
#17 Confused feelings

Mr kim could no longer bear how jieun was enjoying his brother jisung's company as they both started to joke around during lunch and dinner and mostly they stick up together to solve her problem but the atmosphere was different it meant more then solving the problem but which seem like flirting each other according to Mr kim . Jieun too was confused because whenever Some other staff girls from other companies visits and stay close to mr kim, jieun always tense up and gives them a death glare but mr kim never notices it .

Mr kim had a feelings towards jieun but he would not accept it nor deny it . Still he would continuously visit jieun room to check on her making an excuse on their office works . So one day jisung and jieun were sharing about their life and how they would like to develop their future career into, and she started to talk about her mother that she might end up not having her or even meeting her ever and jieun wanted to atleast meet her mother once in her life and if that wish is fulfilled she would be very happy because she dont even have a family except his brother who is persuing for his dreams . Jieun starts to sob silently , jisung notices and goes nearby to give her a hug which startles jieun however she does not back up instead holds onto him tighter . Jisung then promises to himslef in his mind that he would try his best to make jieun meet her mother and after her wishes is completed he would ask for her hand for marriage . Jieun was so much in need of love that he was ready to accept jisung comfort not realising how much Mr kim loved her too and she didnt had the idea that Mr kim started liking her from the day when he got drunk and how jieun took the trouble taking care of him even after knowing how he treated her in the work place. Inorder to impress jieun Mr kim starts to buy several makeup product ,dress and edible stuffs for jieun so that he can distract them from their romance and attract her attention towards him . He made a several attempt and would text her to bring water for him in his room and order to cook ramen for him . His behaviour was confusing and annoying , and jieun had no idea about why Mr kim was doing that and what he was trying to prove to her .

Maybe if Mr kim confess his feelings for jieun she would have accept it because it seems jieun care more about Mr kim than the other persons in her life as when he fell sick jieun was the one who was more worried and stayed up late to look over him and she didnt ever rest and stayed beside him and took care of him like a wife and a mother which made him to attract him more on her .

But with the good days there came a dark day for both jieun and Mr kim When a girl showed up with her luggage to stay in Mr kim house .

Girl: Hello ! kim yeong bin??

Mr kim : Yes , Who is it speaking ?

Girl : Remember me ? Ni rim . I'm at your door , please come and open it for me , i have come to stay with you like i promised .

Mr kim:(runs down the stairs and immidiately opens the door with full force making a thut sound )

Ni rim how comes you are here and why now ?

Ni rim: Oppa i have missed you so much i have come back for you(hugs Mr kim in his chests)

Mr kim tries to release her grip from him because he knows this could ruin his relation with jieun and he knew it would be a bad impression to jieun and she might start hating him . But Ni rim acts as if Mr kim had still feeling for her .

Mark and jieun were in the kitchen and comes out to see mr kim struggling to release the girl in his arms .

Jieun: Who the hell is she ?( decides to make a move)

Mark:( hold jieun by her wrist) wait ! Its Ni rim , Mr kim's First Love .


So What do you think Mr kim would decide ?

will he go back to ni rim his first love or will he still hold onto jieun where he is still fighting to win her heart.

what about jieun ? will she give him up to Ni rim or she will step forward to snatch her Love ?

please support me this is my first Novel and im trying my best .

amd please do comment on my errors and help me with more intresting story lines .

thank you for reading it

Epiponi_Tungoe22creators' thoughts