

When I woke up, I was in a black with that seemed to be endless in all directions. "Where am I?" After I asked that question to the black void of nothing, the memories of my final moments in life started to flood into my head.

I was walking on my way home after graduation, it was a quick and boring graduation for me. I was an orphan who lived alone, who simply wanted something interesting and not boring to happen in his life. But nothing besides a zombie apocalypse could revive my broken mind that has been wrong dry from the everlasting boredom of the modern world.

I arrived at a crosswalk and turned my head towards the right and saw a man dragging a young girl into an alley. I immediately knew what was happening so I decided to start walking calmly to the alley, I didn't have many thoughts at the time and besides the few that ran through my head with my decision, 'I'm no hero, I just don't want her to end up like me. Broken. But in her case, broken both mentally and physically.' When I arrived outside the alley, I pulled out my pocket knife and started walking into the alley.

The man was trying to muffle her shouts and screams, he hadn't realized someone other than him and the girl were inside the alley. I started to sprint towards the man, at that point he heard my footsteps and looked over his shoulder to see behind himself.

He saw me sprinting at him with a knife as I spoke a sentence to the girl, "Close your eyes." She was in too much shock to register my words and with the end of the sentence, I arrived in front of the man and stabbed him in the neck. His eyes went wide since it happened too quick, I ripped out the knife from his neck and immediately went to the little girl to find out if she was alright. I was about to ask if she was fine but, through the reflection of her eyes that had went round. What I saw was the man on his last struggle with death, he raised a gun in his hand and pulled the trigger that was aim towards me. I had used my body to cover the girl when the man shot the gun, the bullet had gone through the middle right of my neck, hitting an artery. I knew it was fatal but it wasn't in a perfect shot that would of instantly killed me.

Hearing the man drop down behind me and feeling the sharp pain in my neck, I ignored it all and only looked at the little girl in front of me. I sat up and grabbed her my the hand and started to walk out of the alleyway.

The gunshot caused a lot of panic as well as curiosity, when we arrived out of the alley, there was already a large crowd. When I was about to ask the girl if she was hurt anywhere, I fell down and my vision was starting to get blurry.

The bleeding from my neck was finally noticed by the bystanders, this caused everyone to panic, yelling, "Call an ambulance." "Get the police!"

I ignored everything and asked the girl, "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" The little girl replied to me, "Yes, thanks to you." I gave a slight grin and said my final words, "Live an interesting life." I heard her final words to me as she started to cry, "I will. Hopefully in the next life, your life will be interesting too."

Unknowingly to me, a tear of blood came from the corner of my left eye when I heard those words from her. All I wanted in life was something interesting, all I ever did was watch zombie related movies and TV shows. School was easy with my perfect eidetic memory, so that was boring for me as well.

When I finally reeled back from the flood of memories, I looked up and saw an old man who gave off an ancient feeling. I thought to myself, 'Am I dead?' The old man said, "Yes, you are. And before you think or ask, yes I can read your thoughts."

Since he already answered my second question, I asked, "Who are you?" The old man gave me a proud smile and said, "I'm source of everything! The one true god."

I wasn't really amused, I got my answer, it's interesting but not really worthwhile since I'm already dead. He seems to have noticed this and cleared his throat before saying, "You were a soul that was randomly selected from the pool of unfortunate souls to have the chance to receive a system, 3 wishes, and the world of your choosing."

Hearing that I was a bit interested and asked, "Any world and any kind of wish?" He nodded to my question, indicating yes. I stood there for a moment and started thinking to myself, 'For the world of my choice, I'd have to say The Walking Dead, since it's my favorite. For my wishes I'll go with Customization Manipulation, Absolute Combat, and Weapon Manipulation.'

I was about to tell the god my wishes, but before I could speak, he said, "Your wishes have been granted. You are truly going to be the most difficult obstacle for those who encounter you on their path." I nodded and said to him, "Yes, you said I could wish for anything and that is what I wished for. I'll probably get bored eventually but all I have to do is create a bit of mayhem and watch everyone try to subjugate me." The old man gives an exasperated look towards me and sighs in defeat before saying, "Please choose the time and place that you would like along with your appearance and species."

I was about to question species but a game menu looking screen appeared in front of me, I started to choose my appearance. It was almost the same as my last appearance in terms of what I look like, which was pretty feminine. I could easily be mistaken as a girl from behind.

In terms of facial features, I looked a pretty boy who could pass off as a girl, who really will care for facial appearances in a zombie apocalypse? They'll care if you look dead though. My eye color was teal and my hair was a long, silky black hair that reached my shoulder blades. My height was 5"9, I chose a slim build with perfect lean muscles to kill zombies while still being agile. For my race, I chose to be a ghoul from Tokyo Ghoul. Why did I choose that? I don't know myself, maybe for the difficulty of trying to secure humans to feed? I think I might have more loose screws than I previous had.

For the time and place, I put a day before Rick Grimes arrives in Atlanta and location Atlanta, the 2nd floor in a safe room, of the building closest to the tank that he went into.

After pressing the confirm button, the screen disappeared and the old man started talking, "Interesting choice for your appearance. I would of expected you to choose a new look instead of your old one. The only thing different is your body build, you have muscles now! Anything else before I send you off?" I scoffed at his remark about me being a toothpick previously and said, "Is that another wish you're offering?"

The old man looked at me with a questioning look before shrugging as he said, "Sure, I guess it is technically. What will it be?" I chuckled and told him that I'll cash it in at another time.

The old man sighs and says, "Alright, whatever. Goodbye you sissy, I hope you enjoy your adventure." Hearing what he said, I was about to start talking shit but I lost consciousness before I could.

I'm back at it again from my hiatus! And yes, I am rewriting a lot of chapters so they all will be different. Check the aux chapter for more info.

What should the extra wish be?

Badficcreators' thoughts
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