
A Cheap, OP Brawler

A young Japanese man with eyes that take him as a 'demon,' Jinma Kotori, is killed by his former shady company and gets a second chance to live in a new fantasy RPG-like world as a bodacious goddess' 'Champion.' He begins his new life with the world's default starter class, a Brawler, and a defense-based blessing. Much to the goddess' surprise, Jinma's stats were already high for a human before the blessing was granted, and his first encounter in the new world of Raiza is a high-leveled, Special Monster ... A typical isekai harem story with video-game mechanics and OP MC with monster girls as his main focus of love interests. Adult language, scenes, and content involving sex and gore are to be expected. Viewer discretion is advised. This story is also published on royalroad.com and scribblehub.com For news on this and my other stories, please follow me on twitter, @OrangeRain3477 If you'd like to give support for all of my stories and access exclusive content, please go to my subscribestar to do so. subscribestar dot adult slash orangerain

Orange_Rain · Fantasy
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Chapter 112: Morning Training and Rare Drops

The first couple floors were about as I expected at the beginning of a dungeon. One thing to point out first was that we came across a conspicuously large hole on the ground early-on. From what Rizz told me, these holes would occasionally pop up in random spots and floors in the dungeon. There were some cases when they'd appear right below someone's feet before they drop down suddenly, and it closes immediately. They call these Trap Holes from how they appeared below people on purpose, as if the dungeon was alive and did this out of a cruel prank that could lead them to their death. There's apparently a disposable item you can use that makes one for you at an instant. In either case, you go down these holes, you skip several floors down the dungeon, and there's no telling how far you'd go. The unknown of how far one would go down, especially if they were still a rookie, is part of what makes these dungeons dangerous. Since the monsters get stronger as you go further below the surface, if someone dropped right into a horde of strong monsters, they could be done for.

Oddly enough, when I asked Rizz if anyone died from falling through enough floors, the other demons around us poorly hid their amusement. The Werebear furrowed a brow at them in annoyance, but when she turned back to me, she only said "Don't worry, you'll be fine." I wasn't sure if it was because of me being the only human in the line that those other demons didn't think much of me, or why Rizz couldn't explain I didn't have to worry right before it was time for us to separate. Nyra confirmed for Rizz that I would be safe when I asked her, though, based on the memories of those she previously possessed, but like the other demons around us, she also snickered mischievously. I didn't know what it was that's so funny, but even if what Nyra said was true, I wasn't going to take any chances with these holes.

For me, just the thought of falling from such heights made my chest tighten. Yes, I have my stupidly high defenses that could break my fall, but that didn't help ease the trauma-level reactions from my acrophobia. My body would freeze up and I'd have difficulty breathing if I looked down from a high enough place. When things get really bad, my body would just shut down and I'd faint on the spot. I know it's pathetic, but that's how my body reacted every time I'm high above ground. I couldn't control it if I wanted to, and I have no idea why I even have this phobia to begin with.

That said, there was no way I would willingly fall down these holes. When my familiars sensed my anxiety, I tried to brush it off and advised we don't fall through these holes in the future. I'm not one that usually bosses people around, but I was thankful my familiars would follow practically any order I give them in this case without questioning. So, we just ran our way through, taking stairs that would take us to the next floor down. We either took out monsters that attacked us along the way or ran past them, just to see how far we can go in a short time.

As for the monsters that reside in the dungeon, they weren't weak, but maybe it's because this dungeon is in the Demon-Kin's Territory that monsters of this level would be considered as such for the local adventurers. I was still many levels ahead to take them out without a hitch and they were practically a breeze for my familiars while in their cub forms. I was surprised my 'ability that repels weak monsters' ability wasn't kicking in for these guys to keep their distance from me, though. Maybe there are areas like dungeons where abilities like mine weren't effective? While that much wasn't hard to figure out, it wasn't until we got to the fifth floor after subjugating numerous waves of monsters that we felt something was off.

"Aren't these weak monsters leaving quite a bit of drops?" Kenaka asked, "If I recall, the ones Milord's servants took down yesterday on our way here didn't even leave one, yes?"

"Indeed, I can confirm that since I was there observing them from afar," Mametama answered before looking over the recent monster corpses, "Here, not only has every monster left drops after being defeated, but there is more money, and the items left behind are higher in rarity and value. I do not recall monsters in dungeons being more likely to leave drops than those in the field either."

