacha. (This will be a lot of fun...For me anyway) (Was bored browsing Webnovel and then looked at some random picture of a dog in spartan armor and got an idea for a fic. So don't expect too much from this.) (Chapter length will vary.)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Double upload time!!!

Everything hurts so much right now. Both my mind and my body are a complete mess at the moment. I have cuts and bruises all over my body, large gashes along my back and underside, deep stab wounds on my front left leg and right back one, and a hole in my tail. The only reason I haven't bled out is that...I--I don't even fucking know.

The blood just keeps pouring out even though it's been...How long has it been exactly?

[Around 20 hours]


I guess I just have an infinite supply of blood or something. Good for transfusions bad because my body is using my life span as a substitute to make more and more red blood cells to make up for lost quantities.

Fucking Great.

[Then it's a good thing that you can only die when you are killed.]

We are not doing this shit right now.

[And you called me a bore.]

I'm kinda dying right now, so I'm sorry if I don't have time for your shitty jokes and references. Just hurry up and explain this shit before I black out again.

[It means that your species is immortal idiot.]

Feeling real mortal right about now.

[I just meant you don't have a set life span.]

Then why am I feeling so weak?

[Mana exhaustion.]

Right. I forgot about that.

[And you will die if you don't find a way to regenerate the lost mana because in case you forgot you were summoned as a servant and not birthed meaning your body is made of magic and not matter.]

Wow. Way to get my hopes up and then crush them right after.


Where am I anyway? I can feel that I'm laying in a puddle somewhere and it's a bit chilly in here. Or maybe that's death creeping closer and closer. Either way, I don't think that I'm somewhere safe.

[Open your eyes and find out you lazy bitch.]

Tch, fine.

Opening my eyes, the first thing I see is a large row of thicc bars in front of me surrounded by a golden gate carrying immense darkness that I can't peer through even with my magical dog eyes.

Actually, that's just my vision getting blurry.

[Oh fuck that's not good.]

A wave of hot air rushes past my body and I shiver unconsciously as the mass amounts of hatred in the air start to affect my senses. To be honest I forgot that I could do that until this very moment and now that my body is shaking in fear I wish I never remembered I had it.

[Oi you good?!]

I'm really. Really tired right now.

"Is it time for a new cage already?" A deep voice huff from behind the gate with huge amounts of malice, not all hidden in its tone.

I would reply, but as of this moment, I'm having a hard time even staying awake. The fierce air around me that's keeping my sense at an all-time high, my instincts going haywire as they sense tremendous amounts of danger from behind the gate, and my own body slowly shutting down, are all too much for my mind to handle.

[Hey you gotta stay awake! Stay awake!]

Too loud. Shut up for...A bit.

[Hey! I got an idea!]

What did I...Just say?

[Shut up for a bit and bark this out okay?]


[Dont question me and just do it!]


[Repeat after me: How weak can you be? To be humiliated by a mere human and then trapped inside its own spawn to be sued as a tool for the rest of your pathetic life? At least your brother had the decency to raze an entire village to the ground before he was sealed but look at you! Only managing to kill two weak humans before getting trapped inside a child! WHAT A WEAKLING! AND YOU CALL YOURSELF THE STRONGEST?! DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!!!]

That's...A mouth...Full.

[If you wanna live then say it.]



"If you're just going to waste my time then begone from here." The deep voice scowls impatiently.

"*Ahem* How weak can you be? To be humiliated by a mere human and then trapped inside its own spawn to be sued as a tool for the rest of your pathetic life? At least your brother had the decency to raze an entire village to the ground before he was sealed but look at you! Only managing to kill two weak humans before getting trapped inside a child! WHAT A WEAKLING! AND YOU CALL YOURSELF THE STRONGEST?! DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!!! (Bark!)" I use up the last of my strength to say that and then my body goes limp as the last of my magic is used up and now I have mere seconds left to live.

A tense silence rings out through the area before an aura of pure hatred washes over me, and at the same time my magic sense goes crazy and I can feel an intense magical aura trying to squeeze my body to a pulp.

"Hehehehe." The deep voice lets out a dry chuckle and the aura starts getting heavier and heavier and my already shallow breath gets even weaker.

"I commend you for your courage human. Or is it stupidity? Heh, no matter. Either way, my voice will be the last one you hear." With half-open eyelids, I look into the darkness and see two bloodshot scarlet orbs glaring at me with enough hate to snuff out the sun as the aura starts to physically crush me.

Though I was already seconds before death so it didn't affect me much.


Right as I was about to go into that sweet goodnight I felt the aura around me start to lessen and at the same time, my energy started miraculous return to me. I felt the wounds I suffered start to heal at an impossible rate, and my sense started returning to normal, my instincts were still alarmed but it was a lot calmer and my mind started to clear up as well.

Meaning I figured out where I was.

And what GGS just had me say and to who.

*Huge Inhale*


[Weird way to thank me after I just saved your life.]


[Let me break it down for you in the easiest way I know how. I know critical thinking is hard for you sometimes.]


[You are made of magic material. A metaphysical matter that can imitate matter down to its very atoms. Chakra is also a form of magic material, albeit a lot less potent but still magic material. You needed to absorb mana to regenerate but you had no master available around so I had a great idea. Why not use chakra as a substitute instead? And what do you know? It worked!]

Does that mean I can mix mana and chakra?


But didn't you convert the Chakra to mana when you regenerated me?

[I am part of a super-advanced tier -0 AI that can do the specific calculations needed to merge to extradimensional energy sources together with a margin of error less than 0.00000001%]

[You...Are an idiot.]

Piss off.

[If you tried to mix Chakra and mana. Then explode.]

What would?

[The entire reality bubble.]

And that means what?

[*Sigh* Let's start from the basics]

Great. A history lesson...That was sarcastic if you couldn't tell.

[I could.]

Just making sure.

[Can I start now?]

Go for it teach.


Did you just type out "Ahem" ?


Oooo~ Testy.

[The infinite reality chain is an amalgamation of everything that does and doesn't exist. Within the infinite reality chain, there are what we shall refer to as bubbles that can hold upwards of entire Omniverses, to multiverses, to single universes, to entire galaxy sets, to a single galaxy, to even just nebula clusters, to a single nebula, to a collection solar systems, to a single solar system, to even just one planet.]

[Are you following me so far?]


[They all have their own laws and rules that govern the bubbles and breaking them will result in catastrophic events that mostly involve the bubble dissolving and the inside being exposed to the void and thereby reduced to nothing.]


[You try and mix the energies and we all die.]

Okay. That makes more sense.

Why didn't you say that first?

[Because I thought you had an IQ over room temperature. I was proven wrong.]

You call me dumb and yet you just had me piss off one of the strongest creatures in this universe.

[Chakra even though its magic material does not have the same potent effect as mana for various reasons that I won't get into. Just know there wasn't enough around for you to heal with. At most, it would have extended your suffering a few hours and I doubt you wanted that.]

[And then I saw an entity made entirely of chakra and thought. If he were to emit some of his super potent Chakra then that could be enough to save you. However, the seal was in the way so I had no other choice but to piss off the big fox so that it would emit its aura in a blind rage.]

You do realize he's going to kill me right?

[It would be his right as your new master.]

Wait what?

"What is this?" Master questions and I look over and see a weird dog mark resting on his forehead.



Fucking great.

-T0 be continued! Season 2~