
Secret Unveiled (5)

With Ji-a's parents agreeing to her going to N school, she started preparing for her entrance exam. The entrance exam was just 21 days away so time was very limited. Jun Yi Feng as well as Ji-a started preparing for the exam right away.

After 21 days, they went for the exam and 3 days later, the results were out. Both of them got selected.

Ji-a's family knew well about Jun Yi Feng's family conditions. They could easily guess that his family didn't congratulate him after passing such a hard exam. So they decided to call Jun Yi Feng over for dinner. Ji-a's family were very down to earth which made 7Jun Yi Feng was comfortable throughout lunch.

What Ji-a didn't know was that her life was going to change after going to this school. It was this very school where she met Yue Qing, Xu Li-Na, Yang Lian, Zhu Dan, Guang Li Yi and Shen Jui.

She met Yue Qing and Xu Li-Na in the same class and Jun Yi Feng met Yang Lian, Zhu Dan, Guang Li Yi and Shen Jui in his class. Since Ji-a was close with Jun Li Feng, they all came to know each other and became friends.

Ji-a, who actually didn't want anyone to know about her phobias easily opened up to them. They all gave each other strength, correcting each other when one did wrong and became inseparable. They were becoming more like family.

Actually, Ji-a's nyctophobia became a lot worse when she was being bullied in the previous school. She used to think that she was worthless for not being able to do anything about it and being a scaredy-cat. But being with these people gave her hope. Aside from her parents and grandmother, she had never received such love and care from the outside world. Although people respected her and her family, it was not care or love because they were just strangers. Ji-a did not mind anything about thinking that people at least respected them and it was a good thing to be respected. Yes, it is indeed a good thing to be respected. But when these people she just met at school cared and loved her, she thought "It's not bad to be loved."

I feel like I'm rushing.

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