
A Cheap, OP Brawler

A young Japanese man with eyes that take him as a 'demon,' Jinma Kotori, is killed by his former shady company and gets a second chance to live in a new fantasy RPG-like world as a bodacious goddess' 'Champion.' He begins his new life with the world's default starter class, a Brawler, and a defense-based blessing. Much to the goddess' surprise, Jinma's stats were already high for a human before the blessing was granted, and his first encounter in the new world of Raiza is a high-leveled, Special Monster ... A typical isekai harem story with video-game mechanics and OP MC with monster girls as his main focus of love interests. Adult language, scenes, and content involving sex and gore are to be expected. Viewer discretion is advised. This story is also published on royalroad.com and scribblehub.com For news on this and my other stories, please follow me on twitter, @OrangeRain3477 If you'd like to give support for all of my stories and access exclusive content, please go to my subscribestar to do so. subscribestar dot adult slash orangerain

Orange_Rain · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 120: Gathering 'Samples', Part 2

Author's Pre-Chapter Note: However you can, please support me on SubscribeStar (the link to it will be in the twitter page that I'll leave at the end as usual). Your contributions are helping me to get by in life while I continue creating more content for you guys.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, and, please, leave a comment or two and tell your friends about this story, more reader participation really helps keep me going.


"Please lean back and relax while I service you, Milord," Mametama requested before giving me a brief kiss and lowered herself to my erected cock's level, looking at it with widened eyes, "G-Goodness. It's to be expected of Milord that his symbol of manhood would have splendor, but now that I am seeing it up close, it is more than I had imagined."

"Isn't it? I'm sure some females would kill to get fucked by a cock like that. I can tell you confidently from experience that you may never get bored with it once you get a taste," Ume gloated with a hand to her bosom.

{While the praise is boosting my confidence, I can't help but feel a little pressured of fulfilling the expectations behind them.}

<Relax, Jinma,> Nyra said, reading my thoughts, <Once you gain enough experience in sex, it will all come naturally to you.>

"Okay, if I remember correctly, Kalline and Erizora serviced Milord a little like this," Mametama said as she lifted my erection and planted her nose into the middle of my scrotum before taking a big whiff of the musk that came from it. Her cougar ears twitched and her matching tail stood up as she smelled my crotch some more, catching my scent from every part that could be explored. Finally, she took her tongue and ran it all over my ball sack before giving the throbbing cock some attention next. Mametama's tongue was a little rougher than the other girls, but instead of pain, it gave more of a ticklish sensation unlike anything my sex had experienced yet. It could also be my defense ability that extended to my member to take a hit as well, and if that were the case, I may have more leeway to try having rougher sex with some of the more 'dangerous' races of the Demon-Kin. If one monster girl gave such an exotic experience that's just as different as from the next, then my hornier, more virile side of me wanted to live through as many moments as it could. Nyra might be influencing me to go to such lengths, but I was all for this plan.

As Mametama continued servicing my dick and balls with her tongue, she would occasionally run her soft, smooth face along them, caressing them with her cheeks, even her jade hair would sometimes brush along them as she went with these motions. This was all while her eyes looked up to me, silently requesting me to watch her give my sex the proper affection it deserved. It reminded me of how a cat would rub itself against something to leave a scent, so maybe those instincts were taking effect as Mametama was servicing me. The view and the sensations I was experiencing were so hot and exotic that my cock got harder and more swollen, leaking precum that would smear on the cougar girl's face, but she wasn't bothered in the slightest. It was like she welcomed the gesture before she lapped the remainder off the head, which sent shocks down my spine for how sensitive it was right now.

The tanned cougar girl then moved on to take the head of my cock in her mouth. She was subtly surprised at how much space it took already, but she was not deterred as she pushed forward.

My breath was slowly getting sucked away from this unique blowjob, so I had to strain out my next words to advise my familiar, "T-Try not to take more than you can handle. Take it easy a bit."

"Hm," she hummed in confirmation, but it didn't look like I made much influence in her course of action.

Mametama was almost halfway down my erection by the time its head hit the back of her throat. Her gag reflexes reacted to this alien occurrence, contracting the insides of her mouth to squeeze around my cock that already took up the majority of its space. This pressure surrounding part of my erection was pleasing to me, but I couldn't say it was the same for my cougar familiar who was trying her hardest to take more of me inside her, despite her gag reflexes preventing it.

"This is getting painful to watch," Ume said as she approached us and squatted down next to Mametama. I was too distracted to even notice, but my dragon wife had stripped down to the nude while I was being serviced. Her unique cheongsam was currently sitting on the restroom counter.

"Hm?!" Mametama hummed in shock.

"You're obviously lacking too much experience to take Jin's whole cock in your gullet yet. I'll take some of the load off your hands and tend to the places you can't reach. Just focus on tending to what you can cover so Jin can release his seed," Ume ordered before letting her long, reptilian-like tongue hang down. She ran it over my swollen balls first, caressing each with care, then moved it up to the half of my dick not in Mametama's mouth. With impressive dexterity, she curled her tongue around the exposed base of my genitals and started jerking it off. This sent more electricity ran down my spine that made me stiffen in place.

