
Young Master Hu

His voice rung out in an arrogant manner and had a sense of talking to trash, he treated the merchant like a piece of trash.

"I'm sorry young master Hu I don't have any more ice lollies for sale."

A kick was sent from one of the young men that were standing over the merchant and caused a spit of blood to fly out of his mouth.

The young master Hu then pointed towards 2 ice lollies that were lying on the merchant vendors desk.

"What are these then!"

His voice was even more arrogant as he looked down at the merchant, from his face it could be seen that he was enjoying toying with this merchant.

The merchant then bowed down and apologized to the young master, he may have been bitter inside but he knew when not to offend a person. So with all his sincerity he bowed and apologized. He may have known not to infuriate this young master but he also was saving the ice lollies for the 2 kids that always visited on this day.

"I'm very sorry young Master Hu, these lollies are already reserved."

The young master spat to the side.

"Reserved, no matter if they are reserved I will eat them right now. It is too hot in this unbearable heat. If they have a problem, tell them that they can come to the Hu clan to complain."

His arrogance increased even further as he mentioned his clan. He was the son of the patriarch of the middle clan, Hu clan. Anything he wanted he got and anyone that annoyed him would be taken care of.

Not that he was a stupid person, he had been taught not to mess with the major clans in the city of the imperial clan, the likely hood of meeting one of them was so small there was little chance that would happen.

Most of the time the major clans would keep to themselves and their members wouldn't interact with normal people, they would barely ever leave their clans if not for missions they had to completely outside them.

Because his Hu clan was a major power and almost at the top of the middle clans, he didn't have anything to worry about. Not even if he was to beat this puny merchant in to a bloody pulp. That was the power his clan had in the city.

He sneered at the merchant who was now being beaten by his fellow followers and reached for the ice lollies. He liked to keep up an image and always wore the tiger robes that his father had given him. Being 10 years old his debut was coming up in the next few days and the robe was going to be used to show their prestige.

Because of this, he was actually really hot most of the day and had eaten multiple cold lollies from the other shops around here. He had even cleared out all the other cold lollies that this merchant had, but just as he was about to eat the last 2 the merchant had said he had no more even though 2 of them were placed right in front of him

For a lowly merchant to say such a thing was audacious and he had immediately surrounded and beaten the merchant. If he had begged for forgiveness or groveled for mercy, he would have been able to go with just his little cart being destroyed and his clothing stripped.

But he had insisted that the cold lollies were sold out and that they had even been reserved for others. This insult was too great; there was no reason to keep him alive anymore. He would get a elder from the clan to deal with this person later, for being disrespectful.

The stooges that followed him where members of the clan that wanted to please him and did everything he said. It was good to have followers that were of the same generation his father had said as it would create connections for when he took over the clan.

He smiled to himself as he was about to start eating the cold lolly while watching the fun in front of him.

Just as he was about to start eating a gust of wind came towards him and it was only out of reflex that he slightly shifted. The fist that was pummeling towards his head instead of breaking his nose instead hit his cheek and broke the bone.

The young master flew back as Wei Jin figure appeared where he had been standing.




More sounds resounded out as Fang Rou jumped into the group of lakies and started beating them up. Being in the 9th level of Qi condensation she was easily able to take care of the people in the same generation. They may have all looked like teenagers but they were all in fact around 10 years old. Maybe some being 11 or 12. But even with this fact Fang Rou cultivation was probably the highest.

They all flew out as they shouted in pain, their bones breaking as they slammed into the ground.

Young master Hu of the Hu clan may have been the patriarch's son but his cultivation was slightly lacking as he was only at the 6th level and could be beaten up by Wei Jin.

He didn't concentrate on the fact he had just smack young master Hu and instead moved back towards the merchant.

After having talked to him for so long he knew his name was Wang Jiang and he was from a poor family. He had a wife and kids and this was his only livelihood. He felt his heart ache as he saw the broken bones and disfigured face before him.

"Uncle Wang."

Wei Jin voice was low as he felt a slight tear well up in his eye. He knelt next to him and sent some Qi into his body to try and heal some of his injuries. Qi was a miraculous energy and could help the body repair with enough time. The better or more pure Qi was the better the affect was, but as it was a very draining thing to do before the foundation establishment realm Wei Jin had never used it before.

When he naturally cultivated with spirit stone and trained his body he didn't have to worry about such things. The concentration in a spirit stone would be able to help him recover quickly if he used it on himself.

While he was doing this Fang Rou was finishing up with the followers that had come with their young master. Most were on the ground and moaning in pain. Fang Rou face was also pretty angry as she had also gotten to know uncle Wang.

In her anger she had lashed out hard with these youths and probably left some permanent damage that would be hard to heal. As she was huffing and puffing from her anger the enraged voice of young master Hu rang out.

"Who in the hell dares attack the young master of the Hu clan."

He was so out of it that he was referring to himself in the 3rd person. Fang Rou hearing his voice walked up to him who had a bloody face and then picked him up. She had seen her mother do what she did next before and knew it was very humiliating and hard to fix.