In this world, the monsters' drops appear after winning a battle by transforming their bodies into money or items. Sometimes it's the entire body, other times it's an arm, leg, or head that's transformed while leaving the rest of the body behind for adventurers to disassemble and turn in as materials. These drops, from what I had heard, happen at random, and it usually gives you more than the market price monster materials are sold. The chances of these drops happening rise depending on the LUCK of the victors who won by themselves. For groups winning a battle, though, nobody knows whether that LUCK is the total of everyone��s together or something else.

Just as Mametama confirmed that I also saw for myself with the [Shared Sight] skill, there weren't any drops that appeared after Ren, Erizora, and Kalline took care of those wolves on the road yesterday. Aside from Mametama appraising those monsters, neither of us participated in that battle in any way back then. Here, both of my familiars were the ones who did the work while I didn't lift a finger, yet money and items appeared from every defeated monster in the area.

I looked down with a hand to my chin, pondering, "Wait, does that have to do with—"

Everything in my surroundings slowed down as I felt a hostile force directed at me. I quickly turned to the direction of the source and caught what my [Size Up] skill identified as a 'Red Tigerbat' in my sights, flying my way in slow motion. It was an attempted ambush from within 2 meters [~6.6 feet], but with skills enhancing my senses and reflexes, I was able to react far quicker.

"Milord, watch—!" Mametama screamed in panic, but I had already aimed my palm up toward my assaulter.

With a near instant chant in my mind, a fireball just bigger than my ambusher shot from my hand. My [Pyreball] spell collided with the monster before it was completely engulfed with flames.

"GYAAAAAAAUGH!" the monster screamed in agony, falling to the ground as its body was burning to a crisp, including the vocal cords that silenced its cries within seconds. It didn't even have a chance to struggle and writhe for dear life before it became motionless. With my [Size Up] skill, I saw its HP bar was empty, and the flames that scorched the monster's body were snuffed out like a candle. It was now black and hard like charcoal as the body was stuck in an offensive pose, its face twisted and crumbling in an expression of pain and horror.

Once the victory track rang in my mind, the area went silent.

"… Out?" Mametama finished her earlier warning with confusion.

Kenaka guffawed and fell on his butt before clapping his paws. Seeing him like that in his cub form made the sight a little adorable, "Magnificent, Milord! A fine display of power and dominance! That whelp should be grateful of you giving it a quick death with mercy!"

"… And that was a Special Monster, too. Milord's power is something, indeed," Mametama added.

I wasn't sure what it was that I intended to happen, because I didn't think my magic would be that effective in wiping a monster out so quickly. Sure, I changed my classes to be more magic-focused before I got here, my [Fire Magic] skill level was up there, and [Pyreball] was at a level of its own, but I was slightly intimidated by how all that stacked up to create something like that. I was using the bare minimum of MP required to cast it, too. This just proved how careful I should be when casting magic from now on, at least until I find some place where I can openly test it without restraint and not worry about damaging anything; otherwise, this could blow out of proportion very fast.

Going back to the Special Monster, it would be hopeless to find anything from its remains to scavenge and sell to the guild by itself. With its current condition, I wondered if I could at least sell it off as kindling. I wasn't even sure if the monster's magic crystal was still intact.

Just as I was about to crouch down and check that, though, the charred corpse glowed a brilliant light before it shrunk and condensed down to a round-shaped object. When the light dimmed, a thick coin that was bigger than a 500 yen one, made of gold with a blue star engraved in it took the late Special Monster's place.


Kenaka and I flinched and covered our ears from not just Mametama's, but Nyra's high-pitched squeal as well. Our efforts were hopeless, however, as this noise rang in our heads through shared [Telepathy.]

A highly ecstatic exchange between the girls of our group began, starting with Mametama, <Nyra! D-Do you see?!>

<I'm seeing it! I'm seeing it! Didn't I tell you it would happen?!>

<You did! I am sorry for even doubting you! With this, I can …>

<And then you can do …>

<AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!> they squealed again.

<Can you please stop screaming and tell us what's going on?!> I yelled back while covering my ears, despite how useless that was with [Telepathy] being used to communicate right now.

<I do not know why Nyra is like this, but I can understand Mametama being excited,> Kenaka explained, <Milord, what you have there is a Special Medal, an item that only Special Monsters like the one you just defeated dropped. Well, I am not sure I would call this a 'drop', but that is what the Immortals named it, so I will not question their judgement.>

<What does this do?> I asked as I picked the medal up and inspected it, seeing there's also a red star engraved on the other side of the blue one.

<Special Medals hold power far greater than what magic crystals, the main source of energy that residents of this world use to live out their lives in relative comfort, could provide,> Kenaka explained, <From what I had heard, just one of those medals alone can provide energy to an urban city that would last two months.>

{Holy shit …} I thought. Considering Raiza's time lasts longer than Earth's, if this was used back home, it might last TWICE as long in place of electricity.

