
A Cheap, OP Brawler

A young Japanese man with eyes that take him as a 'demon,' Jinma Kotori, is killed by his former shady company and gets a second chance to live in a new fantasy RPG-like world as a bodacious goddess' 'Champion.' He begins his new life with the world's default starter class, a Brawler, and a defense-based blessing. Much to the goddess' surprise, Jinma's stats were already high for a human before the blessing was granted, and his first encounter in the new world of Raiza is a high-leveled, Special Monster ... A typical isekai harem story with video-game mechanics and OP MC with monster girls as his main focus of love interests. Adult language, scenes, and content involving sex and gore are to be expected. Viewer discretion is advised. This story is also published on royalroad.com and scribblehub.com For news on this and my other stories, please follow me on twitter, @OrangeRain3477 If you'd like to give support for all of my stories and access exclusive content, please go to my subscribestar to do so. subscribestar dot adult slash orangerain

Orange_Rain · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 182: Three Champions; The Vixen, The Big Sister, and their Boss

"D-D-Dragon? Y-You're really … a Dragon, Lady Mailigon?!" Lola stuttered as her whole body was shaking in place. Even her ginormous cow tits look like they were about to burst out from her leather belt-like bra top at any moment.

"I heard of Dragons being quite powerful, but I didn't think they'd be capable of this," Momo added with her lone eye widened.

"This may be a surprise for you to see now, but we Dragons have visited Padimon, as well as other continents in Raiza while blending in like this for thousands of years," Mailigon said, "We mainly do this to observe the other Kins' progression of civilization, which sometimes include bringing items from those locations back home to compare those we've brought in earlier times to see how far they've come. Oh, but clothes aren't one of those things, though. The ones I bought today were purely out of my own personal interest and curiosity. Whatever the reason, though, we've made oaths to never interfere in the other Kins' affairs, regardless of the state they're in. The majority of us blend in like this because we have no motives to cause trouble for you all … despite my efforts, though, I have a feeling a few of you have seen through my disguise from the start. Isn't that right, Komi?"

I twitched at my name being called. My slaves changed their gaze of shock toward me.

"For some reason or other, you were the first to see what I really was, and so when you saw some unsavory Humans making a move on me, you didn't really stop them for my sake, didn't you?" Mailigon continued, "You were worried they'd provoke me enough to cause havoc in the city. That's what you were really protecting."

"... It's as you say," I said before sighing, "If that offends you, then I apologize, and I'll take responsibility for deceiving you. I ask that you please keep me alive, at the least."

Much to our surprise, Mailigon laughed, "Don't worry about it! Your actions are justified, and I'm partially at fault for being lenient of hiding my presence with magic if whoever you were protecting me from were able to see me, and since I didn't want to bring attention to myself, either, you did me a favor back there. At worst, I'd be attracting a lot of eyes for turning those foolish Humans into living bags of flesh after I pulverize their bones into dust."

"B-Bones into … dust?" Lola asked with a paled expression.

"Bags of flesh?" Momo followed with a glittering eye.

"Gross," Sei added with a straight face.

"Plus, you showed me all kinds of things about the clothes and fashion of your kind today. How could I possibly hold a grudge against you after that?" Mailigon asked before giving a bright, toothy smile.

"Ms. Mailigon …" I muttered.

"Let's get back to more important matters," Mama intervened with a serious expression, "So for reasons unknown, a very important Dragon has ran away from home, and if we don't find her soon, we'll be dealing with an overbearing father and siscon brother Dragon pair that could level all of Padimon. Taking you down, alone, might be a challenge for me, but I'm not confident I can handle two at once on my own."

"The fact that you say you might have a chance against me really speaks of your confidence if you knew what I was before I confessed. I can sense those words are not attempts to joke around," Mailigon said, "Nor can I deny your labels on Umeiyon's family members, you are indeed correct that this continent is doomed if we don't find her soon."