She raised her hand and as he looked on in terror as he couldn't do anything against her strength, she started to slap his face repeatedly. Blood splashed out as he was beaten black and blue while trying to struggle back. But after a few hits he could do nothing.

After a few seconds she finally dropped him as his head had swollen into a pig and his consciousness was slipping. Before he slipped into darkness he stared with venomous hatred at Fang Rou.

She being from a major clan didn't even take it to heart as she turned away from him. She didn't even threaten him with her clan's power as A, her father didn't propagate such behavior. And B she had been with Wei Jin for so long his attitude towards others had slightly rubbed off on her. As he was from a minor clan he was pretty humble towards others and didn't start disputes or act arrogant.

Sure he was up to mischief a lot of the time but was never overbearing. Fang Rou parents actually liked that their daughter didn't become conceited and haughty and approved of this. Not that they wouldn't teach her to be prestigious later in her life and how to properly flaunt her power.

But as she was 9 it wasn't necessary yet. They were actually going to start up such practices after her debut. That would be the point when she would be revealed to the world and it would affect the whole city. Her talent truly was monstrous, that it was possible the other major clans might want to attack and assassinate her.

It was because of this fact that after her debut her parents were also thinking hard about whether she would see Wei Jin more. It would be safer for both of them to spend less time playing together after her debut. And it would also leave her more time for cultivation, even if she didn't like it, it would have to be that way.

Of course they hadn't told Fang Rou that yet.

Walking over to Wei Jin who was trying to heal uncle Wang she fished out a pill that was tucked in a necklace she was wearing. A brilliant light flashed as a pill appeared in her hands. This was a lifesaving pill that her parents had prepared for her and said to not use unless she was in a life or death situation.

As she had never had such a situation happen before she didn't think much as she took it out and placed it in his mouth. Instantly his wounds started to heal and in a small breath of time he was better.

It was an incredible reversal of being on the brink of death, to suddenly blinking wondering where the pain had gone. This was a high grade pill that was hard to come by and could save anyone from the most life threatening wound if they were under the Spirit Pillar realm.

Her father might have vomited some blood if he saw such a rare pill that was so expensive and that he had paid a hefty price for being used on a person that was in the Qi condensation realm. Yes Uncle Wang was in the Qi realm, but because of his talent he wasn't able to progress past the 4th level and instead became a merchant.

After being healed he thanked both of them and said he would never charge them for ice lollies ever again. He also told them that he would have to move his cart to somewhere else as he would now be marked by the Hu clan.

Fang Rou frowned when she heard this and wanted to say something to the merchant but Wei Jin had stopped her. It wasn't good to publicize the fact she was from a major clan. Though it could be handled from the shadows.

Fang Rou knew if she said something to her father he would be able to deal with this Hu clan. She had found out they were only a middle clan and didn't think much of them. Finally after saying their goodbyes and getting their ice lollies Fang Rou and Wei Jin started to walk to the pond again.

They didn't talk a lot on the journey and instead ate in silence as they got to the pond, only after they were finished did they start to talk about what happened. It was such a new sensation to them to have actually thought other people and they had some complex thoughts on what happened to Uncle Wang.

They had been told where he would be moving too as they had memorized nearly all the streets they had explored and decided to go get ice lollies from him whenever they could.

After talking for a while Wei Jin was finally in the mood to try out his father's fool proof plan and took Fang Rou in a certain direction.

What they didn't know was that their little fight with the Hu clan young master had alerted some shadows that had been hiding around the city and they sent some messages back to their respective clans.

As the fight had lasted for only a few seconds not much could be inferred from it and most clans overlooked it as another little brawl that happened in the streets. It wasn't worth much note unless it escalated down the track.

But one report that landed in the hands of a certain clan stirred them and they started to move in the shadows.

The guard that had been following Fang Rou had observed the whole ordeal and had a talisman in his hands. This was a much better talisman that the one that Wei Jin and Fang Rou had. It could even transmit thoughts to the other holder of a talisman.

It wasn't as common as the others and only the truly powerful in the city would have such a thing.

Receiving a transmission Feng Shan listened to the report that the black figure had reported. He mulled it over for a few minutes before he replied. What had happened with his daughter had made him nervous about her safety but he had reassured himself that her guard was top notch and a close aid of his.

After thinking about it more he decided that it was better for his daughter to have some hardships and rivalries with such people as it would temper her.

Though he didn't want to leave anything too chance as he instructed one of his aids to send a warning to the Hu clan. That if anything were to actually happen to his daughter they would be destroyed.

He didn't put it to them in such words, but he did mention that if anyone above the Qi condensation level was to get involved with the fight between Fang Rou and the young master Hu there would be hell to pay.

He made it look like it wasn't too important as he still wanted to keep his daughters identity safe but did encourage them to antagonize her a little.

After penning the letter himself he sent his aid of to deliver it.

He didn't think more of the subject as he closed his eyes and continued to cultivate, he thought he might reach a bottle neck soon and needed to prepare.

He would get through it before his daughters debut and make sure nothing went wrong.

Here's the Chapter, hope you enjoy.

Will this be a main enemy???

Thanks for Reading :)

Zevrencreators' thoughts