"Hm …" my familiar responded in a subdued tone before slowly pulling herself back and started bobbing her head, running the insides of her mouth over the upper half and head of my erection. She brushed her rough tongue over the underside of my glans back and forth, sometimes stopping to swirl all around it a few times before going back to her bobs. Her lips had made contact with Ume's tongue multiple times while she continued to jerk the rest of me off with it. Neither of them seem to have minded these accidental touches. Going by their flushed faces, it somehow got them more into it to where they synced their movements to intentionally clash into each other. In a way, this was about as close to a 'kiss' as they could get under these positions. The uniqueness of the sight before my eyes as I watched them made this teamwork all the more appealing.

This double blowjob was a totally new experience for me. The contrasting motions at the halves of my genitals; the different textures between my wife's long, dexterous, smooth tongue and my familiar's flat, clumsy, rough one; even the heat given off from their mouths were different in temperatures. There were so many different sensations acting on my sex at once that any normal man likely wouldn't last even two minutes before climaxing prematurely. I was already backed-up after the abrupt end to my moment with Mametama back in the dungeon. My earlier makeout session with her while she grinded my dick between her thighs and pussy just made me even more pent up. With this sensational double blowjob, it may not have lasted long, but I was already at my peak to release everything I had stored so far today. The pleasure was so overwhelming that my reasoning and logic were momentarily lost. I couldn't keep my [Ejaculation Control] going for the life of me

"Fuck! Too much! I'm going to come!" I grunted, taking Mametama's head into my hands.

"Hm?!" my familiar hummed in bewilderment before I shoved as much of my cock into her gullet as possible.

Loads of semen surged from my balls to the urethra before they were blasted out, going straight into Mametama's maw and down her throat. It wasn't able to take such large volumes all at once, however, as the remainder of my thick, viscous seed filled out her tanned cheeks. The suddenness of it all made my cougar girl familiar cough over my cock at first, dribbling some of that liquid out and making a mess below us, but she quickly straightened herself out and took it all in like it was her duty. She grabbed my ass with her beastly, feline claws for support, keeping herself steady while swallowing as much of my semen as she could with large, hearty gulps with eyes closed. My familiar took it all in like drinking water straight out of the tap.

Finally, after a couple seconds, my climax died down, and my balls emptied the last of its contents at this time. Mametama licked up what was leftover on my cock and her chin before taking one last gulp, breathing a heavy, wide open-mouthed sigh while proving there wasn't anything left inside. My cock was still hard even after ejaculating such a large load, like it had never released anything in the first place.

This is one of the benefits to my new [Erection Control] skill. As its name implied, it lets me control when I can get erect or stay flaccid at any time, even if I was feeling horny during the latter. It also helps me stay erect for long periods, even if I had just released a load moments ago. I can only imagine this as one of the 'cheat' skills that centered around sex. I'd have no problem doing it with multiple girls at once without giving the little guy a breather. The same can be said if I'm doing it with a single girl who either takes longer to orgasm or just isn't satisfied with only one climax. Knowing that I can also change how erect I was, from being incredibly soft and flaccid to reaching maximum hardness with intimidating size and swollenness, I'd as Nyra would quote, 'conquer any female as king of the bedroom.'

I wondered if I only received this skill after my [Vigorous Libido] skill got to level 50. It usually goes up by one after having sex with a new girl for the first time, and that's if that girl was a human. Having sex with different demons, however, gives you different level-ups as well as other benefits that are reflected on their subrace. If I wanted to reach this level the normal way, I'd need to sleep with 50 human girls. That might be possible if I frequent brothels, but I can understand getting the money for it would be a hell of a challenge. With all that taken into consideration, it would make sense that I'd gain the [Erection Control] skill now instead of later.

The question now, though, is how far can I go with the [Vigorous Libido] skill? What would happen if I reached its level cap (if it has one)? What more could I even do to give myself and my girls the best time of their lives in the throes of sex? I was eager to try different things in this subject if it meant I can get closer to reaching [Vigorous Libido]'s level cap.

"Thank you for the meal," Mametama thanked in a sultry, moan-like tone while standing up, rubbing her toned, tanned stomach that now had my semen swimming inside.

I scratched my head awkwardly, "Sorry for that rough treatment at the end. Are you okay?"

"There is nothing to worry about, Milord. I have never felt better," she answered with a hand to her bare bosom.

"Just out of curiosity, how does it taste?" I asked.

She closed her eyes and hummed in content, "Mm. I could still taste some of it, and it was more filling than I expected, not to mention delectable. I think I will grow fond of your seed quickly, Milord."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it, Mametama, but you swallowed the majority of samples I needed," Ume intervened while holding up the familiar glass container with unamused eyes. Apparently, she acted quick enough to catch some of the semen that spilled, but the amount inside didn't even take up a tenth of its total volume.

"... Oh, right," Mametama and I responded in sync, totally forgetting the point of us doing this so suddenly.

"Well, at least with this, we can do another test on your capability as one of Jin's lovers," Ume said while setting the glass container on the floor before going around and crouching behind Mametama.

"Lady Umeiyon? What are you do—IING?!" Mametama yelped as Ume grabbed my familiar by the thighs and effortlessly lifted her off the floor, spreading her legs wide and held in a position that fully exposed her sopping wet, swollen pussy. My cougar girl's fluids were dripping down to my wife's vulva that was also getting damp as the latter took a seat on the counter.

"Time for the second part of your 'initiation' into Jin's harem: taking his cock inside your pussy," Ume declared.

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