"Ahhhh, after all the hell Mama put me through to get where I am today, am I really gonna die here so soon?" Nao-chin whined while folding over the table, "And I was starting to live comfortably here, too …"

"Don't you give up just yet, Nao, we haven't even begun to fight," Mama said before turning to Mailigon, "It's moments like these that I have to take action here. If you can give me a full description of Umeiyon's profile in all forms she can change into, I'll get in touch with my connections and see if they saw any sign of her."

"You'll really help me out?!" Mailigon exclaimed with hope glittering in her eyes.

"I'd like to keep the pub I built from the ground up in one piece, so our interests might as well align," Mama said while pointing her thumb up to the ceiling, "Nao, you're gonna help out."

"Like I have a choice if you're saying that, but yeah, I'd also be worried if someone I care about has gone missing. I can't say I can do much, but I guess I'll do whatever I can," Nao said.

"Komi? What are you planning to do?" Mama asked me.

"I'd like to help, too, but I have my own job I need to do first. It shouldn't take long, though, so I can offer my assistance after that," I answered.

"... So you're still planning on doing that, huh?" Mama asked before sighing, "Well, I won't stop you, since it's your own life now, and I imagine you redeemed those girls from slavery for that reason?"

"Yes, but I'm making sure our chances of victory with everyone alive are at 100 percent. You should know how I roll up to now," I said.

"Uh, what's 'that'? Why is it something you redeemed slaves for?" Nao-chin asked.

Mailigon also looked at me with confused interest.

I glanced over at Mama, and she gave a knowing nod, granting me permission. I looked to everyone with a hand to my bosom, "I have something that I need to come out with, as well. Before I came to Alluga, I was a hitman, an assassin that worked exclusively for a crime syndicate from my birthplace."

Mailigon and Nao-chin widened their eyes. My party and Mama weren't as surprised since they already know that much about me, especially the latter.

"You could say I turned over a new leaf since I came here, somewhat, since I'll be making hits out of my own merits moving forward and not for an organized group," I continued, "My main targets are Champions that pose a threat to this continent's order, but not for the sake of good. Those Champions have something that I need to get at all costs for the sake of my goal."

"Champions … aren't they the strongest among you Humans? The ones chosen by the Immortals to represent them?" Mailigon asked, "I can sense you have strength, as well, but I'm not sure how well you'll fare against them."

"It may be tough … if I was a normal Human, that is," I corrected before pointing my thumb at myself, "Thankfully, I'm not, as I'm also a Champion. The Immortal I represent is the Goddess of Pride, Telanis. Sei?"

My Familiar nodded in understanding and reached into my MIB to pull out my personal Champion's Bracelet. She tossed it to me and I caught it, which reacted by emitting an ethereal glow upon contact.

"That powerful mana that resembles those of the Immortals' Monuments … You're really a Champion? Wait, then are you also …?" Mailigon asked as she turned to Mama.

"I'd rather not talk about it too much, and that you don't mention any of this to anyone, if possible," Mama said, "I normally wouldn't give this much about me away, but this seems like an emergency that requires us to put all the cards on the table."

"I'm also a Champion, but I'm not as strong as these two are," Nao-chin said, "Mama still worked me to the bone to get as strong as I am today, but I'd rather not fight in most instances. Something tells me I'll have to prepare for that, though."

"Wow, to think there would be three Champions together in the same room, and I thought they were rare to come across," Momo said.

"Me thought the same," Lola added.

"This is incredible!" Mailigon exclaimed in excitement, "Three Champions helping me find my dearest friend … I couldn't possibly ask for better help than that!"

"So you aren't mad at me keeping this secret from you?" I asked her.

She shook her head and rested a claw to her bosom, "Not at all! I totally understand keeping such power under wraps, and while I'm curious about your past with this 'crime syndicate', what matters is whether you're helping me find Umeiyon. I know you said you have a task to do before that, but if there's something I can do to help finish that quicker, I'm willing to provide some assistance."

"Won't you get into trouble with the other Dragons if they find out about you interfering with Human affairs?" I asked.

"Ah …" It seemed Mailigon forgot about that briefly and was having difficulty answering that.

