
Fate, My foot.

"Fate,my foot." exclaimed Ji-a.

Yue Qing burst out laughing upo hearing Ji-a's remark.

Jin glared at Qing and turned back at Ji-a. "Hey, you should be happy that I'm taking interest in you. No one has ever rejected me and no one will ever."

"I'm an exception though. And I'm not interested in immature man who run after girls whilst squandering their parents' money and depend on their parents."

"Well, if I prove to you that I'm a grown man who can live independently, will you date me?"

"That depends. Just because you're independent doesn't mean I'll fall for you."

"I'll prove it to you."

"Good luck, then." Actually,Ji-a thought that Jin was just bluffing and didn't think too much about it.

Just then, "Ladies and gentlemen present here, let us start." It was an employee of Platinum Jewellery. "We are here to commemorate the partnership of LS Corporation and Platinum Jewellery. As you all know, Platinum Jewellery is expanding into architecture, home decor and furnitures. We have the privilege of partnering with LS Corporation. May we have the President of LS Corporation on the stage? "

Guang Li Yi went up the stage with his kingly gait. Ye Peter and Guang Li Yi shook their hands.

" Let us now hear something from the CEO of Platinum Jewellery and Architectural firm, Mr. Ye Peter.

Ye Peter began his speech. "First of all I would like to thank Mr. Guang for accepting my proposal for this partnership. It's really an honor to work with such a young but talented businessman. I would also like to thank everyone present here for coming despite your busy schedules..... "

After Ye Peter finished, their was a round of applause. Guang Li Yi didn't give a speech as he hated doing it. He wanted Jun Yi Feng to give the speech but the latter refused so, Yang Lian ended up giving the speech on behalf of LS Corporation.

After the speech, music was played for those who wanted to dance on the dance floor. Guang Li Yi, Jun Yi Feng and Yang Lian went to meet the guests. Shen Jui and Zhu Dan went to see things around. Ji-a, Li-Na and Qing sat around a table and were talking. Ye Peter's wife was an English, so many people from England also came. The girls were asked for dance several times by many English men. Some socialites from the city also asked for dance. But the girls refused politely. Just then, Zhou Liang came towards their direction. Zhou Liang was the President of Star Entertainment which managed Xu Li-Na and Shen Jui. He was also Li-Na's boyfriend. Li-Na's face lit up upon seeing Zhou Liang but she composed it quickly, afraid that someone would see them. Zhou Liang smile at her lovingly and the four started talking. However, their happy moment was short-lived. Mr. and Mrs. Zhou came towards them and Mrs. Zhou looked with disdain at Li-Na. " Liang, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Zhou asked angrily.

"I'm having a talk here, mom."

"I don't think there is much to talk about." And turning to Li-Na, she said, "And you, young lady. I don't know how you managed to coax my son but I'm not accepting you even as Liang's friend, let along girlfriend." The smile that Li-Na put up gradually vanished. She held her head low. Actually, Li-Na was not someone to be easily bullied by someone but she put up with Mrs. Zhou just because she loved Zhou Liang."

"Mom, we're in public. Mind your manners. "

" Why should I? She is here, seducing you in public and I can't give her a piece of mind in public."

Ji-a could take it no longer. "Mrs. Zhou, shouldn't you think about your son ?"

"Jiii, stop it." It was Li-Na this time.

"No, let her do it." said Qing.

"Mom, if you don't stop your nonsense, I'm announcing right now that Li-Na and I are getting married." Zhou Liang was extremely unhappy with what his mom did.

"Honey, don't let the reputation of the Zhou Family down." Mr. Zhou finally spoke Up. He said softly but it showed hints of anger.

"So, you all are on the same side now. Hummpp. Let's see then." Mrs. Zhou left, burning in anger.

"Take your time. I'll go meet some people." said Mr. Zhou.

"We'll leave you to talk." said Qing and left with Ji-a hand in hand.

"Ji-a." a woman's voice rang out.

Qing and Ji-a turned around and their face suddenly dimmed. "What a hell of luck today!" cursed Qing. Ji-a didn't say a word. She just stares at the person. Actually, there were two people. Her ex and his current girlfriend. Ji-a broke up with that scumbag two years ago when he was caught cheating on her. Ji-a would have forgiven him if it was only cheating thinking that he must have fallen out of love but that wasn't the case. He also tried to crush Ji-a's dreams. He was one of the main reasons Ji-a didn't want to be in a relationship anymore. He was Wei Cheng, founder of Wei Architecture. The girl was Qi Hualing. She was a C-list actress who did some supporting roles.

"Ji-a, I have a surprise for you coming up in a few minutes."

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