<That is not all, Milord,> Kenaka continued in [Telepathy,] <If one has a familiar like Mametama and myself, those Special Medals will provide enough EXP that will level us up by leaps and bounds, far faster than we can by defeating monsters alone. Even the weakest familiars in our realms would have a chance to take down kings and queens like us if they consume enough of them, on top of being able to evolve.>

<Wait, you guys can evolve like those monsters can too?> I asked.

Kenaka nodded, <Indeed, but compared to the monsters here, who are stuck with the forms they evolve into, we are more intelligent as well as being able to change between different forms at will. What you see of us now as well as our larger 'adult' selves are such forms.>

<Wow … are there more forms to evolve into than what you can do now?> I asked.

<Of course. In fact, we cannot acquire our final forms without either the assistance of the Special Medals that only exist in this realm, or leveling up here by itself. That is one of the purposes your summoning rituals serve for us familiars, to give us the opportunity to grow even stronger than what we can do in our respective realms. By the time we are able to reach the peak of our strengths …> Kenaka said before pointing his paw at me, <You, Milord, will decide which of the Three Kin from your world that we will take the form of.>

I blanked out, blinking my eyes in confusion, <… Excuse me?>

<Human, demi, demon, each of these kin have their own strengths and weaknesses that comes with the different forms they possess, but they all bear some resemblance to our creators, the Immortals,> Kenaka continued before bringing his paw to his chest, <To take that likeness of the same Immortals that rule our realms, that is the ultimate goal that most, if not all of us Magical Beasts wish to achieve. Very few have ever done it over the course of history, however, that they might as well be considered 'legends' of your world.>

<Huh … and you are included in wanting this final form, even though you're already as strong as you are being the King of Wrath?> I asked.

Kenaka then tried to stand on his hind legs with paws up, keeping himself balanced, but seeing him like that as a cub was just plain adorable, <Of course! If there is more power that I can gain, I would take it in a heartbeat! Having you, Milord, to be the one that grants me such power, I would only use at your command. To be able to stand and fight like you do on the fields of battle is the highest honor that I would be grateful to receive.>

I then turned to my cougar cub familiar and squatted down, <Does that go for you as well, Mametama? Was that why you were so excited earlier?>

Suddenly being put on the spot, Mametama got a little self-conscious, <W-Well … yes, but I only seek this power to better serve you, Milord! Honest! And I would happily accept whatever form of the three kin you see would fit me!>

<Ah, if we are talking preferences, I personally would like the Demon-Kin form.>

<Kenaka!> Mametama exclaimed to her familiar partner in protest.

<What? I just feel the Demon-Kin have strengths that resonate with me. I will go with whatever Milord decides for me, of course, I am just speaking my thoughts,> Kenaka defended.

<Do you have any preferences like that, Mametama?> I asked her.

<Um …> Mametama started, circling her paw around the dirt, <If I had to choose … it would have to be either a human or a demon.>

<Alright, then we'll settle that with this. Red for human, and blue for demon,> I said while taking the Special Medal and showed the respective colors on both sides.

With a flick of my thumb, I flipped the medallion in the air. I then remembered too late why I don't usually base on some decisions with this method, as the flick was too hard to send the medal ricocheting between the stalactites and pillars in the dungeon. We had to get down on the ground to avoid getting hit until the medal finally slammed into the ground in a dust cloud.

<… Does this sort of thing happen often, Milord?> Kenaka asked in [Telepathy], peeking up from under his paws.

I scratched my head in shame and embarrassment, <I forgot. The last time I flipped a coin in a weird way, I ended up breaking a window with its force. I imagine that has gotten stronger now with my improved strength, and I shudder to think what might happen if this took place in town. Remind me to never do that again in the future.>

<Duly noted,> not just my familiars, but even Nyra said that in unison.

We checked to see the result of my insane 'coin flip,' only to see half of the medal was digging into the ground. It was set in an angle that revealed the red side was mostly facing up, though. I glanced over to Mametama, only to see her looking disheartened.

<Alright, so that's the Demon-Kin form for Kenaka … as well as Mametama,> I declared with [Telepathy] before pulling the Special Medal out of the ground.

Both my familiars looked at me in shock. <H-Huh? But does this not decide what …> Mametama trailed off, confused.

