

Where is she cultivating! Tell me!


A huge uproar had come to the Hu clan as young master Hu Zhuan, son of the Hu clan Patriarch had come back to the clan beaten up.

His face had swollen badly and when he had woken up he had found that his robe that was gifted to him by his father had stains of bird poop on it. His fury had hit the roof at that point but he had had only been able to unsteadily stand backs up and make his way back to his clan.

He didn't care about the other Hu clan followers that were lying on the ground and not moving. He didn't care if they died and now thought of them as trash after losing to that one girl.

He had no clue who she was but when he found her, she would be skinned alive and tortured. He had never wanted to hurt someone so much at this point than he had in his entire life. The humiliation he felt as he made his way around made his anger grow even further.

Commoners that saw him would turn away and snicker to themselves, if he had been in his usual state he would have beaten them to a pulp and destroyed their families. Before he had left the area he still had enough remaining calm to interrogate one of the merchants that usually set up in the area.

He asked about the young man and girl that had assaulted him.

Using his remaining strength he was able to find out which direction they usually went and the fact that they met up at some pond.

Thinking about the layout of the city, the only lake or pond in that direction was in Ming park. If that was where they usually went he would find them. He smiled to himself as he hobbled his way back to is clan.

It took him 2 hours before he could make it back to the clan gate. There was no guard there, even though one was supposed to be posted and that made Hu Zhuan frown for a second. But as he remembered what had happened to him, his anger flared and he forgot all about that.

Finally making it back to his clan and finding a wandering member, he instantly ordered him to go inform the elders and his father. That person didn't falter as he went to inform them.

Soon after the clan as thrown into disarray as the rumors about what happened to their young master spread. Some were happy that the arrogant prick got what he deserved and some were mad that someone would dare disrespect the Hu Clan.

The patriarch was even worse as he flew into a furry rushing over to his own house. There his wife could be seen tending to their sons injuries. As he had only been smacked in the face and not the body, nothing much had been damaged with his cultivation state but his face would be dis configured probably for life. It could be healed, but the shifting of the bones would leave marks that couldn't be covered up.

His father had destroyed a few tables and windows as he let lose some rage as he saw the figure of his son. He also saw what had happened to the robe that he was given to be used for his debut and became even angrier.

Questioning his son about the matter it was more infuriating that this was done by youths the same age as him, or around the same age. Because they looked like teens it would be probable that they were the same age, but wasn't confirmed.

His son had never had a good cultivation base but it wasn't the worst, for this to have happened the kids that did this must also be from another clan. Being one of the top middle clans he wasn't worried with insulting another and wanted to kill the children that did this.

Seeing his father so angry Hu Zhuan grew excited imagining what would happen to the woman that did this too him. He zealously explained what happened and put great detail into what the woman looked like. Even though Wei Jin had hit him in the face once and started the fight, it was Fang Rou that had gone ham on his face and his anger towards her was unimaginable.

Finishing up with most of the crimes put on Fang Rou, he concluded with what he had found out on his way back. He talked about Ming park and how they would most likely be around there. Just as the conversation was finishing a sound came from outside.


"Who dares intrude on me right now?!"

The patriarch exploded when his conversation was interrupted and he wasn't in a good mood in the first place. Hearing the voice he really wanted to go outside and beat whoever it was outside to death.

Storming outside and seeing the new figure, his anger disappeared slightly as it was an elder that had spoken. If it had been a guard or common member that had dared disturb him, they would be lying dead before they knew what happened.

Calming down slightly he asked him what he wanted to report.

The elder in front of him produced a letter and spoke as he handed it over.

"A Ren clan Messenger delivered this letter to the front guard and then left."

The simple envelope was handed over and he patriarch frowned. The Ren clan was one of their main rivals and there should be no reason for them to send a letter. Actually the enmity between their 2 clans was so bad that most would fight one sight.

If they were out of the city they would go in for the kill.

What was truly surprising was the fact that the elder that was kneeling in front of the patriarch was actually the one that had disappeared into thin air when he had been trying to deliver the Feng clan letter.

Opening the letter and reading it his eyes started to turn red after a split second. After about 2 seconds the letter turned to ash in his hands as a powerful aura exploded out.

"Ren Clan!!"

He shouted out load as he thought of what the letter had just told him. Yes they had told him!

They said for his son to tuck his tail between his legs and never bother the young miss again.

So that brat that had beaten up his son was from the Ren clan. The brutality with which she had smacked his face now made sense; the Ren clan was purposely trying to humiliate his son before his debut. He couldn't stand for that.

His aura exploded out as he went towards a different building.

As he disappeared in that direction the elder that was kneeling stood back up with a smile and bowed in his direction. After walking to a secluded area the figure of the elder disappeared.

Calling to gather the elders in the clan, it only took 30 minutes for them to gather. Explaining about the situation and the letter, the elders were infuriated and wanted to instantly go out and start fighting people from the Ren clan.

The patriarch didn't stop them and actually encouraged them to prepare to start fighting with the Ren clan. The next day they would start to pressure them and truly start fighting with their enemy.

Having dealt with that he called one of the younger elders over and told him to go down to Ming park and kill the young girl. He gave him a rough description of what she looked like and also told him to deal with her companion.

The young elder bowed and left with a swift motion. The energy of a foundation establishment realm pulsed from him.

The patriarch stared at him for a second before he started thinking about the fighting that was going to start. He had to prepare his clan for the losses they might suffer.


Fang Rou was having the best day of her life. She wasn't sure why Wei Jin was being so nice to her today but she was happy nether the less. She got to see her favorite play, and would most likely get to see it later that night which was just as good. And she had been able to have her favorite dish. His parents were right, she may have been to a higher class establishment, but the one they cooked at the Wu restaurant was really nice.

If it wasn't because of what happened to the merchant before that happened it would have been even better. They had been talking for quite a long time after their meal and were now making their way back to their pond.

Before they split up they had also gone and re visited a lot of the fun places they had been before, some places had games they could play or nice food and candy. They went all out and visited nearly all of their favorite spots today.

And now they had finally made it back to the pond, Fang Rou was sure that Wei Jin wanted to say something to her at this point so she waited for him to say something. She was so happy right now and she wasn't sure if he was going to pull something else out that surprised her.

Wei Jin who was standing in front of her was actually slightly lamenting in his head. He had followed the plan to the letter and was happy that it had worked so well so far. Fang Rou had been smiling ear to ear from the moment they had left the theater and it had gotten even brighter as the day continued.

He was lamenting the fact that he had actually run out of time and couldn't do the full pan. In it his father had told him to take Fang Rou shopping for clothes that she liked, or accessories that she liked. He had already figured out the accessories part but hadn't gotten around to the shopping part.

He didn't know why Fang Rou would be happy to shop for cloths but trusted his dad, too bad for him that he didn't have time as it was getting late and they had moved back to the pond. He shook his head as he thought about the finishing touches of the plan.

Even though he couldn't do the shopping he would finish this on a high note. It was something he had prepared for her birthday way before the whole debut invite plan was concocted. But decided to give it to her early as it wouldn't change much. He could possible get her something else if he really had to.

His heart rate sped up slightly as he was feeling nervous.

Hey guys here's the chapter. Hope you enjoy.

Someone is pulling the string in the background?

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Zevrencreators' thoughts