

It was already 9 pm. Zhang Ji-a, Xu Li-Na, Guang Li Yi, Jun Yi Feng and Shen Jui were at a bar chatting.

Zhang Ji-a, the only daughter of a humble yet respected family is an independent designer of jewellery, houses, furnitures and home decors. She is not a drop-dead gorgeous type but she is still a beauty. She has deep brown straight hair falling till her midback , with brown eyes. She has a small yet perfect nose with small rosy lips. She has a small face with big round eyes. The only reason she is not bound to any company is because she doesn't like working under people. She doesn't like talking with people she did not have business with and she is most comfortable with her family and friends because this is when she can be her true self.

Xu Li-Na, one of Ji-a's best friends is an idol and a very famous one at that. Truth to be told, Li-Na is the most beautiful in the group.

Guang Li Yi is the President of LS Corporation. He's so successful even only being 29.

Jun Yi Feng, working as the Vice-President at LS Corporation is an expert hacker. Well, no one outside their group knows about this hacker thing though.

Here comes, Shen Jui, a playboy and a famous actor.

After they had a few rounds of beers, Li Yi and Yi Feng dropped Ji-a in front of her house while Shen Jui dropped Li-Na.

After reaching home, Ji-a went straight to her room.

'Where were you?', said Zhang Cui, Ji-a's mother.

'Ohh, sorry mom. I was with my friends. Have you had dinner?' said Ji-a.

'Yes, you dad and I had our dinner. What about you? I bet you haven't eaten anything. I'll warm up the food. You should come and have some. You should remember you have a weak stomach.', Cui was concerned about her daughter.

'As you say so.', Ji-a smiled lovingly at her mother.

The duo went to the kitchen with Cui catering to her daughter. After dinner, Ji-a went to her room, have a shower and was starting working on her designs and laptop.

Ding! A message came and Ji-a's expression went bitter after reading the message.