I waved my hand dismissively, "I appreciate the gesture, but if your involvement brings more trouble to Padimon than what's coming, I'd rather avoid it. Don't worry, me and my party are capable of handling this job, ourselves. We'll get this done as soon as we can, and then we'll focus all efforts into finding your friend after that. You have my word."

"... Thank you, Komi," Mailigon said before giving a wry smile. It looked like there was more she wanted to say, so I put my [Mind Reading] skill to work to see what was in her thoughts.

<Did you have to turn me down that quickly, though? I know that I'm looking for Mei, but after our short time together, aren't you and I also—>

I decided to cut myself off from reading her thoughts any further before I may hear something I probably shouldn't, {I'm sorry, Mailigon. Normally, I'd be thrilled if we could be friends, but it seems like Dragons making such associations with other Kin is something to be avoided. Moreover, other than maybe Hyo-chin who I may run into later, I can't have too many people get involved with my selfish goals. I'm happy enough I got to show you how fun fashion can be. I hope you know that much, at least.}

"It seems we've all decided what to do now," Mama said, "We'll go over your friend's profile and reach out to my sources tomorrow, but I'm worried about leaving you alone after that. Komi, you don't have to get her involved with your hit, but do you think you can look after Mailigon until then?"

{… Really, Mama? And I was planning on keeping distance between us, but I guess I get where she's coming from.}

I was the first one to find Mailigon, and I've been with her the longest out of us three Champions. It would make sense that she'd rather get stuck with someone she already knows.

"I understand. I'll help her reserve a room at the inn we're staying for ease of access, but when we're ready, can you—"

"Actually, about that 'hit' you mentioned, do you think I can come with you?" Mailigon asked before raising a reptilian claw up, "I swear as a Dragon that I won't run off to find my friend and I won't interfere with your task, I just …" She averted her gaze upon trailing off.

{… Well, she's telling the truth, at least,} I thought before sighing, "Alright, you can come with us, but don't interfere with our job, alright?"

Mailigon seemed to be satisfied with that as her smile was more relaxed as she nodded. She then used her magic to return to her Lizardman form

"Um, I get that you all may be ready to head in for the night, but can I talk to you in private about something important, Komi?" Nao-chin asked.

"Of course," I answered, {This might be something to do with my past as a hitman, which is understandable. I was initially planning on telling her all I could before running into Mailigon, after all.}

"We can take the talk to the kitchen," Mama said before turning to the other girls, "I have a feeling it might take a bit, do any of you want something to drink while waiting? This round will be on me."

Mailigon, Sei, Lola, and Momo ordered a variety of drinks, so Mama, Nao-chin, and I took a bit to prepare their beverages before we got to the private talk in the kitchen. We took this time to prepare our own refreshments, too. Mama, acting as mediator, adjusted her [Soundproof] spell to only surround the kitchen area so the others outside won't listen in.

With our discretion confirmed, Nao-chin to me with a serious look, "Komi … if you were originally part of a crime syndicate, do you happen to know anything about the Kurokichi Clan?"

My eyes widened. I didn't think Nao-chin, of all people, would even know of that group. "That's … actually the syndicate I previously worked for."

"... And you said you were still a high school student when you died on Earth? About 3 months ago? Is that still true?" Nao-chin asked in confirmation, of which I nodded. She took a moment to think until resolving herself, "As a former hitman for the Kurokichi Clan, and a high school student … do you know of a boy named Jinma Kotori?"

Jin-chi's name shook me to my very core. For some reason, this mature woman has linked the Kurokichi Clan and Jin-chi together. Due to some special arrangements, nobody outside of the clan should even be aware of that connection. It was tightly knit so that Jin-chi of all people wouldn't know of that connection.

"... Oh dear, I didn't think such a cute girl would look so terrifying. Did I say something out of line?" Nao-chin asked with genuine shock.

I'm guessing the look I had on my face at that time was one I make whenever I was about to snuff someone out, especially if they pose a threat to Jin-chi. Despite how 'scary' I looked, I've known Nao-chi long enough to know how much of a good person she is, so I decided to give her the benefit of a doubt before making my move. One of my hands was reaching for a knife strapped to my upper thigh for any potential surprises.