<… Before I even came across Nyra, I was an unlucky guy,> I said while gazing at the medal, <Fortune would never be in my favor. Whether it be drawing straws, rock-paper-scissors, lotteries, or some other luck-based game, I'd always get the short end of the stick. I don't remember winning any one of those games at least once. If I had no idea what to do, I was worried about how things would turn out if I used something like a coin toss to decide for me. I brought up this concern with Mom one day, and she said, "It may be one thing with games, but who said a bitch like Lady Luck gets to decide what you should or shouldn't do in life? If you don't like what she gave you, then go with what you want to do, dammit."

<That's when I learned that my 'misfortune' could be used in my favor, to help me figure out what I really want to do when I'm stuck on important decisions. When I started to look at luck in that way, I'd like to think I'm more fortunate than others even realize,> I said before putting the Special Medal away in my [Storage] and turning back to Mametama, <I figured I might as well apply that reasoning in other people's decisions too. It just wouldn't make sense to do something you don't like just because an inanimate object like a coin told you to. Since it looked like you weren't into the idea of having a human's form, then that means you'd like to have a demon's, instead, so that's what we'll go for you when that time comes, Mametama.>

<Milord …> Mametama trailed off.

<Sheesh, that is just like you to not be honest with yourself,> Kenaka said while shaking his head, <If you did not want Milord going through all that trouble, you should have just said so.>

<Hey! I really was conflicted in what to pick between the two, you know!> Mametama rebutted.

Kenaka waved a paw, <Please, you wanted the Demon-Kin form the whole time because you like their qualities and strengths just as I do. I may not know why you would consider having the Human-Kin's form, but I have known you long enough to figure out that much.>

Mametama huffed through her nose, <My reasons are more complex than you think. Figures you are still just as dense to a female's feelings as you always have. You should take some pointers in how to make females happy from Milord, here.>

<What was that?!>

<Okay!> I exclaimed in [Telepathy] while clapping my hands, ending the bicker between them before it escalated, <With that settled, let's get as many Special Medals as we can while we're here. Just to make sure, can you both still revert to your animal forms after achieving your final ones?>

<That is what we were told, yes,> Mametama answered for both of them.

I pulled Nyra out of her sheathe, <In that case, there should be no reason for either of you to not take them now, and if you do happen to achieve your final forms sooner than expected, then we'll keep them hidden from the others.>

<Do you mean your party, Milord?> Kenaka asked.

I nodded, <Yes. I don't mean to do this because I distrust them, of course, but … I shouldn't be very open with my plans right now. Some things happened where I feel we might be watched.>

I recalled last night, when Ume and I came across the secret message in the fliers of the Demon King's decree. For some reason, because she 'found me,' she called off the Champion Hunt that would reward demons who'd bring one. There could be several reasons why and how she found me, as I had been attracting a lot of attention not even a week after I was sent to this world. Even so, now that I had caught her attention, I needed to keep the number of people who know the extent of my powers to a minimum, at least until I see her in person. In the meantime, she could have sent a spy or two to watch my movements, and who knows what they would do with the information they could find about me. Only Nyra, Ume, and I were aware of these circumstances, but other than maybe my familiars, I'm not sure how big of a risk it is to fill the others in on this news, even if it was done through my [Telepathy] skill. Hell, the chunk of memories that were implanted in Nyra could be a sign of the Demon King's involvement for whatever reason. I'd need to take these and other accounts into consideration for a while. I explained a summarized version of these reasons to my familiars, along with what Ume, Nyra, and I found in the flyers last night.

<I see, that is most disconcerting, indeed. I am now aware how serious the situation is, Milord,> Kenaka answered.

<We will do our utmost to keep this plan under wraps, but how long should we keep this from the others?> Mametama asked.

I thought for a moment, <Hmm, at the very least, until after Noire's quest is complete, but we may have to unveil it under dire emergencies. Just be prepared for when that time comes.>

<Yes, Milord,> my familiars answered in unison.

<Now, let's continue this training and get some Special Medals! Nyra!> I said while thrusting the tanto up high.

<Way ahead of you! One monster horde, coming right up!> Nyra exclaimed before the ominous haze emanated from the black blade and spread throughout the dungeon floor.

<W-Wait, what is this?! I am sensing many monsters coming our way! Milord, whatever it is you are doing, you are not seriously suggesting … how do you even know we will find more Special Monsters?! Let alone Special Medals?!> Mametama questioned.

<I'll explain later! Just prepare yourselves to kick some ass!> I answered.

<I am all for this plan!> "Come at me, foolish weaklings!" Kenaka taunted aloud.

"Ohh … I do not know whether to partake or dread this moment," Mametama added.

Thus, with the limited time we had, our dungeon trial run/training session turned into a Special Monster farming event.