
A cliché gamer Fic about a dude traveling worlds as a dog

A dude that has no vivid memories about his past gets the gamer system but is reincarnated as a dog as a result of a gacha. (This will be a lot of fun...For me anyway) (Was bored browsing Webnovel and then looked at some random picture of a dog in spartan armor and got an idea for a fic. So don't expect too much from this.) (Chapter length will vary.)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 23: A weird sight for 100 faces

The One hundred-Faced Hassen had seen a great many things in their lives. Having one hundred different personalities each with their own body would make sure you get around often even if the times had changed.

But if you had asked each and every one of the personalities of what they thought of the sight at the docks there would be some... varied reactions.

"3 individuals clashing for the affections of 1, 3 powers battling for dominance to impress 1, 3 warriors all infatuated with 1, and 1 being all ignorant to the affairs around it, living in bliss while the world descends into chaos all from the actions of 3" - Hassen The Poet

"I think it was beautiful, 3 different servants defending what they claimed as their own to the point where they disregard the rules of the war? Simply breathtaking." - Hassen The Romantic.

"I don't understand what the hell was wrong with them. It was just some dumb dog, what's the big idea." - Hassen The Head

"That dog freaks me out! Some of the others don't really care about the fact that that dog had managed to flatten half the dock by barking!" - Hassen The Coward.

"This was kinda disappointing with the way it ended. I wanted to fight the rider at least, he seemed like a worthy enough foe for me to mount his head on my wall." - Hassen The Hunter

"I don't care. The other servants killed themselves in their quest to own some random mutt and as a result, our victory is all but guaranteed. If anything I have to thank the dog." - Hassen The Spy.

"I want that dog." - Hassen The Collector

"I want to kill that dog!" - Hassen The Enraged

"I want to turn that dog's fur into a nice cozy coat. It's cold being half-naked all the time and all that extra fluff could warm me up." - Hassen The cold

"I wonder if that dog would let me pet it." - Hassen The Dog Person

"I want to know what its insides look like" - Hassen The Dissector

"I want to rip out its guts and wrap them around a tree then choke it to death with its own insides!" - Hassen The Brutal

"I don't want to go anywhere near that dirty mutt" - Hassen The Cat Person

"I don't really care for 3D girls...Wait what? its a dog?...Oh...Well is it a 2D dog?" - Hassen the weeb

"If it's not a beautiful maiden, then I shan't approach." - Hassen the Horny Gentleman

"I can't fuck a dog, so why am I even here?" - Hassen The Horny

"A dog? What's a dog?...You mean the tiny brown thing?...What do I think of it?...I think it's...cute?" - Hassen The Confused

"Fuck off, I don't want to answer these dumbass questions" - Hassen The Rude

"How much can I sell it for?" Hassen The Greedy

"How much can I buy it for?" - Hassen The Haggler

"Don't talk to me right now. I'm trying to figure out a way to get that dog on our side...would treats work? Or maybe a plush toy." - Hassen The Negotiator

"A dog? Is that a jojo's reference?!" - Hassen The One Who No One Understands But Will In A Decade Or So

"So like...Can I go now?...I still haven't answered any of the questions?...Well...Yeah....Can I go now?" - Hassen The Uncaring

"What?...What?...What?...What?...What?...What?...What?..." - Hassen The Hard Of Hearing

"Unless It knows the cheat code to Gradius I don't care!" - Hassen The Gamer

"I would very much like to see its insides." - Hassen The Biologist

"How did it do that? It never activated any magic circuits nor did it seem to be from the age of the gods, so how did it manage to amass that much power at such a young age? Was it an artifact of some kind? An ancient weapon? Was the beast itself a weapon? It's a chimera? Or simply born that way? Why was its fur brown instead of another color? Why did it target Lancer but not rider? How did it make that portal? Did it make that portal? Who was its master? Did it have a master? Was it even summoned from the past? Or from...The future. Questions Questions Questions." - Hassen The Questionnaire

"...." - Hassen The Silent


"I wonder if the fur adds to the taste of its flesh" - Hassen The Glutton

"I bet I could take that attack" - Hassen The Confident

"I bet I could take that attack and come out unscathed" - Hassen The Delusional

"Apparently I'm not allowed to say what I want to say. So I'm going to leave you with this. I REALLY love dogs." - Hassen The One Everyone Avoids

"I doubt me and it would get along, newborns would be much too hard to keep happy, and one that could obliterate the house when its unhappy does not sound fun for me" -Hassen The Tired Babysitter

Yeah. Safe to say there were some mixed reactions.