
Secret Unveiled (3)

"You just have to stay in this classroom without lights all alone, everyday after school." said the girl.

"Is there no other alternative?" asked Ji-a as she started sweating.

"No, darling. It's so simple. Don't you love your parents anymore or, do you want the articles to circulate all over the media?" said another girl.

"Don't touch my parents. I'll do it." Ji-a said with tears falling down her cheeks.

It went for about 2 weeks. During this time Ji-a's health deteriorated a lot. She had dark circles all around her eyes and lost a lot of weight.

Her current condition didn't go unnoticed by her parents and grandmother.

"My child, what happened to you?" asked her grandma.

"It's nothing. I'm just trying hard for the exams, that's way. I need to top the class." said Ji-a with a smile.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. Take your time. It really pains me to see you like this."

Every morning, Ji-a would cry before school.

One day, as she was in the classroom with lights off all alone, she heard footsteps outside the classroom. Ji-a thought that it was the girls and kept sitting. However, a boy's voice called out." What are you doing all alone?" Then , the boy switched on the lights.

Ji-a was surprised to hear an unfamiliar voice and looked up, her eyes almost red from all the crying.

The boy came nearer to her as he said "Would you mind explaining something to me?"

Ji-a still didn't anything. Then, they heard some footsteps in the corridor coming towards their classroom.

"Who switched on the lights?" a shrill voice rang out.

When she was at the door her jaw dropped.

There, Jun Yi Feng was sitting next to Ji-a.

"Se.. Senior Feng, wh... what are you doing h.. here?" stammered the girl.

Jun Yi Feng, the most outstanding boy in school, both in studies as well as in looks was there. It was normal for anyone to be shocked.

"What happened here?" asked Jun Yi Feng.

"H.. here. I.. I... I don't think anything ha.. happened here, senior Feng." answered the girl. "I just came to ch.. check my.. my.. a.. a... desk, yes, desk if I left anything. I'll be leaving first, senior Feng." Saying this, the girl ran off. For a reason, the other girls didn't show up.

"It's okay if you don't want to say anything. Let's get out off here," saying this Jun Yi Feng held one hand of Ji-a and the other supporting her back. He could easily see that the girl was extremely terrified.

As the walked out of the school, he asked "Do you live in this neighbourhood?"

Ji-a nodded.

"Is it the first time they're doing this to you?"

Ji-a shook her head.

"Do your parents know about this?"

Again, Ji-a shook her head.

Actually, she was extremely happy that at least someone in this school cared about her.

"Don't worry. You have me." said Jun Yi Feng.

From that day onwards, Jun Yi Feng always came to check up on Ji-a.

After about 2 weeks, that is, after about a month Ji-a transferred to this school, Jun Yi Feng asked, "Do you want to change school?"