
Secret unveiled

The group of 6 friends made their way towards their table and were seated. The waiter came up to them to take their orders.

Lian told the waiter what they wanted to eat.

"Do you have some apples and avocados?" asked Lian as the waiter was leaving.

"Yes, ma'am. We have them. Would to like to have them?" asked the waiter in a professional manner.

"Yes, a plate will do. Also, bring some warm water with the food." said Lian with a smile.

God!! That smile could kill someone.

The waiter was enchanted by Lian's smile.

"Will do, ma'am." the waiter responded with a smile.

"Were you hoping that the waiter will give you free food if you smiled at him like that?" asked Jui.

"I wasn't really hoping that. But, for someone so beautiful as me , it's natural for us to show our charms." answered Lian with a straight face.

Li-Na and Ji-a couldn't help giggling.

Meanwhile, Jui facepalmed himself.

After 20 minutes or so of waiting 3 waiters brought over their food. They placed their food on the table.

" Please enjoy the food." saying this the waiters left.

There were sweet and sour pork, chicken and pork dumplings, chicken gravy and fried chicken. The plate of fruits was also there.

Lian gave the glass of warm water and plate of fruits to Ji-a. "Drink the water first and eat the fruits before eating these spicy fruits".

Ji-a smiled. These people knew her too well.

Ji-a had gastritis. Though, it was not so serious, she has stomachache sometimes. There were also times she had no appetite at all.

Just as Ji-a finished drinking the water and was about to eat the fruit, there was a power black-out.

Ji-a dropped her spoon.

"Ji-a!!" all the others present there shouted in unison.

'I'm here." said Ji-a softly.

Lian, who was sitting next to her quickly searched for her hand and took it in her right hand while her left hand patted Ji-a's back.

Ji-a had nyctophobia and they all knew it very well.

Ji-a was a victim of bullying in school when she was 14 years old. When she first transferred to the school, she introduced herself in front of the whole class. Some of the classmates present their asked her what she feared the most. Ji-a was quite shocked when they asked her that question in the middle of her introduction and was reluctant to answer. However, those few classmates pressured her saying they needed to know it so that they will be careful if they wanted to play pranks on her. Ji-a thought that it was reasonable and answered, "I have nyctophobia and I'm also afraid of being alone."


But her troubles had only started. When classes were over, and Ji-a was about to pack her bags, the few classmates from earlier came up to her and said, "Why don't we sit together and get to know more about you?"

Ji-a was actually an introvert and she have trouble initiating conversations. She also had trouble keeping the conversation in flow.

"Maybe next time. I've to run home." said Jia

"Just 10 minutes is okay. You just transferred to this school. Don't you like us?" asked one of them.

"No, it's not that. But, just 10 minutes, okay?" said Ji-a.


By that time all the others left the classroom.

The few girls walked out of the classroom, one by one.

"Didn't they want to chat?" thought Ji-a.

But as soon as they walked out of the classroom, they locked the door.

"Hey! What are you doing?" asked Ji-a. Their actions were making Ji-a scared.

They switched off the lights and went away.

Ji-a stood rooted to her spot. She didn't know what to do. All she could do was cry standing there. She didn't even had the will to shout.

After about 15 minutes, which actually felt like forever to Ji-a, the lights were switched on.

The girls came in after unlocking the door.

Ji-a was so tensed up from what happened and her voice left her.

It would have been different if it was her home because it was at least familiar to her.

But this school, it was just her first day. She didn't even have any friends.

"Do you want to know why we did that to you?" asked a girl lazily.