
Pay back time (2)

After Ji-a left, Ye Peter called Ki Hong to his office and threw the proof papers in his face.

'What is the meaning of this?', shouted Ye Peter.

Taking the paper in his hands and after reading, Ki Hong was thunderstrucked. 'H.. How is this.. Wher.. Where did do get this??, Ceo Ye?' asked Ki Hong, his expression grim.

'You have the audacity to ask me where I got this. You're really unbelievable. You think I paid you so that you can betray the company. I'll give you 2 minutes to come clean.' , Ye Peter said, word by word.

Ki Hong opened his mouth and said, ' Miss Wang Alix promised me a big compensation in order for me to give this to her. '

Ki Hong had just finished saying this when a pen stand came flying towards his face and hit on his forehead.

'Prepare to go to court. I'm not letting you go just because you're an employee.', saying this Peter stormed out of his office.

He instructed his assistant about suing Ki Hong and Wang Alix.

After that, he called Zhang Ji-a and her all about that happened. Just as he was entering his office, he met his son, Ye Jin. The latter followed Peter in his office and demanded, Dad, I'm getting tired of my car. Give me some money. I need to buy a new one. '

His son added fuel to his fire.' You are already 27 and you still ask me for money. '

' What? Do you expect me to ask my girlfriends then?', answered Ye Jin, as if he was being right.

Peter could only sign and stopped saying anything.

Ye Jin, his only son, was known as the playboy of the city. Their family was one of the richest family in the city. The only thing that Ye Jin knew was squandering his father's money. He had multiple girlfriends. Yes, he's got looks that could kill people. Tall, with chiselled face and fair skin. His eyes had the darkest set of black with long, black eyelashes. He had a very eye catching arched eyebrows with pointed nose complimenting his face. He had thin lips in lightest set of pink. Although his lips were slightly pink, it had a masculine feel to it.

Seeing that his father was in a bad mood, he decided to give up and spend the day in his room.