"... How much do you know about him? What's your relationship with him?" I asked coldly, as if we were in an interrogation.

"Ah, I think I'm starting to get it now," Nao-chi said, coming to some kind of conclusion before resting a hand to her generous bosom, "Don't worry, I'm on good terms with Ma-chi. I'm his Aneki, after all."

My body stiffened up, "... 'Ma-chi'? 'Ane-ki'?"

Nao-chi then took out her smartphone she kept in her [Storage] and made some motions on the screen. "He and I go way back, you see, and we hit it off good immediately on our first meeting. This is us from that day," she said before showing me a picture on her phone's screen.

"AH!" I screamed since I immediately recognized that picture the moment I saw it, "Th-That picture! You … You're her?!"

"Huh? Have you seen this picture before?" Nao-chi asked in confusion.

"That and many others! You're my inspiration to be trendy with gyaru and JK fashion! You're the role model I had to meet to become Jin-chi's mistress!"

"His WHAT?! And what do you mean 'many others'?! How many pictures do you have of me?!" Nao-chi screamed.

"Believe me when I say that I wasn't the one to take those pictures, someone else sent them to me as reference material, but that's not important."

"I don't think I'd dismiss a stalker sending pictures of a JK to a minor as something 'not important'!" Nao-chi rebutted.

"You can direct your complaints to the higher-ups in the clan. More importantly, if you're that close to Jin-chi and know of his connection to the clan, does that mean you …" I trailed off while pointing to my eye.

"... Oh! Right!" Getting the hint, she straightened her posture, closed her eyes, and made a pose with a big grin on her face like one may expect from a gyaru. What's incredible is that she managed to pull that off despite being a mature older woman.

What's even more so is that her light brown eyes changed to a bright chromatic orange, like one may see from a blazing fire, and I recognized that color.

"... Now I get it. So you're Mikan-san's 'Second Pact' that I heard of a long time ago," I concluded.

"Yep, that's right! Sometime after I met Ma-chi, I made a pact with his mom and became one of her subordinates as a D-Human! It's a condition I followed to look after him as his Aneki properly!" Nao-chi exclaimed with pride before her shoulders slumped in exhaustion, "That was until I graduated high school, but I got to keep the power as thanks, which makes living much more convenient for me. Her 'training' me into how to use this power was no joke back then, though, but it couldn't even come in comparison with Mama's here."

I glanced over to the person in question, and she only gave a mischievous, shit-eating grin.

"... Nao-chi, Mama never told you who she was, did she?" I asked.

The tanned woman raised a brow, "Uh, no? I mean, I don't know how she found me out, but I figured she was connected to the clan in some way, and that she was helping me out as one of them? I knew the clan had some mixed rep, so I assumed she was keeping her real name hidden for something related to that."

I exasperatedly sighed, "How much of this did you plan this out?"

Mama gave a hearty laugh, "I kind of winged it with Nao at first, but after meeting you here, I then wondered how funny things would turn out once you two got to know each other. Took you both long enough to get this far, though."

"Huh? What's going on? I'm feeling left out," Nao-chi said, slightly annoyed.

I rubbed my eyes, "Nao-chi … Mama's not just part of the clan, she's the boss."

"... Huh?"

"It's about time I formally introduce myself," Mama said before resting a hand to her modest bosom with a serious, authoritative look, "I am the 8th chairman of the Kurokichi Clan, and Jinma-chan's great grandmother, Madashi Kotori. If you know what's good for you, you won't tell anyone of my existence."

The air in the kitchen chilled and grew heavy. All the tan color on Nao-chin's skin paled and turned white.

{Yep, I was the same as you after meeting her the first time here, Nao-chin. This 'young mama' here is really an ancient, yet formidable lady.}

Nao-chin screamed "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD!" in disbelief and english before it rang through the whole kitchen.

This may be an abrupt place, but we’ll be switching back to Jinma’s perspective in the next chapter, but with an interesting twist, so stay tuned.

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